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Welcome and Setup

Welcome to the Blueprint Learnathon Arduino track! In this course we'll learn the basics of programming an Arduino microcontroller.

Please sit toward the front of the class so you can see the projector screen and hear us speaking. You will work in pairs and share one hardware kit between two people.

Once the room is quiet, the lecturers will introduce themselves.

This first session will be 1.5 hours.

Asking for help

Please raise your hand if you have general questions about the content. If you have more specific questions or issues, there are mentors floating around to help you! Sign up for our mentor queue using a GitHub account to get help from them. Use the number at your table to mark your location and a mentor will come and help you.

Downloading Arduino

You should have installed the Arduino IDE before coming to the learnathon. If not, please do so now! Keep it open on your screen once you have it installed. Mentors will float around to help troubleshoot.

![A screenshot of a blank Arduino sketch]({{ site.baseurl }}/static/img/blank_ide.png)