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This project is a fork of quipuswap and adds logic that makes defi into a game with on chain scoring metrics and player levels calculated on chain. You can run the dapp here:

I didn't get this working in a complete sense. I'm missing a factory contract for converting the trading pair contracts into levels. I'm also missing a tilemap UI. I intended on making a pokemon style rpg interface for trading in the dapp and doing the defi tasks. I do have:

But it isn't yet playable.


  • Installed NodeJS (tested with NodeJS v12+)

  • Installed Yarn (NPM isn't working properly with ganache-cli@6.11.0-tezos.0)

  • Installed Ligo:

curl | bash -s "next"
  • Installed node modules:
cd quipuswap-core && yarn
  • Configure truffle-config.js if needed.

Quick Start

To compile and deploy contracts to Delphinet

  1. Chose configure the version - FA12 or FA2 - by setting EXCHANGE_TOKEN_STANDARD in .env and run:
yarn migrate

For other networks:

yarn migrate --network NAME


Contracts are processed in the following stages:

  1. Compilation
  2. Deployment
  3. Configuration
  4. Interactions on-chain

As the Quipuswap supports 2 token standards that vary only in the token interface implementation and the inter contract communication between Dex and external tokens, the shared codebase is used. Therefore to work with the specific standard version, you should configure it by setting EXCHANGE_TOKEN_STANDARD in .env to either FA12 or FA2.


To compile the contracts run:

yarn compile

Artifacts are stored in the build/contracts directory.


For deployment step the following command should be used:

yarn migrate

Addresses of deployed contracts are displayed in terminal. At this stage, new MetadataStorage, Factory are originated. Aditionaly, for testnets two new pairs are deployed.


If you'd like to run tests on the local environment, you might want to run ganache-cli for Tezos using the following command:

yarn start-sandbox

Truffle framework is used for testing. Run:

yarn test

NOTE: if you want to use a different network, configure truffle-config.js. If you need to use a different standard, configure $EXCHANGE_TOKEN_STANDARD in .env


🧙‍♂️ Repository containing QuipuSwap liquidity protocol smart-contracts written in Ligo language







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  • JavaScript 77.1%
  • TypeScript 22.7%
  • Shell 0.2%