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Launching the Miner Technical

themandalore edited this page Sep 18, 2019 · 19 revisions

How to launch the miner

Grab the latest Binary:


Create and update the following three variables within the config.json file:

  • node_url: (enter your own infura / node address)
  • publicAddress: (note no “0x” prefix)
  • privateKey: (note no “0x” prefix)

  • Download the most recent PSR.json file:

Now you can run the miner:

./TellorMiner -miner -dataServer -psrPath=./psr.json -config=./config.json -logConfig=./loggingconfig.json

Required Flags

  • -psrPath (path to your PSR file)
  • -config (path to your config file)

Optional Flags

  • -miner (indicates to run the miner)
  • -dataServer (indicates to run the dataServer)
  • -transfer -toAddress -amount (do not run these with miner/dataServer)(indicates transfer, toAddress is Ethereum address and amount is number of Tributes (note 18 decimals))
  • -deposit (do not run these with miner/dataServer)(indicates to deposit 1000 tokens in the contract (note you must have 1000 Tributes in your account))
  • -logConfig (path to loggingConfig file if you want to save log output)

Config file options:

* contractAddress (required) - address of TellorContract
* nodeURL(required) - node URL (e.g or https://localhost:8545 if own node)
* privateKey(required) - privateKey for your address (note, no 0x)
* databaseURL(required) - where you are reading from for the server database (if hosted)
* publicAddress(required) - public address for your miner (note, no 0x)
* ethClientTimeout(required) - timeout for making requests from your node
* trackerSleepCycle(required) - how often your database updates
* trackers(required) - which pieces of the database you update
* dbFile(required) - where you want to store your local database (if self-hosting)
* serverHost(required) - location to host server
* serverPort(required) - port to host server
* fetchTimeout- timeout for requesting data from an API
* requestData- Will your miner request Data if challenge is 0.  If yes, then you will addTip() to this number.  Enter a uint number representing request id to be requested (e.g. 2)
* gasMultiplier - Multiplies the submitted gasPrice (e.g. 2 (will double gas costs))
* gasMax - a max for the gas price in gwei (note: this max comes BEFORE the gas multiplier.  So a max gas cost of 10 gwei, can have gas prices up to 20 if gasMultiplier is 2)

Commands from the miner:

* deposit()
* transfer()
* approve()
* dispute()
* vote()
* requestStakingWithdrwaw()
* withdraw()

example commands:
./TellorMiner -deposit -config=./myconfig.json -psrPath=./psr.json -logConfig=./loggingConfig.json
./TellorMiner -transfer -to=0x538d278e05a35c96bcdca1039e92c65b994256a0 -amount=1 -config=./myconfig.json -psrPath=./psr.json -logConfig=./loggingConfig.json
./TellorMiner -approve -to=0x538d278e05a35c96bcdca1039e92c65b994256a0 -amount=1 -config=./myconfig.json -psrPath=./psr.json -logConfig=./loggingConfig.json
./TellorMiner -vote -disputeId=2 -supportsDispute=false -config=./myconfig.json -psrPath=./psr.json -logConfig=./loggingConfig.json
./TellorMiner -dispute -requestId=14 -timestamp=1568779500 -minerIndex=2 -config=./myconfig.json -psrPath=./psr.json -logConfig=./loggingConfig.json
./TellorMiner -requestStakingWithdraw -config=./myconfig.json -psrPath=./psr.json -logConfig=./loggingConfig.json
./TellorMiner -withdraw -config=./myconfig.json -psrPath=./psr.json -logConfig=./loggingConfig.json

  • To update Tellor miner run: