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Dimensions and Bytecode Generation

Translating from N-Dimensional Space to 1 Dimensional Space

We want to be able to take 1 dimensional buffers of data and represent N-dimensional hyper-rectangular spaces. Lots of things are n-dimensional and hyperrectangular; things like images and datasets and volumes and 3d objects so let's take a moment and talk about the abstractions required efficiently present this interface.

dimensions objects describe the N-dimensional addressing scheme and perform the translation from our n-dimensional 'global' space into our 1-dimensional 'local' dense address spaces. In other words they describe how to randomly addressed data buffers using an n-dimensional addressing scheme that supports numpy style in-place slicing, transpose, broadcasting, reshape, and APL style rotations. In this way they are designed to add 'ND' operations to any randomly addressed system.

Some examples of dimension object operations:

user> (require '[tech.v2.tensor :as dtt]))

user> (def tens (dtt/->tensor (partition 2 (range 4))
                              :datatype :int32))

user> tens
#tech.v2.tensor<int32>[2 2]
[[0 1]
 [2 3]]
user> ;;Select selects subregions and can reorder dimension indexes
user> (dtt/select tens 1 :all)
[2 3]
user> (dtt/select tens 1 [1 0])
[3 2]
user> ;;Transpose reorders dimensions
user> (dtt/transpose tens [1 0])
#tech.v2.tensor<int32>[2 2]
[[0 2]
 [1 3]]
user> ;;Broadcasting duplicates dimensions
user> (dtt/broadcast tens [2 6])
#tech.v2.tensor<int32>[2 6]
[[0 1 0 1 0 1]
 [2 3 2 3 2 3]]

These operations are all supported by the dimensions object. This object is responsible for, given an address in the (possibly n dimensional) input space, produce an address in the linearly-addressed 'local' space of the buffer.

user> (dtt/tensor->dimensions tens)
{:shape [2 2],
 :strides [2 1],
 :offsets [0 0],
 :max-shape [2 2],
 :dense? true,
 :global->local #<Delay@1d1e2654: :not-delivered>,
 :local->global #<Delay@2caa3a90: :not-delivered>}

user> (dtt/tensor->dimensions (dtt/select tens 1 [1 0]))
{:shape [[1 0]],
 :strides [1],
 :offsets [0],
 :max-shape [2],
 :dense? false,
 :global->local #<Delay@4cf3fcb2: :not-delivered>,
 :local->global #<Delay@103dda2f: :not-delivered>}

Linearizing the N-Dimensional Global Address Space

If you have used linear algebra libraries in the past you know they talk about if an operation is 'row-major' or 'column-major'. Fortran presents a 'column-major' abstraction while images (jpeg,png) are 'row-major'.

This terms talk about the linearization of their spaces onto the underlying storage layer. The datatype library is 'row-major', unlike Fortran. This means that:

user> ;; A 2x2 matrix in row major
user> (dtt/->tensor (partition 2 (range 4)))

#tech.v2.tensor<float64>[2 2]
[[0.000 1.000]
[2.000 3.000]]
user> ;;A 2x2 matrix in column major
user> (dtt/transpose (dtt/->tensor (partition 2 (range 4)))
                    [1 0])
#tech.v2.tensor<float64>[2 2]
[[0.000 2.000]
[1.000 3.000]]

If we are going to iterate through every element in a matrix or N-dimensional object and we start at index 0 and go to index (- element-count 1) then we have linearized the N-dimensional address space. This operation happens a lot in the datatype library as it forms the foundation of copying data and applying elementwise operations.

There are some observations we want to make about this linearization that are very useful for many optimizations.

Transforming into this linear space is very simple, it is a summation of the input dimension multiplied by the stride at that dimension:

user> (dtt/tensor->dimensions (dtt/->tensor (partition 2 (range 4))))

{:shape [2 2],
 :strides [2 1],
 :offsets [0 0],
 :max-shape [2 2],
 :dense? true,
 :global->local #<Delay@4a0f7470: :not-delivered>,
 :local->global #<Delay@70144938: :not-delivered>}
user> ;;translate from global address space [1 0] to linearized global address space
user> (+ (* 1 (nth (:strides *1) 0))
         (* 0 (nth (:strides *1) 1)))

Reduced Dimensions

tech.v2.tensor.dimensions.analysis.clj presents ways to gain insight into some properties of the dimension objects. One operation it presents is the ability to reduce the dimensionality of an object while keeping the row-major iteration order of global->local indexes the same.

Reducing dimensions allows us to define a minimum number of operations required to go from a global address space to a local address space.

