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Architecture Analysis

Key Architecture Characteristics

By identifying the key architecture characteristics for this solution we can then identify the least-worst solution. Best practice is to identify no more than seven. These, along with the implicit architecture characteristics, will then feed into the overall architecture of the Farmacy Family system.

Candidate Architecture Characteristics

performance responsiveness availability fault-tolerance scalability/elasticity data integrity data consistency adaptability extensibility interoperability concurrency deployability testability abstraction workflow configurability recoverability reliability authorisation agility cost domain-partitioning evolvability integration

Selected Architecture Characteristics

Top 3 Characteristic Source
Y Interoperability/Integration Integration with Farmacy Foods (converting Foods transactional customers to Family engaged customers, and analytics feedback), and with dieticians and clinics.
Data Integrity Generate analytical data from medical information, geographical data, etc, to demonstrate the benefits of FF, improve fridge supplies for Foods, and exchange analytical data with clinics. Must be correct as is medical data.
Scalability/Elasticity Analytics domain, and some other domains like reference material / media, likely to require more resources (especially computational) at different times.
Y Configurability Customers have fine-grained control what other customers can see on their profile, and give permissions for e.g. clinics to access their medical data.
Y Authorisation Although normally an implicit architecture characteristic (see below) this is promoted here due to clinician and dietician needing authorisation from a customer user to access medical information.
Workflow Transactional Foods customers must be onboarded as engaged Family customers, with a completed profile.
Fault-Tolerance Community is the most important part of Family. It consists of many aspects, e.g. forums, events, classes, and so each community subdomain must be fault-tolerant of the others else one small problem could take the whole community domain down.

Implicit Architecture Characteristics

The following are a bedrock of architecture characteristics. They may not affect the structure but will feed into the overall architecture.

  • Feasibility (cost/time)
  • Security, authentication and authorisation
  • Maintainability
  • Simplicity

Architectural Quanta

Of the characteristics identified above, do they apply to the whole system or are there clear sets applying to different parts of the system?

Table View

Identified Domains Sub-domains and Considerations Applicable Architectural Characteristics Strategic Domain
Users Customer, Preferences, Profile (Personal & Medical), Dietician, Clinic, Administrator?, Onboarding, Integration (Farmacy Foods) - Interoperability (moved to Interface)
- Configurability
- Authorisation
- Workflow
- Fault-Tolerance
- Data-Integrity
Security Authentication, Authorisation - Authorisation
- Data Integrity
-Interoperability (moved to Interface)
Data Store Database, Interface - Data Integrity
- Authorisation
Class (localised, temporal) - Configurability
- Fault Tolerance
Event (in-person, localised, temporal) - Configurability
Fault Tolerance
Forum (localised, temporal) - Configurability
- Fault Tolerance
Reference Material / Media (global, reference/static) Media Library, General Wellness - Scalability/Elasticity Generic
Analytics (geographical trend analysis) Geographical, Engagement?, Integration (Farmacy Foods), Reporting - Fault Tolerance,
- Configurability
- Scalability/Elasticity
- Authorisation
Messaging Email, Message, Notification, Subscription? - Workflow Supportive
Medical Test, Result - Authorisation
- Data-Integrity
Interface - Interoperability
- Authorisation
- Data-Integrity

Venn Diagram

This diagram illustrates that although there are many shared characteristics, even those that are shared are shared by domains that do not themselves overlap. This leads us to a distributed architecture with deployment, backup and disaster recovery needing to take into account these characteristics. These characteristics may also inform further granularity of these domains.


System Granularity

A breakdown of the key granularity analysis and links to ADRs.


Functionality Volatility Scalability Fault Tolerance Data Security Data Transactions Data Dependencies Workflow
Customer Low Unlikely to be required Split required High Profile, Onboarding, Message Security, Messages Separate
Dietician Low Unlikely to be required Could be merged with Clinic High Dietician, Message Profile, Messages Similar to Clinic
Clinic Low Unlikely to be required Could be merged with Dietician High Clinic, Message Dietician, Messages, Profile Similar to Dietician
Administrator Low Unlikely to be required Split required High Manage users, manage community (all above) Separate

ADR: We-will-separate-the-user-domain


Functionality Volatility Scalability Fault Tolerance Data Security Data Transactions Data Dependencies Workflow
Authentication Low Unlikely to be required Don't want one without the other, could be merged with Authorisation High User email/username, User password (hashed/salted) User Separate
Authorisation Low Unlikely to be required Don't want one without the other, could be merged with Authentication High User Roles / Permissions, User authentication status User Separate

ADR: Combine Authentication and Authorisation into one Security Domain


Functionality Volatility Scalability Fault Tolerance Data Security Data Transactions Data Dependencies Workflow
Administer Forum Medium Low usage Split required from customer functionality High Forum Forum, Admin Similar to Administer Event and Class
Access Forum Low Medium usage Split required from admin functionality, could be merged with Write Low Forum Forum, Customer Similar to Access Event and Class
Write to Forum Low Medium usage Split required from admin functionality, could be merged with Access Low Forum Forum, Customer Similar to Write to Event and Class
Administer Event Medium Low usage Split required from customer functionality High Event Event, Admin Similar to Administer Forum and Class
Access Event Low Medium usage Split required from admin functionality, could be merged with RSVP Low Event Event, Customer Similar to Access Forum and Class
RSVP to Event Low Medium usage Split required from admin functionality, could be merged with Access Low Event Event, Customer Similar to Write to Forum and Class
Administer Class Medium Low usage Split required from customer functionality High Class Class, Admin Similar to Administer Event and Forum
Access Class Low Medium usage Split required from admin functionality, could be merged with Take Low Class Class, Customer Similar to Access Event and Forum
Take Class Low Medium usage Split required from admin functionality, could be merged with Access Low Class Class, Customer Similar to Write to Event and Forum

