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Getting started


To get started, make sure you install Tensorflow 1.15+.

  • For GPU training, make sure it has the GPU support. See the guideline by Tensorflow.
pip3 install tensorflow-gpu==1.15  # GPU
  • For Cloud TPU / TPU Pods training, make sure Tensorflow 1.15+ is pre-installed in your Google Cloud VM.

Also, there are a few packages that you need to install.

sudo apt-get install -y python-tk && \
pip3 install --user Cython matplotlib opencv-python-headless pyyaml Pillow && \
pip3 install --user 'git+'

Dataset download and convesion

Next, download the latest code from tpu github repository.

git clone

The training expects the data in TFExample format stored in TFRecord. Tools and scripts are provided to download and convert datasets.

Dataset Tool
ImageNet instructions
COCO instructions

Model Training

We support both GPU training on a single machine, and Cloud TPU / TPU Pods training. Below we provide sample commands to launch RetinaNet training on different platforms.

GPU training on a single machine

MODEL_DIR="<path to the directory to store model files>"
TRAIN_FILE_PATTERN="<path to the TFRecord training data>"
EVAL_FILE_PATTERN="<path to the TFRecord validation data>"
VAL_JSON_FILE="<path to the validation annotation JSON file>"
python ~/tpu/models/official/detection/ \
  --model="retinanet" \
  --model_dir="${MODEL_DIR?}" \
  --mode=train \
  --eval_after_training=True \
  --use_tpu=False \
  --params_override="{ train: { checkpoint: { path: ${RESNET_CHECKPOINT?}, prefix: resnet50/ }, train_file_pattern: ${TRAIN_FILE_PATTERN?} }, eval: { val_json_file: ${VAL_JSON_FILE?}, eval_file_pattern: ${EVAL_FILE_PATTERN?} } }"

Training on Cloud TPU

To train this model on Cloud TPU, you will need:

  • A GCE VM instance with an associated Cloud TPU resource.
  • A GCS bucket to store your training checkpoints (the --model_dir flag).
  • Install TensorFlow 1.15+ for both GCE VM and Cloud TPU instances.

See the RetinaNet tutorial for more instructuions about TPU training.

TPU_NAME="<your GCP TPU name>"
MODEL_DIR="<path to the directory to store model files>"
TRAIN_FILE_PATTERN="<path to the TFRecord training data>"
EVAL_FILE_PATTERN="<path to the TFRecord validation data>"
VAL_JSON_FILE="<path to the validation annotation JSON file>"
python ~/tpu/models/official/detection/ \
  --model="retinanet" \
  --model_dir="${MODEL_DIR?}" \
  --use_tpu=True \
  --tpu="${TPU_NAME?}" \
  --num_cores=8 \
  --mode=train \
  --eval_after_training=True \
  --params_override="{ train: { checkpoint: { path: ${RESNET_CHECKPOINT?}, prefix: resnet50/ }, train_file_pattern: ${TRAIN_FILE_PATTERN?} }, eval: { val_json_file: ${VAL_JSON_FILE?}, eval_file_pattern: ${EVAL_FILE_PATTERN?} } }"

Training on Cloud TPU Pods

You can leverage large Cloud TPU Pods in Google Cloud to significantly improve the training performance.

TPU_POD_NAME="<your GCP TPU name>"
NUM_CORES=<num cores in TPU pod>  # e.g. v3-32 offers 32 cores.
MODEL_DIR="<path to the directory to store model files>"
TRAIN_FILE_PATTERN="<path to the TFRecord training data>"
EVAL_FILE_PATTERN="<path to the TFRecord validation data>"
VAL_JSON_FILE="<path to the validation annotation JSON file>"
python ~/tpu/models/official/detection/ \
  --model="retinanet" \
  --model_dir="${MODEL_DIR?}" \
  --use_tpu=True \
  --tpu="${TPU_POD_NAME?}" \
  --num_cores=${NUM_CORES} \
  --mode=train \
  --config_file="" \
  --params_override="{ train: { checkpoint: { path: ${RESNET_CHECKPOINT?}, prefix: resnet50/ }, train_file_pattern: ${TRAIN_FILE_PATTERN?} }, eval: { val_json_file: ${VAL_JSON_FILE?}, eval_file_pattern: ${EVAL_FILE_PATTERN?} } }"

Customize configurations

The framework supports three levels of parameter overrides to accommodate different use cases.