Here are some examples of reducing dimensions.

user> (require '[tech.v2.tensor.dimensions :as dims])
user> (require '[ :as dims-analytics])
user> (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality
       (dims/dimensions [4 4]))
{:shape [16], :strides [1], :offsets nil, :max-shape [16], :max-shape-strides [1]}
user> (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality
       (dims/dimensions [2 2 4]))
{:shape [16], :strides [1], :offsets nil, :max-shape [16], :max-shape-strides [1]}
user> (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality
       (dims/dimensions [2 2 2 2]))
{:shape [16], :strides [1], :offsets nil, :max-shape [16], :max-shape-strides [1]}

user> ;;Broadcasting changes the max shape but not the shape
user> (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality
       (dims/dimensions [4 4]))
{:shape [16], :strides [1], :offsets nil, :max-shape [16], :max-shape-strides [1]}
user> (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality
       (dims/dimensions [4 4]
                        :max-shape [8 4]))
{:shape [16], :strides [1], :offsets nil, :max-shape [32], :max-shape-strides [1]}

Here are two of many important properties of reduced dimensions:

  • If the size of the shape array is 1, the shape is a number, and the stride is 1 and there is no broadcasting or offsets then the underlying buffer is represented 'natively' which means that instead of using the tensor for an elementwise operation you can substitute the underlying buffer. This means that coping data into/outof the tensor can use fast paths such as System/arrayCopy and memcpy. In this case our address space operator simply returns the input.

  • If the last stride is 1 and the shape is a number then this object's last dimension is accessed natively and there is a fast row-copy type operation that can be used to perform copying of, for instance, sub-images into or out of larger images and thus performing the basis of rendering sprites. In this case the address operator's last (most rapidly changing) dimension operation is a 'remainder' operation of the input global address space.

These types of properties do not fall out of full dimensions as there are many distinct different non-reduced-dimensions that all correspond to the same global->local address space transformation.

Building An Addressing Operator

Regardless of how much we reduce our dimensionality problem, we can't make it completely go away and we will need to have an operator that, given the reduced dimensions, can transform an index in global linearized space into local linearized space.

The old pathway we took had us attempting top spot specific optimizations that would hit various fast paths and build operators for exactly that condition. This worked OK but there are just a lot of possible interactions we couldn't optimize for. So we decided to build an addressing operator by first producing an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) implementation of the reduced dimension pathway and then producing an implementation using purely java bytecode.

This reduces the special case pathway to a set of general conditions that we can test much more thoroughly as well as producing objects that are tailored specifically to the addressing scheme presented by the reduced dimensions.

Step 1 - An Abstract Syntax Tree

Our first step, once producing correct reduced dimensions is to produce an AST that describes the global->local transformation. We can build our transformation out of the reduced dimensions directly along with one more variable, max-shape-strides which are a strides array created out of the max-shape variable.

We reduce the dimensions. Below the example represents an image with dimensions [height width n-channels] that was cropped from a larger image with concrete dimensions [2048 2048 4]. That means that width and channels are contiguous in memory while each row is strided. Put another way height is non-contiguously strided by a dimension larger that (* width n-channels) and thus we cannot collapse it.

user>;;Image dimensions when you have a 2048x2048 image and you
user>;;want to crop a 256x256 sub-image out of it.
user> (def src-dims (dims/dimensions [256 256 4]
                                     :strides [8192 4 1]))
user> src-dims
{:shape [256 256 4],
 :strides [8192 4 1],
 :offsets [0 0 0],
 :max-shape [256 256 4],
 :dense? false,
 :global->local #<Delay@616813ee: :not-delivered>,
 :local->global #<Delay@6fddf50a: :not-delivered>}

user> ;;Because we are cropping out of a larger image, we have strided rows
user> ;;but data within a row is contiguous.
user> (def reduced-dims (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality src-dims))
user> reduced-dims
{:shape [256, 1024],
 :strides [8192, 1],
 :offsets nil,
 :max-shape [256, 1024],
 :max-shape-strides [1024, 1]}

Once we have a reduced expression of our dimension space, we can build an AST that expressed exactly the transformation required to transform correctly from the global index space into the local index space:

user> (require '[ :as gtol])
user> (def test-ast (gtol/global->local-ast reduced-dims))
user> test-ast
 {:n-dims 2,
  :direct-vec [true true],
  :offsets? false,
  :broadcast? false,
  :trivial-last-stride? true},
   (quot idx {:ary-name :max-shape-stride, :dim-idx 0})
   {:ary-name :stride, :dim-idx 0})
  (rem idx {:ary-name :shape, :dim-idx 1}))}

The AST above efficiently implements the global->local address space translation for exactly those reduced dims. The AST can be completely recreated given only the signature thus we can cache compiled AST representations by signature.

