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Kubeflow Pipelines & TFX

Status Implemented
Author(s) Ajay Gopinathan (
Sponsor Konstantinos Katsiapis (
Created 2019-06-30


This RFC documents the design and engineering effort proposed by the Kubeflow Pipelines team to support TFX with Kubeflow Pipelines (KFP).

TFX is an open-source effort by the TensorFlow team aimed at providing users with tools for building production grade machine-learning (ML) workflows. TFX provides an ML pipeline authoring framework in Python which encodes Google’s best practices for ML pipelines, including:

  • scalable and battle-tested components
  • ML-focused pipeline design patterns
  • strongly typed artifacts
  • artifact provenance tracking through ML Metadata

An important value-proposition of the TFX framework is that it is agnostic to the orchestration framework. At launch, TFX supported two orchestration engines natively:

This document describes how TFX pipelines are run using Kubeflow Pipelines as its orchestration engine. It can be viewed as an extension of the main TFX orchestration and configuration design document.


TFX on Kubeflow Requirements

The main focus areas for running TFX on Kubeflow were:

  • Portability: The user-facing code in a TFX pipeline should be portable. An early stated goal of our work was that we wanted the same pipeline to be runnable on both Airflow and KFP with a single-line change in the pipeline construction code.
  • Scalability: TFX on KFP should solve the use-case of large-scale workloads, thereby showcasing the advantages of running on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This meant enabling the use of strongly differentiating GCP services such as BigQuery, DataFlow and Cloud ML Engine for training and serving in the pipeline code.

At launch, both of these requirements were achieved. Using KFP required a single-line change in the pipeline code, and the sample pipeline for KFP showcased the use of GCP services for running workloads at scale.

Overview of TFX pipelines

A TFX pipeline is a logical pipeline consisting of a series of components. Each component is defined in terms of inputs, outputs, and execution properties. Inputs and outputs are represented as channels of ML Metadata Artifacts. Logically, each component consists of three parts:

  • Driver: Responsible for resolving input artifacts from the ML Metadata store. Determines if the execution has been previously cached and if so, whether the call to the Executor can be skipped.
  • Executor: Executes the main logic of the component, and provides a uniform interface around TFX libraries, as well as custom logic.
  • Publisher: Records output artifacts produced by the Executor, and passes these output artifact metadata to downstream steps.

When running a pipeline under Airflow, the logical pipeline is converted to a series of Airflow operators. Each component comprises 3 operators representing the Driver, Executor and Publisher:

TFX message passing with Apache Airflow's XCom

At runtime, each Driver is responsible for resolving the metadata of input artifacts for a given component from MLMD, and for determining if any previously cached result of the component run can be used instead. If no cached result was found, the Driver invokes the Executor which performs the main application logic of the component. Upon completion, the Publisher writes the output metadata to MLMD. In the case of Airflow, the Publisher operator also publishes the same metadata for consumption by downstream components using Apache Airflow’s (XCom)[] mechanism.

Design proposal

Kubeflow Pipelines Orchestration

KFP uses Argo as its orchestration engine. Argo is a Kubernetes-specific engine for orchestrating the execution of workflows where each individual workflow step is the execution of a containerized application. Argo employs a YAML-based specification to construct the workflow graph, which also specifies how each container’s application should be invoked.

Passing data from upstream components to downstream ones is accomplished via Argo output parameters. The output results of a component are written to named, container-local files after every iteration. The contents of this file can then be passed as input parameters to subsequent steps. In particular, the contents are passed as raw strings which can be used as command-line arguments when invoking the downstream step using a templating mechanism in the Argo specification.

In order to run a TFX pipeline on KFP, the user specifies KubeflowRunner instead of AirflowDAGRunner in the pipeline definition file. The logical pipeline definition itself remains unchanged, thus ensuring portability of pipelines across orchestration engines.

In contrast to Apache Airflow, using KubeflowRunner and running the pipeline file does not actually launch the pipeline. Instead, the logical pipeline is compiled, resulting in a pipeline definition file in YAML, which contains the Argo specification for a workflow that can be run on Kubernetes. The user must then manually upload this pipeline definition file to a cluster running Kubeflow Pipelines before it can be run.

TFX on Kubeflow

In the Kubeflow cluster, users use an interactive UI to select and launch their pipeline. The KFP APIServer will then submit the uploaded pipeline definition to the Argo controller to orchestrate the actual workflow. The Argo specification specifies which container to execute and which command line invocation to use during each step.

