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json, csv, reader, writer, explicit buffered-input-stream support.
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cnuernber committed Aug 24, 2019
1 parent a72ee99 commit 2e148b7
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Showing 4 changed files with 265 additions and 81 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions deps.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
com.taoensso/nippy {:mvn/version "2.14.0"}
clj-commons/fs {:mvn/version "1.5.0"}
techascent/tech.config {:mvn/version "0.3.7"}
techascent/tech.parallel {:mvn/version "1.6"}}
techascent/tech.parallel {:mvn/version "1.6"}
org.clojure/data.json {:mvn/version "0.2.6"}
org.clojure/data.csv {:mvn/version "0.1.4"}}}
300 changes: 250 additions & 50 deletions src/tech/io.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,13 +8,17 @@ of"
[ :as temp-file]
[tech.resource :as resource]
[ :as providers])
[ :as providers]
[ :as json]
[ :as csv])
(:import [javax.imageio ImageIO]
[ InputStream OutputStream File]
[ InputStream OutputStream File Writer Reader
[java.awt.image BufferedImage]
[java.nio.file Files Path StandardCopyOption
[java.util UUID]))
[java.util UUID]
[ GZIPOutputStream GZIPInputStream]))

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,8 +53,6 @@ of"

;;Straight forwards
(def reader io/reader)
(def writer io/writer)
(def make-parents io/make-parents)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,43 +82,61 @@ of"
(apply io/input-stream url options)))

(defn buffered-input-stream
^BufferedInputStream [url & options]
(let [input-stream (apply input-stream url options)]
(if (instance? BufferedInputStream input-stream)
(BufferedInputStream. ^InputStream input-stream))))

(defn gzip-input-stream
^InputStream [url & options]
(-> (apply input-stream url options)

(defn output-stream!
"thing->output-stream conversion. Falls back to if url is not a string url"
"thing->output-stream conversion. Falls back to if url is
not a string url."
^OutputStream [url & options]
(if (url/url? url)
(lookup-provider url
(io-prot/output-stream! provider url-parts (args->map options)))
(apply io/output-stream url options)))

(defn gzip-output-stream!
^OutputStream [url & options]
(-> (apply output-stream! url options)

(defn reader
"Create a from a thing."
^Reader [url & options]
(if (instance? Reader url)
(-> (apply input-stream url options)

(defn writer!
"Create a from a thing."
^Writer [url & options]
(if (instance? Writer url)
(-> (apply output-stream! url options)

(defn copy
[src dest & args]
(with-open [^InputStream in-s (apply input-stream src args)
^OutputStream out-s (apply output-stream! dest args)]
(io/copy in-s out-s)))

(defn interlocked-copy-to-file
"Copy first to a temp, then do an atomic move to the destination. This avoids
issues with partial files showing up where they shouldn't and a failed io operation
leading to incomplete results."
[src dest & args]
;;Make sure the temp cannot conflict with anything else.
(let [temp-fname (str dest (.toString (UUID/randomUUID)))
_ (temp-file/watch-file-for-delete temp-fname)
dest-file (file dest)]
(with-open [^InputStream in-s (apply input-stream src args)
^OutputStream out-s (apply output-stream! temp-fname args)]
(io/copy in-s out-s))
(let [^File src-file (file temp-fname)]
(Files/move (.toPath src-file) (.toPath dest-file)
(into-array CopyOption

(defn ls
"Return a directory listing. May be recursive if desired; only works with file
or s3 providers."
Expand All @@ -129,16 +149,48 @@ or s3 providers."
(defn delete!
"Delete a resource. Works currently with file or s3."
[url & options]
(lookup-provider url
(io-prot/delete! provider url-parts (args->map options))))
(io-prot/delete! provider url-parts (args->map options))))

(defn exists?
"Boolean existence check. Works with everything as fallback is to open
an input stream and then close it."
[url & options]
(lookup-provider url
(io-prot/exists? provider url-parts (args->map options))))
(io-prot/exists? provider url-parts (args->map options))))

(defn interlocked-copy-to-file
"Copy first to a temp, then do an atomic move to the destination. This avoids
issues with partial files showing up where they shouldn't and a failed io operation
leading to incomplete results."
[src dest & options]
;;Make sure the temp cannot conflict with anything else.
(let [temp-fname (str dest (.toString (UUID/randomUUID)))
_ (temp-file/watch-file-for-delete temp-fname)
dest-file (file dest)
opt-map (args->map options)
exist-check! (fn []
(when (and (:error-existing? opt-map)
(apply exists? dest options))
(throw (ex-info (format "File exists: %s" dest) {}))))]
(with-open [^InputStream in-s (apply input-stream src options)
^OutputStream out-s (apply output-stream! temp-fname options)]
(io/copy in-s out-s))
(let [^File src-file (file temp-fname)]
(Files/move (.toPath src-file) (.toPath dest-file)
(into-array CopyOption
(if (:overwrite-existing? opt-map)

(defn metadata
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,46 +221,193 @@ The most optimizations will apply to either files or byte arrays."
(defn put-edn!
"Put edn data to a url"
[url data & options]
(lookup-provider url
(edn/put-edn! provider url-parts data (args->map options))))
(-> (apply output-stream! url options)
(edn/put-edn! data)))

(defn get-edn
"Get edn data from a url"
[url & options]
(lookup-provider url
(edn/get-edn provider url-parts (args->map options))))
(-> (apply input-stream url options)

