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Previous preparations

Telecotxesco edited this page Dec 12, 2020 · 8 revisions

First, as it is expected modders work under staging_area folder, you need to first copy the KAMINARI NUMBERS mod files inside the mod you are working with. This are the folders:

  • models: there are the meshes of the letters.
    • animation\kaminari_numbers 👈 empty folder, but it must exist.
    • material\kaminari_numbers 👈 empty folder, but it must exist.
    • mesh\kaminari_numbers 👈 There are the .msh files.
  • scripts 👈 this is where the kaminari_numbers.lua script is located.
  • textures: there are the tipographies available.
    • textures\models\kaminari_numbers 👈 There are the texture files.


The script KAMINARI NUMBERS is intended to be referenced to the available on Steam Workshop (id: 2312549569)

Keep in mind later the files and folders copied before will be need to be deleted prior publishing them on workshop. They are easily identified under "kaminari_numbers" subfolders on each category.

If you don't delete these files, then any update of KAMINARI NUBMERS will take no effect on your model and any bug fixed or script improve will not be available on your model

Also, in some folders the script may written hundreds of files that don't have to be published to Steam Workshop since these files are generated on-the-fly by the script.



ModelEditor when you press the SAVE button, it REMOVES all the LUA code and flattens all the model into a static no-code model. Saving a model that uses of KAMINARI NUMBERS will make the flatten model file size VERY MUCH and also will loose all the code writed on the model before to generate the lists of numbers.

Consider making backup copies of your model often.