Keeping in mind that the least rapidly changing dimension, height, is dimension 0 and that width and channels have been collapsed into a single contiguous dimension we can write that AST in a slightly more human readable way:

'(+ (* (quot idx max-shape-stride-height) stride-height)
    (rem idx shape-widthchan))

Step 2 - A Class Definition

Now we start interacting with Justin Conklin's excellent insn library. insn is great because it wraps the bytecode generation facilities of ow2.asm in a functional, declarative abstraction and stops right there :-). This is a signficant foundational piece to building a great bytecode compiler because it is easy to visually inspect the bytecode before it is sent to the actual compiler. It is also easy to build as it is simply an abstraction built out of some of the fundamental types of Clojure. This is really nice because this AST gets automatic visualization via the REPL thus solving one of the problems with AST's - namely that they can be opaque and difficult to debug.

The bytecode translation of our AST is:

user> (def class-def (gtol/gen-ast-class-def test-ast))
user> class-def
{:name tech.v2.datatype.GToL2TTOffFBcastFTrivLastST,
 :interfaces [tech.v2.datatype.LongReader],
 [{:flags #{:public :final}, :name "maxShapeStride0", :type :long}
  {:flags #{:public :final}, :name "shape1", :type :long}
  {:flags #{:public :final}, :name "stride0", :type :long}
  {:flags #{:public :final}, :name "nElems", :type :long}],
 [{:flags #{:public},
   :name :init,
   :desc [[Ljava.lang.Object; [J [J [J [J :void],
   [[:aload 0]
    [:invokespecial :super :init [:void]]
    [:aload 0]
    [:aload 5]
    [:ldc 0]
    [:putfield :this "maxShapeStride0" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:aload 1]
    [:ldc 1]
    [:checkcast java.lang.Long]
    [:invokevirtual java.lang.Long "longValue"]
    [:putfield :this "shape1" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:aload 2]
    [:ldc 0]
    [:putfield :this "stride0" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:aload 4]
    [:ldc 0]
    [:aload 5]
    [:ldc 0]
    [:putfield :this "nElems" :long]
  {:flags #{:public},
   :name "lsize",
   :desc [:long],
   :emit [[:aload 0] [:getfield :this "nElems" :long] [:lreturn]]}
  {:flags #{:public},
   :name "read",
   :desc [:long :long],
   [[:lload 1]
    [:aload 0]
    [:getfield :this "maxShapeStride0" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:getfield :this "stride0" :long]
    [:lload 1]
    [:aload 0]
    [:getfield :this "shape1" :long]

In order to formulate this, we simply wrote a couple java files and compiled them, then printed the byte code with javap. You can find some example java files compiled to readable AST definitions in our example-bytecode directory.

It is important to note that the class derives from LongReader. This is an interface that defines an [:int64->:int64] randomly addressable translation which is appropriate for our global->local address space pathway.

Defining Classes And The Rest

We now compile the bytecode to a class and call that class's constructor:

user> (require '[insn.core :as insn])
user> (def class-obj (insn/define class-def))
user> (def idx-obj (.newInstance first-constructor
                                 (gtol/reduced-dims->constructor-args reduced-dims)))

And what did we get back?

user> (instance? tech.v2.datatype.LongReader idx-obj)
user> (count idx-obj)
user> ;;Due to striding, there is a discontinuity at index 1024
user> (map idx-obj (range 1020 1030))
(1020 1021 1022 1023 8192 8193 8194 8195 8196 8197)

This is great! We now have an implementation of LongReader compiled specifically to the equation it takes to transform those dimensions (and that have the same properties) as efficiently as possible into the local address space. This overall type translation also works if we do something like reverse the indexes of the first dimension:

user> (def src-dims (dims/dimensions [256 256 [3 2 1 0]]
                                     :strides [8192 4 1]))

user> (def reduced-dims (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality src-dims))
user> reduced-dims
{:shape [256, 256, [3 2 1 0]],
 :strides [8192, 4, 1],
 :offsets nil,
 :max-shape [256, 256, 4],
 :max-shape-strides [1024, 4, 1]}

