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File metadata and controls

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Cluster-side configuration

For the most part, Telepresence doesn't require any special configuration in the cluster and can be used right away in any cluster (as long as the user has adequate RBAC permissions).

However, some advanced features do require some configuration in the cluster.


In this example, other applications in the cluster expect to speak TLS to your intercepted application (perhaps you're using a service-mesh that does mTLS).

In order to use --mechanism=http (or any features that imply --mechanism=http) you need to tell Telepresence about the TLS certificates in use.

Tell Telepresence about the certificates in use by adjusting your workload's Pod template to set a couple of annotations on the intercepted Pods:

         service: your-service
+      annotations:
+        "": "your-terminating-secret"  # optional
+        "": "your-originating-secret"  # optional
+      serviceAccountName: "your-account-that-has-rbac-to-read-those-secrets"
  • The annotation (optional) names the Kubernetes Secret that contains the TLS server certificate to use for decrypting and responding to incoming requests.

    When Telepresence modifies the Service and workload port definitions to point at the Telepresence Agent sidecar's port instead of your application's actual port, the sidecar will use this certificate to terminate TLS.

  • The annotation (optional) names the Kubernetes Secret that contains the TLS client certificate to use for communicating with your application.

    You will need to set this if your application expects incoming requests to speak TLS (for example, your code expects to handle mTLS itself instead of letting a service-mesh sidecar handle mTLS for it, or the port definition that Telepresence modified pointed at the service-mesh sidecar instead of at your application).

    If you do set this, you should to set it to the same client certificate Secret that you configure the Ambassador Edge Stack to use for mTLS.

It is only possible to refer to a Secret that is in the same Namespace as the Pod.

The Pod will need to have permission to get and watch each of those Secrets.

Telepresence understands type: Secrets and type: Secrets; as well as type: Opaque Secrets that it detects to be formatted as one of those types.

Air Gapped Cluster

If your cluster is air gapped (it does not have access to the internet and therefore cannot connect to Ambassador Cloud), some manual license configuration is required to use selective intercepts.

Create a License

  1. Go to the teams setting page in Ambassador Cloud and select Licenses for the team you want to create the license for.

  2. Generate a new license (if one doesn't already exist) by clicking Generate New License.

  3. You will be prompted for your Cluster ID. Ensure your kubeconfig context is using the cluster you want to create a license for then run this command to generate the Cluster ID:

$ telepresence current-cluster-id
  Cluster ID: <some UID>
  1. Click Generate API Key to finish generating the license.

Add License to Cluster

  1. On the licenses page, download the license file associated with your cluster.

  2. Use this command to generate a Kubernetes Secret config using the license file:

$ telepresence license -f <downloaded-license-file>
  apiVersion: v1
    hostDomain: <long_string>
    license: <longer_string>
  kind: Secret
    creationTimestamp: null
    name: systema-license
    namespace: ambassador
  1. Save the output as a YAML file and apply it to your cluster with kubectl. Once applied, you will be able to use selective intercepts with the --preview-url=false flag (since use of preview URLs requires a connection to Ambassador Cloud).