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What U bin up 2

A small desktop widget for logging time into configurable buckets.

The free version of the app provides access to:

  • Configurable buckets (Create any number of buckets into which time can be logged)
  • Configurable reminders/popups (Popup Hourly/minutely reminders to log your time!)
  • Historic reports (View daily time logged into buckets)

Request a license and contact me to arange upgrade to paid features.

Paid features

  • Cloud config storage

Upcoming features

  • Cloud report storage
  • Integration with Cloud calendars (Gsuite, O365)
  • Cleaner windows install (Pending MS approval)



To use the package, install via pip..

pip3 install whatubinup2

Launch from the terminal as:


On first launch, default settings will be applied (8 hour working days with 10 minute reminders). Config files and reports are stored in ~/whatubinup2/



NOTE: Requires Python3 with pip - Download here NOTE: During installation, ensure to tick the box to enable py shortcut commands from cmd

py -m pip install whatubinup2
py c:\users\[Username]\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages\whatubinup2 ## Based on a standard Python 3.10 installation


Currently being raised as a virus by SafeScreen, support ticket logged with Microsoft

Download zip from here, extract the archive and run the executable __main__.exe. (Aware )

Local Development

To develop locally, install dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Launch the client:

python3 src/whatubinup2/

Github Pages

The github pages site is generated via a script in the pipeline by converting into html and concatenating with template.html from the root directory. To work on this locally, build the docker container using docker-compose:

docker-compose up -d

The docs will then be available at http://localhost:8080

If you want to republish the into the container, run the below script to reprocess the markdown (You will need to run pip3 install -r requirements-html.txt the first time):

python3 scripts/ 

Build process

Build testing, code linting, package bump and publishing are completed via Github actions.

Build scripts require a commit message in the following format to generate a pull request


Example to create a PR for a patch change:

PR/some small fix [patch]