user> (def test-ast (gtol/global->local-ast reduced-dims))
user> test-ast
 {:n-dims 3,
  :direct-vec [true true false],
  :offsets? false,
  :broadcast? false,
  :trivial-last-stride? true},
   (quot idx {:ary-name :max-shape-stride, :dim-idx 0})
   {:ary-name :stride, :dim-idx 0})
    (quot idx {:ary-name :max-shape-stride, :dim-idx 1})
    {:ary-name :shape, :dim-idx 1})
   {:ary-name :stride, :dim-idx 1})
   {:ary-name :shape, :dim-idx 2}
   (rem idx {:ary-name :shape, :dim-idx 2, :fn-name :lsize})))}
user> (def class-def (gtol/gen-ast-class-def test-ast))
user> class-def
{:name tech.v2.datatype.GToL3TTFOffFBcastFTrivLastST,
 :interfaces [tech.v2.datatype.LongReader],
 [{:flags #{:public :final}, :name "maxShapeStride0", :type :long}
  {:flags #{:public :final}, :name "maxShapeStride1", :type :long}
  {:flags #{:public :final}, :name "shape1", :type :long}
  {:flags #{:public :final}, :name "shape2", :type tech.v2.datatype.LongReader}
  {:flags #{:public :final}, :name "shape2-lsize", :type :long}
  {:flags #{:public :final}, :name "stride0", :type :long}
  {:flags #{:public :final}, :name "stride1", :type :long}
  {:flags #{:public :final}, :name "nElems", :type :long}],
 [{:flags #{:public},
   :name :init,
   :desc [[Ljava.lang.Object; [J [J [J [J :void],
   [[:aload 0]
    [:invokespecial :super :init [:void]]
    [:aload 0]
    [:aload 5]
    [:ldc 0]
    [:putfield :this "maxShapeStride0" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:aload 5]
    [:ldc 1]
    [:putfield :this "maxShapeStride1" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:aload 1]
    [:ldc 1]
    [:checkcast java.lang.Long]
    [:invokevirtual java.lang.Long "longValue"]
    [:putfield :this "shape1" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:aload 1]
    [:ldc 2]
    [:checkcast tech.v2.datatype.LongReader]
    [:putfield :this "shape2" tech.v2.datatype.LongReader]
    [:aload 0]
    [:aload 1]
    [:ldc 2]
    [:checkcast tech.v2.datatype.LongReader]
    [:invokeinterface tech.v2.datatype.LongReader "lsize"]
    [:putfield :this "shape2-lsize" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:aload 2]
    [:ldc 0]
    [:putfield :this "stride0" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:aload 2]
    [:ldc 1]
    [:putfield :this "stride1" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:aload 4]
    [:ldc 0]
    [:aload 5]
    [:ldc 0]
    [:putfield :this "nElems" :long]
  {:flags #{:public},
   :name "lsize",
   :desc [:long],
   :emit [[:aload 0] [:getfield :this "nElems" :long] [:lreturn]]}
  {:flags #{:public},
   :name "read",
   :desc [:long :long],
   [[:lload 1]
    [:aload 0]
    [:getfield :this "maxShapeStride0" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:getfield :this "stride0" :long]
    [:lload 1]
    [:aload 0]
    [:getfield :this "maxShapeStride1" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:getfield :this "shape1" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:getfield :this "stride1" :long]
    [:aload 0]
    [:getfield :this "shape2" tech.v2.datatype.LongReader]
    [:lload 1]
    [:aload 0]
    [:getfield :this "shape2-lsize" :long]
    [:invokeinterface tech.v2.datatype.LongReader "read"]
user> (def class-obj (insn/define class-def))
user> (def first-constructor (first (.getDeclaredConstructors class-obj)))
user> (def reversed-idx-obj (.newInstance first-constructor
                                          (gtol/reduced-dims->constructor-args reduced-dims)))
user> (map reversed-idx-obj (range 1020 1030))
(1023 1022 1021 1020 8195 8194 8193 8192 8199 8198)

Wrapping Up

We covered a lot of ground so if you are still reading at this point, good on you!

The JVM presents a great platform for high performance computing and being able to generate great code out of abstract syntax trees allows us to customize what we are doing to precisely the conditions present. Declaratively producing your bytecode allows us to easily visually debug what is going on. Our clojure representation is strikingly close to the representation used by the javap decompiler which allows us to easily compare what we are doing to what javac will do and thus bootstrap a new problem without having to be experts in the JVM bytecode.

We hope this encourages you to explore what is possible with extremely late-bound and abstract transformations of your problem space! In this way we can take advantage of the highest levels of abstraction possible but not pay a large performance cost for using these abstractions which, put colloquially, just makes our programming lives better and more dynamic. For an example of a really well done system for producing late-bound but extremely fast code allow us direct you to CMUCL's compiler stack :-).
