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39 lines (28 loc) · 1.36 KB

File metadata and controls

39 lines (28 loc) · 1.36 KB

Contributing Guidelines

Pull Requests

  • Fork the repository and create a new branch for your contribution.
  • Ensure your code adheres to the project's coding style and conventions.
  • Write clear, concise commit messages.
  • Include tests for any new functionality or changes.
  • Update documentation as needed.
  • Submit a pull request, explaining the purpose of your changes.

Development Setup

To set up the project for development:

  • (suggested) Create a virtual env: python -m venv test_venv; . ./test_venv/bin/activate
  • Install the pre-commit hooks:
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
  • Install dependencies: pip install -e .[test]
  • Run tests to ensure everything is set up correctly: pytest tests

Style Guildelines

Style and formatting is enforced using a tool called pre-commit. This can be installed locally and run over your changes prior to opening a PR, and will also be run as part of the CI approval process before a change is merged.

You can find the full list of formatting requirements specified in the .pre-commit-config.yaml at the top level directory.


Docs can be built using the command:

pip install docs/requirements.txt
sphinx-build -M html docs/ docs/_build

You can then view the docs by opening docs/_build/html/index.html in a browser.