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File metadata and controls

151 lines (111 loc) · 4.44 KB

Contributing assets to the National Data Catalog

This document defines the guidelines for contributing assets to the National Data Catalog using harvested repositories.

Requirements Notation

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

Required files and directory layout

The repository MUST contain the following files:

  • ndc-config.yaml: referencing the location of the semantic assets;
  • publiccode.yaml: containing all the information required by the reuse catalog.

All contributed assets MUST reside inside the assets/ folder referenced in ndc-config.yaml. Assets outside assets/ will not be processed.

Each asset type (ontologies, controlled vocabularies, schemas) MUST reside in its specific folder with a pre-defined name, referenced in ndc-config.yaml.

File and folder names MUST match the following pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_-.]{,64}. Spaces MUST not be used in files or directory names. Folders SHOULD be lowercase.

Assets content MUST be encoded in UTF-8 or ASCII.

Each asset MUST reside under its specific folder:

  • ontologies: in assets/ontologies/;
  • controlled vocabularies: in assets/controlled-vocabularies/;
  • schemas: in assets/schemas/.

For example, the MyOntology path will be assets/ontologies/MyOnto/.

Documentation files

Asset folders MAY contain documentation files in markdown format. File extension MUST be .md (e.g. Those files will not be processed.

Versioning folders

Asset folders MAY be structured with further subfolders to support versioning. Subfolders name MUST match the following pattern: (latest|v?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){0,2}). An asset folder MUST not contain version subfolders mixing version with and without the v prefix.

Three examples of valid sub-folder names:


The harvester only process:

  • the latest folder if present;
  • the folder with the higher version according to semantic versioning.

Ontology folders MUST NOT contain RDF resources in other serializations (e.g. rdf/xml, json-ld, ..) since they will not be processed. Those files can be placed in the same repository outside the assets/ folder and SHOULD be generated automatically from the original files in assets/.

No Alternative RDF Representations

Asset folders MUST NOT contain RDF resources in other serializations (e.g. rdf/xml, json-ld, ..) since they will not be processed.

Those files can be placed in the same repository outside the assets/ folder; in this case, they SHOULD be generated automatically from the original files in assets/.


Published ontologies MUST conform to the associated National Guidelines.

Ontologies MUST be published only in RDF/Turtle format (media-type text/turtle). This is because this format is human-readable. File extension MUST be .ttl.

Ontology folders MAY contain documentation files in markdown format. File extension MUST be .md (e.g. Those files will not be processed.

Controlled Vocabularies

Published controlled vocabularies MUST conform to the associated National Guidelines.

Controlled Vocabularies MUST be published in RDF/Turtle format (media-type text/turtle). This is because this format is human-readable. File extension MUST be .ttl.

Controlled Vocabulary folders SHOULD contain one csv representation of the vocabulary together with the metadata required to map the csv fields to the RDF properties: this representation will be exposed by the NDC via REST APIs. File extension MUST be .csv.


Published schemas MUST conform to the associated National Guidelines.

Schemas for OAS3 APIs MUST be published in OpenAPI3 format, embedded in the #/components/schemas section of the OAS file. File extension MUST be .oas3.yaml.

The associated metadata MUST be published in RDF/Turtle format (media-type text/turtle). File extension MUST be .ttl. This file SHOULD be generated automatically from the yaml file.

Provided schemas can be validated using the tool provided on OpenAPI-Validator.

Quality Checks

The repository SHOULD be checked for quality issues using continuous integration tools such as github-actions or github-ci.