ADR: Community will be split into admin and customer functionality and provide an interface to classes, forums and events

Reference Material / Media

Functionality Volatility Scalability Fault Tolerance Data Security Data Transactions Data Dependencies Workflow
Administer Media Medium Low usage Split required from customer functionality Medium Media Media, Admin Separate
View Available Media Low Medium usage Split required from admin functionality Low Media Media, Customer Similar to Access
Access Media Low Medium usage Split required from admin functionality Low Media Media, Customer Similar to View

ADR: Media will be split into Media Administration and Media Access


Functionality Volatility Scalability Fault Tolerance Data Security Data Transactions Data Dependencies Workflow
Run Analytics High Required Should be split from Admin High MANY MANY Separate
Administer/Create Analytics High Required Should be split from Run & Store/Access Medium Analytics Settings MANY Separate
Store/Access Analytics Results High Required Should be split from Admin High Analytics Storage Analytics Storage Separate

ADR: Analytics will be split into Administration, Run and Store/Access


Functionality Volatility Scalability Fault Tolerance Data Security Data Transactions Data Dependencies Workflow
Notification Low Medium usage Split required from Subscription Low Notification (inc. status), Message status, Subscription event User, Subscription, Message, Notification Separate
Message Low Medium usage Split required from Subscription High User Id, Message, Message Id User (Customer, Dietician), Message Separate
Email Low Medium usage Split required from Subscription Medium User email address User Separate
Subscription (add/remove) Medium Low usage Split required from Notification, Message & Email Low User Id, Forum/Event/Class Id, Subscription User, Forum, Event, Class, Subscription Separate

ADR: Messaging will be split into Subscription, Message, Notification and Email


Functionality Volatility Scalability Fault Tolerance Data Security Data Transactions Data Dependencies Workflow
Medical Administration Medium Medium usage Split required from customer High Test, Result Test, Result, Clinic, Customer Result overlap
Add/Update Result Medium Medium usage Split required from admin High Test, User Id, Result Test, Result, User Result overlap

ADR: Medical will be split into Admin and Customer

Data Store

See Datastore Solution Overview.

Integration points for Farmacy Family

System Direction Elements Reasoning Managed Through
Farmacy Foods 2-way Customer So that Farmacy Foods can identify transactional customers who have not become Engaged customers of Farmacy Family in order to retry engagement. Interface, Authentication, Authorisation
Farmacy Foods Family to Foods Analytics Optimise the content of geographically located smart fridges (medical data linked to geographical location), optimise engagement programme for transactional customers (onboarding analytics to inform the engagement programme for transactional customers of Farmacy Foods). Interface, Authentication, Authorisation
Farmacy Foods Foods to Family Geo & Order Data So that Farmacy Family can run analytics on geolocation (orders, fridges, etc) and order data, the results of which can be used by Farmacy Family to optimise processes (e.g. Fridge stock). Interface, Authentication, Authorisation
Dietician Family to Dietician Customer Profile Dieticians can be given permission to access customer medical information in the customer profile (inherit permission from an associated clinic). User (Dietician linked to Clinic), Authentication, Authorisation
Dietician 2-way Message Dieticians and customers can message each other. User (Dietician), Authentication, Authorisation
Clinic Family to Clinic Customer Profile Clinics can be given permission to access customer medical information in the customer profile. User (Dietician linked to Clinic), Authentication, Authorisation
Clinic 2-way Message Clinics and customers can message each other. User (Dietician linked to Clinic), Authentication, Authorisation
Clinic Family to Clinic Analytics Clinics can be given permission to access results of Farmacy Family Analytics. User (Dietician linked to Clinic), Authentication, Authorisation
Clinic Clinic to Family Data Clinics can provide data for Farmacy Family to run analytics on. API/Automatic: Interface, Manual entry/upload: User (Dietician linked to Clinic), Authentication, Authorisation

ADR: An Interface will be used for system-system integration

ADR: Authentication and Authorisation of users will be used for human-system integration

Architectural Governance

Compliance with Architectural decisions and designs is as important as compliance with security and code structure best practices. The latter are typically monitored using automated testing, audits, code reviews, acceptance criteria and penetration tests. The former is often forgotten and not even included in the acceptance criteria in a user story.

Fitness Functions

Architectural Fitness Functions will be implemented in the Farmacy Family system in order to govern compliance to architectural decisions and designs. Non-compliance will need to be fixed (or if there is good reason the decision recorder in an ADR and the Fitness Functions updated), in the same way as a failing test.

There are various options for implementing these functions, and either one option or a mixture could be optimal for this system. In AWS the following are some of the options to investigate:

  • CloudWatch - notifications of non-compliance can be sent as emails, etc
  • Kibana - a data visualization and exploration tool used for log and time-series analytics, application monitoring, and operational intelligence use cases
  • Lambdas - it may be optimal to write our own Fitness Functions as AWS Lambdas

Next Steps:

  • Make decisions and record in ADRs about system granularity.
  • Create diagrams of the granularity decided above.
  • Investigate options for Fitness Functions.

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