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82 lines (60 loc) · 3.78 KB

File metadata and controls

82 lines (60 loc) · 3.78 KB


Deployment build

prefect deployment build will

  1. import the flow module
  2. set infrastructure:
    1. if --infra-block is provided, load the block from the server API
    2. otherwise use defaults from the type specified by --infra (defaulting to the process type if none specified)
  3. create a Deployment object and load existing deployment by name from the server API, if any. This populates server-side settings if any (eg: description, version, tags). If no description, use the flow docstring.
  4. generate the flow parameter openapi schema
  5. update the Deployment object with runtime settings
  6. write a default .prefectignore file if one doesn't already exist
  7. upload the flow to storage:
    1. if --storage-block is provided, load the block from the server API, and use it to upload the current directory to the storage location
    2. otherwise, use the default storage ie: LocalFileSystem with a basepath set to the current directory (eg: /Users/tekumara/code/prefect-demo) and no upload.
  8. and write $flowname-deployment.yaml file consisting of:
    1. editable fields, ie: deployment name, description, tags, parameters, schedule, infrastructure
    2. system-generated fields, everything else, eg: flow name, storage, parameter schema


$ prefect deployment build flows/ -n my-deployment -i kubernetes-job
Found flow 'increment'
Default '.prefectignore' file written to /Users/tekumara/code/prefect-demo/.prefectignore
Deployment YAML created at '/Users/tekumara/code/prefect-demo/increment-deployment.yaml'.

It's not obvious from these log lines but build is saving the flow to storage. In this case storage is a LocalFileSystem object with basepath = /Users/tekumara/code/prefect-demo/

Deployment apply

prefect deployment apply will

  1. load $flowname-deployment.yaml file into a DeploymentYAML object.
  2. create a flow with the deployment's flow name
  3. create and save an anonymous infrastructure block from the infrastructure section of the deployment
  4. create a deployment from the deployment metadata (name, parameters, description, tags, parameter schema), and the storage block (previously specified and saved during deployment build)

Loading a flow from a deployment

To load a flow from a deployment, the prefect engine will:

  1. retrieve the storage block from the server API, or use LocalFileSystem storage if none specified.
  2. call storage_block.get_directory(from_path=None, local_path="."):
    • LocalFileSystem copies basepath into the current directory
    • RemoteFileSystem downloads basepath into the current directory
  3. load the flow specified in $path/$entrypoint

Building a deployment in python

Deployment.build_from_flow is the equivalent of prefect deployment build in python.

Differences from the CLI:

  1. the infra field specifies a new anonymous infra block. To avoid creating a block on apply, use infra_overrides instead (recommended).
  2. you can supply parameters

For example:

deployment = Deployment.build_from_flow(

   # Deployment class args

   # Create a new anonymous infra block with these params on apply
      env={"APP_ENVIRONMENT": "prod"},
   parameters={"i": 1},


  • The Deployment defines a flow name and the flow code. Unlike Prefect 1 it's possible to have two Deployments with different flow code but the same flow name.