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Support structured data in TFX through struct2tensor and DataView

Status Proposed
Author(s) Zhuo Peng (
Sponsor Zhitao Li (
Updated 2021-03-05


This RFC proposes several additions to TFX in order to support building ML pipelines that process structurally richer data that TFX does not have apriori knowledge about how to parse. Such knowledge is provided by the user, through struct2tensor (showcased in this RFC) or other TensorFlow graphs and made available to all TFX components through Standardized TFX inputs and DataViews.



struct2tensor is a library to create TF graphs (a struct2tensor "expression") that parse serialized Protocol Buffers (protobuf) into a representation (a bag of TF (composite) Tensors) that preserves the protobuf structure (for example tf.RaggedTensors and tf.SparseTensors). It also allows manipulation of such structure.

Standardized TFX inputs

The Standardized TFX inputs RFC introduced a common in-memory data representation to TFX components and an I/O abstraction layer that produces the representation. The chosen representation, Apache Arrow, is powerful enough to represent protobuf-like structured data, or what the tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor, or tf.SparseTensor logically represent.


  • Propose a TFXIO for struct2tensor.

    • Note that although designed for struct2tensor, this TFXIO only sees the TF Graph that struct2tensor builds, which means it can support other TF Graphs that decode string records into (composite) Tensors.
  • Propose the orchestration support needed by the proposed TFXIO.

Non Goal

  • Address how components / libraries can handle the new Tensor / Arrow types. For example, TF Transform needs to be able to accept tf.RaggedTensors and output tf.RaggedTensors. These need to be addressed separately in each component, perhaps by separate designs, if needed.
  • Address how TF serving can allow serving a model that has a (composite) Tensor-based Predict signature, or any other signatures that do not use struct2tensor to parse input protobufs. In this doc, it is assumed that the exported serving graph would take a dense 1-D Tensor of dtype tf.string whose values are serialized protobufs.
    • The reason why the above problem might be relevant to this design is that in certain use cases, it might be desirable to use a different format in serving than in training (e.g. using protobufs in training while using JSON in serving -- as long as they parse to the same (composite) tensors fed into the model graph).


TFX has historically assumed that tf.Example is the data payload format and it is the only format fully supported by all the components. tf.Example naturally represents flat data, while certain ML tasks need structurally richer logical representations. For example, in the list-wise ranking problem, one “example” input to the model consists of a list of documents to rank, and each document contains some features. tensorflow_ranking is a library that helps build such ranking models. Supporting tensorflow_ranking in TFX has been a hot feature request.

left: flat data represented by tf.Examples
right: typical data for ranking problems -- each “example” contains several “candidates”

While it’s possible to encode anything in tf.Examples, this approach poses challenges to any component that needs to understand the data (e.g. Data Validation and Model Validation), and would also lead to bad user experience as they are forced to devise hacks.

It’s also possible to address the problem in a case-by-case fashion by making TFX support a standard “container format” for each category of problem. We have compared that with the generic solution based on struct2tensor in previous efforts and concluded that we do not want another first-class citizen container format.

Given that struct2tensor is able to decode an arbitrary protobuf (thus a good subset of all kinds of structured data) into a Tensor representation that preserves the structure (tf.RaggedTensor), we propose to solve the problem of supporting structured data in TFX through supporting struct2tensor.

Thanks to Standardized TFX Inputs, a large portion of the solution is to create a TFXIO implementation for struct2tensor, and (as we will see later), the proper orchestration support needed for instantiating such a TFXIO in components.

Design Proposal


The diagram above shows how the proposed GraphToTensorTFXIO works:

  • (1) The “Proto storage” is a format that Apache Beam can read from and produce PCollection[bytes]. While the most naive example of such a format is TFRecord, it does not have to be a row-based format. The only requirement is that Beam can read it and produce PCollection[bytes].

  • (2) It relies on the fact that the struct2tensor query can be compiled to a TF graph that converts a string tensor (containing serialized protos) to a bunch of composite tensors, and thus can be stored in a file (SavedModel).

  • (3) For beam-based components, TFXIO creates a PTransform that: decodes the serialized records of protos to (batched) tensors using the saved TF graph converts the tensors to arrow RecordBatches.

  • (4) TFXIO will also create TensorRepresentations according to the output signature of the saved TF graph, so that the following is identity: PICTURE 3

  • (5) For TF trainers, TFXIO creates a that:

    • reads the serialized records of protobufs as a string tensor
    • .map() the string tensor to decoded it into tensors using the saved struct2tensor query.

struct2tensor query as an artifact

We realize that the saved struct2tensor query (a TF SavedModel) should be an artifact, rather than merely a property of the Examples artifact, because it may be updated frequently (e.g. new fields in the protobuf to be parsed can be added), and updates will affect most components that consume it, thus it needs to become part of the provenance of an affected artifact. It may be updated independently of Examples artifact. A pipeline may use multiple struct2tensor queries, and the user may determine, for each component, which query to use to apply to the input Examples.

To make it a proper artifact the following orchestration changes are proposed:

  • A new artifact type, DataView
  • New properties in the Examples artifact
    • container_format (e.g. FORMAT_TF_RECORD_GZIP)
    • payload_format (e.g. FORMAT_TF_EXAMPLE, FORMAT_PROTO)
    • data_view_uri
    • data_view_id (the MLMD artifact id of DataView)
  • A new custom component, DataViewProvider that takes the module_file ( which contains the struct2tensor query) as an ExecutionProperty and no input Artifact, and outputs a DataView Artifact.
  • A new custom component, DataViewBinder that takes Examples and DataView as input, and outputs Examples Artifacts that are identical to the input except that their data_adapter_uri properties are populated.

With the proposed new properties in Examples artifact, some logic to determine which TFXIO implementation to use to read an Examples artifact is needed. Thus we also propose a util function that lives in TFX to create a TFXIO given an Examples artifact.

The topology of a pipeline may look like the right half of the following diagram:

left: a tf.Example-based pipeline topology
right: proposed topology of a struct2tensor-based pipeline

Note that:

  • The outputs of DataViewBinder are different instances of the Examples artifacts than the input ones. Thus MLMD will be able to record events that establish the lineage of the input and output.

  • This design allows multiple DataViews to be bound to the same data, yielding different bound Examples artifacts.

  • This design also allows components to take Examples without a bound adapter as input (this way TFDV will be able to analyze both adapted and unadapted data, and establish links between raw proto fields and transformed ones).

Garbage Collection of Artifacts

In this section we discuss some of the constraints / requirements that this proposal impose on the design of GC (at the time of writing this doc, there’s not a concrete plan yet).

Artifacts sharing URIs -- GC for Examples Artifacts

DataViewBinder outputs an Examples Artifact that shares URI with its input. While MLMD allows this, the garbage collector must be aware when making the decision of deleting a URI, that multiple Artifacts are sharing them, and only if all the referring Artifacts are being GC’ed can the URI be deleted.

Artifacts referring to multiple URIs -- GC for DataView Artifacts

Note that a component that consumes adapted data only needs to use the output Examples Artifact from DataViewBinder, which means at execution time, only the URI of the Examples Artifact will be “locked”, however, that Examples Artifact is also referring to the URI of a DataView Artifact. The garbage collector needs to be aware of the existence of that URI and also lock it appropriately.

One way to add such support, is to have an extension property in an Artifact, say, gc_context, which could contain additional URIs. Then the DataView component is able to set that property.