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Do React things with your voice.

This is a project that binds the (experimental) voice-invoked function tool, Praise, with React, allowing a user to use SpeechRecognition within React. Please keep in mind that this API is experimental and that this tool comes with all of the standard caveats of Praise.

Getting Started

  • yarn add praise react-praise to your already existing React app.


react-praise gives you a component whose children get the return value of a voice-invoked function. For example, here's how you can display everything a user says.

Edit react-praise demo

import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import Praise from "react-praise";

const myPhrases = {
  "*": phrase => "You said " + phrase

const MyAppWithVoice = props => (
  <Praise phrases={myPhrases}>{output => <h2>{output}</h2>}</Praise>

render(<MyAppWithVoice />, document.getElementById("root"));


react-praise supports all of the options that Praise does, but as props; React-style.