KFP provides a Python SDK for constructing ML workflows on top of Argo. The main abstraction used is the ContainerOp class, which can be viewed as a Python representation of a containerized workflow step in Argo. During compilation, each TFX component in the pipeline is transformed into a ContainerOp. There are three key elements of ContainerOp which are used when constructing the individual steps in TFX pipelines:

  • Image: All TFX components are executed using the same pre-built Docker image which contains the TFX library and its dependencies.
  • Command-line arguments: The command-line arguments specify how the image should be invoked. In particular, they specify the exact TFX component and executor that needs to run for a given step. Metadata representing input artifacts are passed as arguments to a container step using Argo’s built-in templating mechanism.
  • File outputs: Argo can use the contents of container-local files produced within each step as input data to be passed to downstream steps. When the TFX container successfully completes the execution of an Executor, it writes the ML Metadata representation (that is, Artifact and ArtifactType protos) of output artifacts into named local files, which will be passed along to downstream components by Argo. This can be viewed as the publish step equivalent of using Airflow’s XCom mechanism.

Consider the snippet of a TFX pipeline consisting of components Transform, SchemaGen and Trainer. Transform produces transformed examples as well as the transform graph itself, which are consumed by the Trainer component. Trainer also consumes the schema produced by SchemaGen component.

TFX with Kubeflow containers

In KFP, each component is now represented as the execution of the TFX container image. Individual components have customized command-line invocations, which are based on their input arguments and which TFX executor to execute. The execution of each step is controlled by instances of the ExecutorRunner base class. This class is responsible for constructing the arguments required by all TFX executors, namely:

  • input_dict: A dictionary of input artifacts. These are constructed at runtime using the values of the Argo output-parameters that were passed in as inputs.
  • output_dict: A dictionary of output artifacts. These are pre-determined for each derived class of ExecutorRunner and specialized per-component.
  • exec_properties: A dictionary of runtime parameters, whose values may either be primitive Python types, or serialized JSON representation of protocol buffers.

The arguments are constructed and used to call into the specified TFX Executor (for example, tfx.components.trainer.executor.Executor). If execution is successful, ExecutorRunner writes each output artifact (as specified in output_dict) and their schema types in JSON-serialized format into a container local file. The contents of this file are then passed as ML Metadata artifacts for consumption by downstream steps. The KFP UI visualizes both input and output parameters for each step.

TFX artifacts with the Kubeflow UI

ML Metadata Tracking

In contrast to Airflow, TFX on KFP does not have drivers and publishers. Instead, metadata is recorded passively in KFP’s APIServer, by parsing the status of the Argo workflow custom resource definition (CRD) periodically. Each Argo workflow CRD status contains recorded values of Argo output parameters (that is, the contents of the named local files) upon successful completion of the workflow step. KFP employs a custom Kubernetes controller called PersistenceAgent, which periodically polls for the latest status of all Argo workflow resources, and updates the state in the APIServer.

TFX with Kubeflow Pipelines and Argo

The APIServer parses Argo workflows and looks for Argo output parameters that look like serialized MLMD artifacts in specially named files (by convention, the files are named /output/ml_metadata/{output_name}). These artifacts and their types are then recorded into an MLMD instance powered by the same MySQL server that backs KFP’s persistent data.

Future Work

While TFX on KFP works, it still does not have feature parity with the Apache Airflow version. We are exploring the following directions concurrently to close the gap between the two orchestrators:

  • Metadata-driven orchestration: The current version of TFX on KFP records artifacts in MLMD, but does so passively. This is due to the lack of drivers and publishers in the initial implementation. Hence, lineage tracking and caching is not currently possible.
  • Enabling arbitrary user containers with MLMD artifacts as the interface between pipeline steps: Currently, incorporating a custom step in a TFX OSS pipeline requires users to implement a custom executor. Users in Cloud frequently have an existing application, written in a non-Python language (such as R, Java, etc), which they would like to plug into their TFX-based pipeline.
  • Unified pipeline authoring experience: TFX and KFP both present users with a Python-based DSL for constructing their pipelines. The DSL constructs look very similar from the user’s point of view, but are fundamentally very different underneath. This has led to customer confusion. Unifying the DSL, and presenting a single user-facing experience for constructing ML pipelines is a goal that we’re actively exploring.
  • Pipeline-level runtime parameters: KFP provides the possibility of specifying pipeline-level parameters so users can run the same pipeline with different combinations of control parameters. Since the pipeline definition is a YAML-based file equipped with a templating mechanism, all pipeline runtime parameters are restricted to string types. This presents a challenge for specifying pipeline parameters at runtime that are not simple strings (for example, the number of training steps in Trainer is specified in a protocol buffer which must be serialized at runtime to be consumed by the component). Contrast this to the Airflow scenario, where arbitrary code can execute to yield runtime parameters since the pipeline definition and runtime environment exist in the same execution scope.