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Internationalization in Beetle

Beetle uses the built-in i8n functionality provided by Angular. It is well-documented here:, but we document the steps here as well for purposes of brevity and clarity as i18n applies to Beetle.

The steps to i8n are as follows:

  1. Add your attribute. Adding the i18n you would like made available for translation.

For example:

<h1 i18n="@@id">Hello text</h1>

<h1 i18n="meaning|description@@id">Hello text</h1>

<h1 i18n="meaning@@id">Hello text</h1>

<h1 i18n="Hello Name|Describe source of {name}@@formName.helloName">Hello {name}</h1>

Where meaning is the name of the text field to translate, description is short description of the text and the id is a unique value we specify to easily identify the text in the i18n file and in code.

If the id is omitted, one will be generated for you, but it is long, complex and not easily identifiable as to it's association. The format for the id is file name of the html where the translation lives, a dot(.), filed by the meaning value CamelCase and without dashes or spaces. For Example: If the id is omitted, one will be generated for you, but it is long, complex and not easily identifiable as to it's association. The format for the id is file name of the html where the translation lives, a dot, filed by the meaning value CamelCase and without dashes. For Example: i18n="Connection Properties|Properties for a connection@@addConnectionForm.connectionProperties"

There are other acceptable formats such as for plural values and image titles. Please see the Angular documentation for these additional formats.

  1. Run the messages generator. Open a terminal window at /src/main/ngapp/ of the application project and enter the ng-xi18n command: ./node_modules/.bin/ng-xi18n --i18nFormat=xlf --outFile=messages.xlf which will generate messages.xlf in the root folder of project. This file will contain all the translatable fields. You will need to compare this messages.xlf to the latest in master. Add any new translations to each messages.{language}.xlf file in {root}/src/locale. For example, for Spanish translations. If this is the first time a translation file is being generated for a language, just copy the generates message file over to the src/locale folder, rename the new file messages.{languagecode}.xlf.

You will then need to add the correct translation:

Hello i18n! ¡Hola i18n! An introduction header for this sample User welcome
  1. Generate the war for each language. Run ng serve --aot --locale es --i18n-format xlf --i18n-file ./locale/messages.{languageCode}.xlf Running the maven build will likely handle this step as well.