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The root directory of the git repository contains the following folders:


The actual source code of the library. Every subfolder contains an file with a summary what the modules in it are good for. (This file is also necessary to mark the folder as part of the python package. Consequently, other subfolders of the git repo should not include a file.)


Simple toy codes completely independet of the remaining library (i.e., codes in tenpy/). These codes should be quite readable and intend to give a flavor of how (some of) the algorithms work.


Some example files demonstrating the usage and interface of the library.


A folder containing the documentation: the user guide is contained in the *.rst files. The online documentation is autogenerated from these files and the docstrings of the library. This folder contains a make file for building the documentation, run make help for the different options. The necessary files for the reference in doc/reference can be auto-generated/updated with make src2html.


Contains files with test routines, to be used with pytest. If you are set up correctly and have pytest installed, you can run the test suite with pytest from within the tests/ folder.


This folder is not distributed with the code, but is generated by (or, respectively). It contains compiled versions of the Cython files, and can be ignored (and even removed without loosing functionality).

Code structure: getting started

There are several layers of abstraction in TeNPy. While there is a certain hierarchy of how the concepts build up on each other, the user can decide to utilize only some of them. A maximal flexibility is provided by an object oriented style based on classes, which can be inherited and adjusted to individual demands.

The following figure gives an overview of the most important modules, classes and functions in TeNPy. Gray backgrounds indicate (sub)modules, yellow backgrounds indicate classes. Red arrows indicate inheritance relations, dashed black arrows indicate a direct use. (The individual models might be derived from the ~tenpy.models.model.NearestNeighborModel depending on the geometry of the lattice.) There is a clear hierarchy from high-level algorithms in the tenpy.algorithms module down to basic operations from linear algebra in the tenpy.linalg module.

Most basic level: linear algebra

The most basic layer is given by in the ~tenpy.linalg module, which provides basic features of linear algebra. In particular, the ~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved submodule implements an ~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array class which is used to represent the tensors. The basic interface of ~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved is very similar to that of the NumPy and SciPy libraries. However, the ~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array class implements abelian charge conservation. If no charges are to be used, one can use 'trivial' arrays, as shown in the following example code.


The number and types of symmetries are specified in a ~tenpy.linalg.charges.ChargeInfo class. An ~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array instance represents a tensor satisfying a charge rule specifying which blocks of it are nonzero. Internally, it stores only the non-zero blocks of the tensor, along with one ~tenpy.linalg.charges.LegCharge instance for each leg, which contains the charges and sign qconj for each leg. We can combine multiple legs into a single larger ~tenpy.linalg.charges.LegPipe, which is derived from the ~tenpy.linalg.charges.LegCharge and stores all the information necessary to later split the pipe.

The following code explicitly defines the spin-1/2 S+, S, Sz operators and uses them to generate and diagonalize the two-site Hamiltonian H = S⃗ ⋅ S⃗. It prints the charge values (by default sorted ascending) and the eigenvalues of H.


Sites for the local Hilbert space and tensor networks

The next basic concept is that of a local Hilbert space, which is represented by a in TeNPy. This class does not only label the local states and define the charges, but also provides onsite operators. For example, the provides the S+, S, Sz operators under the names 'Sp', 'Sm', 'Sz', defined as ~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array instances similarly as in the code above. Since the most common sites like for example the (for general spin S=0.5, 1, 1.5,...), and are predefined, a user of TeNPy usually does not need to define the local charges and operators explicitly. The total Hilbert space, i.e, the tensor product of the local Hilbert spaces, is then just given by a list of instances. If desired, different kinds of can be combined in that list. This list is then given to classes representing tensor networks like the ~tenpy.networks.mps.MPS and ~tenpy.networks.mpo.MPO. The tensor network classes also use ~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array instances for the tensors of the represented network.

The following example illustrates the initialization of a spin-1/2 site, an ~tenpy.networks.mps.MPS representing the Neel state, and an ~tenpy.networks.mpo.MPO representing the Heisenberg model by explicitly defining the W tensor.



Technically, the explicit definition of an ~tenpy.networks.mpo.MPO is already enough to call an algorithm like DMRG in ~tenpy.algorithms.dmrg. However, writing down the W tensors is cumbersome especially for more complicated models. Hence, TeNPy provides another layer of abstraction for the definition of models, which we discuss first. Different kinds of algorithms require different representations of the Hamiltonian. Therefore, the library offers to specify the model abstractly by the individual onsite terms and coupling terms of the Hamiltonian. The following example illustrates this, again for the Heisenberg model.


While this generates the same MPO as in the previous code, this example can easily be adjusted and generalized, for example to a higher dimensional lattice by just specifying a different lattice. Internally, the MPO is generated using a finite state machine picture. This allows not only to translate more complicated Hamiltonians into their corresponding MPOs, but also to automate the mapping from a higher dimensional lattice to the 1D chain along which the MPS winds. Note that this mapping introduces longer-range couplings, so the model can no longer be defined to be a ~tenpy.models.model.NearestNeighborModel suited for TEBD if another lattice than the ~tenpy.models.lattice.Chain is to be used. Of course, many commonly studied models are also predefined. For example, the following code initializes the Heisenberg model on a kagome lattice; the spin liquid nature of the ground state of this model is highly debated in the current literature.



Another layer is given by algorithms like DMRG and TEBD. Using the previous concepts, setting up a simulation running those algorithms is a matter of just a few lines of code. The following example runs a DMRG simulation, see ~tenpy.algorithms.dmrg, exemplary for the transverse field Ising model at the critical point.


The switch from DMRG to iDMRG in TeNPy is simply accomplished by a change of the parameter "bc_MPS" from "finite" to "infinite", both for the model and the state. The returned E is then the energy density per site. Due to the translation invariance, one can also evaluate the correlation length, here slightly away from the critical point.


Running time evolution with TEBD requires an additional loop, during which the desired observables have to be measured. The following code shows this directly for the infinite version of TEBD.



The top-most layer is given by Simulations. A simulation wraps the whole setup of initializing the Model, MPS and Algorithm classes, running the algorithm, possibly performing measurements, and finally saving results to disk, if desired. It provides some extra functionality like the ability to resume an interrupted simulation, e.g. if your job got killed on the cluster due to runtime limitis.

Ideally, the Simulation (sub) class represents the whole Simulation from start to end, giving re-producable results depending only on the parameters given to it.