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File metadata and controls

157 lines (127 loc) · 5.62 KB

High-level view

At the highest level, the components of a system using Temporal fall into two categories:

  • User-hosted processes

    • The user's application communicates with the Temporal server using one of the Temporal SDKs.
    • The user runs Temporal Worker processes. These also use one of the Temporal SDKs and host the user's Workflow and Activity code.
  • Temporal Server
    Users can host and operate the Temporal server and its database themselves, or use Temporal Cloud.


Workflow lifecycle

Below we follow a typical sequence of events in the execution of the following very simple workflow:

myWorkflow() {
   result = callActivity(myActivity)
   return result

1. The User Application uses a Temporal SDK to send a StartWorkflowExecution request to the Frontend service.

User Application->>Frontend: StartWorkflowExecution
Frontend->> History: StartWorkflowExecution
History ->> Persistence: CreateWorkflowExecution
Persistence ->> Persistence: Persist MutableState and history tasks
Persistence ->> History: Create Succeed
History->>Frontend: Start Succeed
Frontend->>User Application: Start Succeed
loop QueueProcessor
    History->>Persistence: GetHistoryTasks
		History->>History: ProcessTask
		History->>Matching: AddWorkflowTask
  • The Frontend Service uses a History Service client to call the StartWorkflow handler.
  • This initializes history events with a WorkflowExecutionStarted event, and persists new mutable state and a history task (transfer task).
  • A queue processor goroutine runs for every history task queue.
  • The transfer task queue processor adds a Workflow Task in the appropriate task queue in the Matching Service.

2. The Worker dequeues the Workflow Task, advances the workflow execution, and becomes blocked on the Activity call.

Worker->>Frontend: PollWorkflowTask
Frontend->>Matching: PollWorkflowTask
History->>Matching: AddWorkflowTask
Matching->>History: RecordWorkflowTaskStarted
History->>Persistence: UpdateWorkflowExecution
Persistence->>Persistence: Update MutableState & Add timeout timer
Persistence->>History: Update Succeed
History->>Matching: Record Succeed
Matching->>Frontend: WorkflowTask
Frontend->>Persistence: GetHistoryEvents
Persistence->>Frontend: History Events
Frontend->>Worker: WorkflowTask
loop Replayer
    Worker->>Worker: ProcessEvent

3. The Worker sends a ScheduleActivityTask; an Activity task is added in the Matching service.

Worker ->> Frontend: RespondWorkflowTaskCompleted(ScheduleActivityTask)
Frontend->> History: RespondWorkflowTaskCompleted(ScheduleActivityTask)
History ->> Persistence: UpdateWorkflowExecution
Persistence ->> Persistence: Persist MutableState and history tasks
Persistence ->> History: Update Succeed
History->>Frontend: Respond Succeed
Frontend->>Worker: Respond Succeed
loop QueueProcessor
    History->>Persistence: GetHistoryTasks
		History->>History: ProcessTask
		History->>Matching: AddActivityTask

4. The Worker dequeues the Activity task

title: Activity task start
Worker->>Frontend: PollActivityTask
Frontend->>Matching: PollActivityTask
History->>Matching: AddActivityTask
Matching->>History: RecordActivityStarted
History->>Persistence: UpdateWorkflowExecution
Persistence->>Persistence: Update MutableState, add timeout timer
Persistence->>History: Update succeed
History->>Matching: Record Succeed
Matching->>Frontend: ActivityTask
Frontend->>Worker: ActivityTask

4. The Worker sends RespondActivityCompleted to the History service; a Workflow Task is added to the Matching service

SDK->>Frontend: RespondActivityCompleted
Frontend->>History: RespondActivityCompleted
History->>Persistence: UpdateWorkflowExecution
Persistence->>Persistence: Update MutableState & add transfer task
Persistence->>History: Update Succeed
History->>Frontend: Respond Succeed
Frontend->>SDK: Respond Succeed
loop QueueProcessor
    History->>Persistence: GetHistoryTasks
		History->>History: ProcessTask
		History->>Matching: AddWorkflowTask

5. The Worker dequeues the Workflow Task, advances the workflow, and finds that it has reached its end

<Same sequence diagram as step 2 above>

6. The Worker sends RespondWorkflowTaskCompleted to the History Service

SDK->>Frontend: RespondWorkflowTaskCompleted
Frontend->>History: RespondWorkflowTaskCompleted
History->>Persistence: UpdateWorkflowExecution
Persistence->>Persistence: Update MutableState & add tasks (visibility, tiered storage, retention etc)
Persistence->>History: Update Succeed
History->>Frontend: Respond Succeed
Frontend->>SDK: Respond Succeed
loop QueueProcessor
    History->>Persistence: GetHistoryTasks
		History->>History: ProcessTask (Update visibility, Upload to S3, Delete data etc)