  1. <xxx> under ./configs directory.

This defines and sets the default values of all the parameters required by the particular model.

  1. <xxx>.yaml and override through the --config_file flag.

This provides the first level override on top of the default defined by <xxx> One can use it to define a controlled experiment by first defining a .yaml file as the template and passing to the --config_file flag and then changing only one or two parameters using the --params_override flag.

  1. parameters in JSON string and override through the --params_override flag.

This provides the final override on top of 1 and 2.

Example: Train RetinaNet using customized configurations.

First, create a YAML config file, e.g. my_retinanet.yaml, to define training / evaluation dataset.

# my_retinanet.yaml
type: 'retinanet'
  train_file_pattern: <path to the TFRecord training data>
  eval_file_pattern: <path to the TFRecord validation data>
  val_json_file: <path to the validation annotation JSON file>

Override learning rate hyper-parameter via --params_override in the launch command.

python ~/tpu/models/official/detection/ \
  ... \
  --config_file="my_retinanet.yaml" \
  --params_override="{ train: { learnin_rate: { init_learning_rate: 0.2 } } }"

Model Export

Export to SavedModel

Given the checkpoint, one can easily export the SavedModel for serving using the following command.

EXPORT_DIR="<path to the directory to store the exported model>"
CHECKPOINT_PATH="<path to the checkpoint>"
PARAMS_OVERRIDE=""  # if any.
python ~/tpu/models/official/detection/ \
  --export_dir="${EXPORT_DIR?}" \
  --checkpoint_path="${CHECKPOINT_PATH?}" \
  --params_override="${PARAMS_OVERRIDE?}" \
  --batch_size=${BATCH_SIZE?} \
  --input_type="${INPUT_TYPE?}" \
  --input_name="${INPUT_NAME?}" \
  --input_image_size="${INPUT_IMAGE_SIZE?}" \

Export to TF-lite

Given the exported SavedModel, one can further convert it to the TF-lite format that can be deployed on mobile platform.

SAVED_MODEL_DIR="<path to the SavedModel directory>"
OUTPUT_DIR="<path to the directory to store the tflite model>"
python ~/tpu/models/official/detection/ \
  --saved_model_dir="${SAVED_MODEL_DIR?}" \
  --output_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR?}" \

Export to TensorRT

Given the exported SavedModel, one can further convert it to the TensoRT format that can be deployed on GPU platform.

SAVED_MODEL_DIR="<path to the SavedModel directory>"
OUTPUT_DIR="<path to the output TensorRT SavedModel directory>"
python ~/tpu/models/official/detection/ \
  --saved_model_dir="${SAVED_MODEL_DIR?}" \
  --output_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR?}" \

Model Inference

Use checkpoint

Given the checkpoint, one can easily run the model inference using the following command.

CHECKPOINT_PATH="<path to the checkpoint>"
PARAMS_OVERRIDE=""  # if any.
IMAGE_FILE_PATTERN="<path to the JPEG image that you want to run inference on>"
python ~/tpu/models/official/detection/ \
  --model="${MODEL?}" \
  --image_size=${IMAGE_SIZE?} \
  --checkpoint_path="${CHECKPOINT_PATH?}" \
  --label_map_file="${LABEL_MAP_FILE?}" \
  --image_file_pattern="${IMAGE_FILE_PATTERN?}" \
  --output_html="${OUTPUT_HTML?}" \
  --max_boxes_to_draw=10 \

Use SavedModel

One can also use the exported SavedModel, which a bundle of model weights and graph computation, to run inference.

SAVED_MODEL_DIR="<path to the SavedModel>"
IMAGE_FILE_PATTERN="<path to the JPEG image that you want to run inference on>"
python ~/tpu/models/detection/inference_saved_model \
  --saved_model_dir="${SAVED_MODEL_DIR?}" \
  --label_map_file="${LABEL_MAP_FILE?}" \
  --image_file_pattern="${IMAGE_FILE_PATTERN?}" \
  --output_html="${OUTPUT_HTML?}" \
  --max_boxes_to_draw=10 \