(defn put-nippy!
"Put nippy data to a url"
[url data & options]
(lookup-provider url
(edn/put-nippy! provider url-parts data (args->map options))))
(-> (apply output-stream! url options)
(edn/put-nippy! data)))

(defn get-nippy
"Get nippy data from a url"
[url & options]
(lookup-provider url
(edn/get-nippy provider url-parts (args->map options))))
(-> (apply input-stream url options)

(defn put-image!
"Will throw if an image with transparency is used to write a jpeg"
[image path-or-url & {:as options}]
(let [path-ext (url/extension path-or-url)]
(with-open [out-s (output-stream! path-or-url)]
(ImageIO/write ^BufferedImage image path-ext out-s))))
[url image & options]
(let [opt-map (args->map options)
^String ext (or (:extension opt-map)
(url/extension url))]
(when-not (or (string? url)
(:extension opt-map))
(throw (ex-info "Image type must be specified by either the extension
of the url or explicity via an ':extension' optional argument"
(with-open [^OutputStream out-s (apply output-stream! url options)]
(ImageIO/write ^BufferedImage image

(defn get-image
(let [temp (temp-file/watch-file-for-delete
(copy path-or-url temp)
(ImageIO/read ^File (file temp)))))
[url & options]
(with-open [^InputStream in-s (apply input-stream url options)]
(ImageIO/read ^InputStream in-s)))

(defn put-json!
"Write json. Options are used both for constructing the output stream
and passed into the json write method. See documentation for"
[url data & options]
(with-open [^Writer writer (apply writer! url options)]
(apply json/write data writer options)))

(defn get-json
"Read json. Options are used both for constructing input stream
and passed into the json read method. See documentation for"
[url & options]
(with-open [^Reader reader (apply reader url options)]
(apply json/read reader options)))

(defn default-csv-key-printer
(if (or (symbol? item-key)
(keyword? item-key))
(name item-key)
(str item-key)))

(defn mapseq->csv!
"Given a sequence of maps, produce a csv or tsv. Options are passed
via apply to
Valid options for this method are:
:key-printer - default print method to use else default-csv-key-printer
:key-seq - ordered sequence of keys to pull out of the maps. Defaults
to sorted order of printed keys of the first map.
:separator - Which separator to use, defaults to ','"
[url map-seq & options]
(let [opt-map (args->map options)
key-fn (or (:key-printer opt-map)
(if-let [user-keys (:key-seq opt-map)]
(->> user-keys
(map (juxt identity key-fn)))
(->> (keys (first map-seq))
(map (juxt identity key-fn))
(sort-by second)))
map-keys (mapv first data-keys)
column-names (mapv second data-keys)]
(with-open [^Writer writer (apply writer! url options)]
(apply csv/write-csv
(concat [column-names]
(->> map-seq
(map (fn [entry]
(->> map-keys
(mapv #(get entry %)))))))

(defn- csv-sequence->mapseq
[opt-map csv-seq]
(let [key-fn (or (:key-fn opt-map)
map-keys (->> (first csv-seq)
(mapv (or key-fn identity)))
csv-seq (rest csv-seq)]
(->> csv-seq
(map (fn [next-values]
(into {} (map vector map-keys next-values)))))))

(defn autodetect-csv-separator
"Scan first 100 characters, count commas and tabs. Whichever one
wins is the separator."
[url & options]
(let [opt-map (args->map options)
n-chars (or (:n-chars opt-map)
possible-separators (or (:separators opt-map)
[\, \tab])
char-data (char-array n-chars)
(fn [^Reader reader]
(let [num-read (.read reader char-data)
char-table (frequencies char-data)
n-tabs (get char-table \tab 0)
n-commas (get char-table \, 0)]
(->> possible-separators
(reduce (fn [max-data next-sep]
(let [n-chars (get char-table next-sep 0)]
(if (or (not max-data)
(> n-chars (first max-data)))
[n-chars next-sep]
(if (instance? Reader url)
(detection-fn url)
(with-open [^Reader reader (apply reader url options)]
(detection-fn reader)))))

(defn csv->mapseq
"Given a csv, produce a sequence of maps. This is mainly to be used for
specific use cases like processing the data. For large datasets that you
intend to do pandas-style dataset processing, please see
If the input is not a reader, the sequence is completely read so the input stream
can be closed. If the input is a reader, a lazy sequence of maps is returned.
The delimiter is auto-detected by scanning the first 100 or so characters.
:separator - hard set csv separator to use.
:skip-autodetect - Don't autodetect, use ',' as separator."
[url & options]
(let [opt-map (args->map options)
detect-fn (fn [^Reader reader]
(let [separator
(:separator options)
(:separator options)
(or (:skip-autodetect options)
(not (.markSupported reader)))
(.mark reader 200)
(let [separator
(apply autodetect-csv-separator reader options)]
(.reset reader)
(->> (assoc opt-map :separator separator)
(apply concat))))]
(if (or (instance? Reader url)
(instance? InputStream url))
(let [reader (reader url)]
(->> (apply csv/read-csv reader (detect-fn reader))
(csv-sequence->mapseq opt-map)))
(with-open [^Reader reader (apply reader url options)]
(->> (apply csv/read-csv reader (detect-fn reader))
(csv-sequence->mapseq opt-map)

(def ^:dynamic *enable-poor-api-naming?* true)
Expand All @@ -217,7 +416,8 @@ The most optimizations will apply to either files or byte arrays."
(defn enable-poor-api-naming!
(def output-stream output-stream!)
(def put-object put-object!))
(def put-object put-object!)
(def writer writer!))

(when *enable-poor-api-naming?*
Expand Down

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