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The "Tech and Society" corpus documents the behavior of technology products, with a focus on potential social or political bias.

The raw data are to be sampled as neutrally as possible. To this, users can add their own subjective labels to the raw data, producing subjective labelled data.

Example code to create statistics from both are also provided.

Overall Direction

The purpose of this corpus is to document the behavior of various tech products, so that these can be assessed for their potential social bias or impact on society.


Currently, this corpus exists as a GitHub repository. GitHub is great for versioning but will not scale indefinitely. A new venue will have to be found if this corpus is going to hold "big data".

Data Versions


The "v1" data import is described in this json file.

It tracks the following queries, searching on "Google News", sampling once per hour, from 21-July-2019 to 04-Aug-2019:

  • "donald trump"
  • "joe biden"
  • "kamala harris"
  • "elizabeth warren"
  • "hillary clinton"
  • "ilhan omar"
  • "andrew yang"
  • "bernie sanders"
  • "climate change"

The number of samples for each size is depicted here:

samples per query

Data was collected using a special program running as a "cron job". The server was not running as any user, and did not pass any cookie data.