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API - Layers

To make TensorLayer simple, we minimize the number of layer classes as much as we can. So we encourage you to use TensorFlow's function. For example, we do not provide layer for local response normalization, we suggest you to apply tf.nn.lrn on Layer.outputs. More functions can be found in TensorFlow API

Understand layer

All TensorLayer layers have a number of properties in common:

  • layer.outputs : Tensor, the outputs of current layer.
  • layer.all_params : a list of Tensor, all network variables in order.
  • layer.all_layers : a list of Tensor, all network outputs in order.
  • layer.all_drop : a dictionary of {placeholder : float}, all keeping probabilities of noise layer.

All TensorLayer layers have a number of methods in common:

  • layer.print_params() : print the network variables information in order (after alternatively, print all variables by tl.layers.print_all_variables().
  • layer.print_layers() : print the network layers information in order.
  • layer.count_params() : print the number of parameters in the network.

The initialization of a network is done by input layer, then we can stacked layers as follow, then a network is a Layer class. The most important properties of a network are network.all_params, network.all_layers and network.all_drop. The all_params is a list which store all pointers of all network parameters in order, the following script define a 3 layer network, then:

all_params = [W1, b1, W2, b2, W_out, b_out]

The all_layers is a list which store all pointers of the outputs of all layers, in the following network:

all_layers = [drop(?,784), relu(?,800), drop(?,800), relu(?,800), drop(?,800)], identity(?,10)]

where ? reflects any batch size. You can print the layer information and parameters information by using network.print_layers() and network.print_params(). To count the number of parameters in a network, run network.count_params().

sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 784], name='x')
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[None, ], name='y_')

network = tl.layers.InputLayer(x, name='input_layer')
network = tl.layers.DropoutLayer(network, keep=0.8, name='drop1')
network = tl.layers.DenseLayer(network, n_units=800,
                                act = tf.nn.relu, name='relu1')
network = tl.layers.DropoutLayer(network, keep=0.5, name='drop2')
network = tl.layers.DenseLayer(network, n_units=800,
                                act = tf.nn.relu, name='relu2')
network = tl.layers.DropoutLayer(network, keep=0.5, name='drop3')
network = tl.layers.DenseLayer(network, n_units=10,
                                act = tl.activation.identity,

y = network.outputs
y_op = tf.argmax(tf.nn.softmax(y), 1)

cost = tl.cost.cross_entropy(y, y_)

train_params = network.all_params

train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999,
                            epsilon=1e-08, use_locking=False).minimize(cost, var_list = train_params)


In addition, network.all_drop is a dictionary which stores the keeping probabilities of all noise layer. In the above network, they are the keeping probabilities of dropout layers.

So for training, enable all dropout layers as follow.

feed_dict = {x: X_train_a, y_: y_train_a}
feed_dict.update( network.all_drop )
loss, _ =[cost, train_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)
feed_dict.update( network.all_drop )

For evaluating and testing, disable all dropout layers as follow.

feed_dict = {x: X_val, y_: y_val}
print("   val loss: %f" %, feed_dict=feed_dict))
print("   val acc: %f" % np.mean(y_val ==
              , feed_dict=feed_dict)))

For more details, please read the MNIST examples.

Creating custom layers

Understand Dense layer

Before creating your own TensorLayer layer, let's have a look at Dense layer. It creates a weights matrix and biases vector if not exists, then implement the output expression. At the end, as a layer with parameter, we also need to append the parameters into all_params.

class DenseLayer(Layer):
    The :class:`DenseLayer` class is a fully connected layer.

    layer : a :class:`Layer` instance
        The `Layer` class feeding into this layer.
    n_units : int
        The number of units of the layer.
    act : activation function
        The function that is applied to the layer activations.
    W_init : weights initializer
        The initializer for initializing the weight matrix.
    b_init : biases initializer
        The initializer for initializing the bias vector.
    W_init_args : dictionary
        The arguments for the weights tf.get_variable.
    b_init_args : dictionary
        The arguments for the biases tf.get_variable.
    name : a string or None
        An optional name to attach to this layer.
    def __init__(
        layer = None,
        n_units = 100,
        act = tf.nn.relu,
        W_init = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1),
        b_init = tf.constant_initializer(value=0.0),
        W_init_args = {},
        b_init_args = {},
        name ='dense_layer',
        Layer.__init__(self, name=name)
        self.inputs = layer.outputs
        if self.inputs.get_shape().ndims != 2:
            raise Exception("The input dimension must be rank 2")
        n_in = int(self.inputs._shape[-1])
        self.n_units = n_units
        print("  tensorlayer:Instantiate DenseLayer %s: %d, %s" % (, self.n_units, act))
        with tf.variable_scope(name) as vs:
            W = tf.get_variable(name='W', shape=(n_in, n_units), initializer=W_init, **W_init_args )
            b = tf.get_variable(name='b', shape=(n_units), initializer=b_init, **b_init_args )
            self.outputs = act(tf.matmul(self.inputs, W) + b)

        # Hint : list(), dict() is pass by value (shallow).
        self.all_layers = list(layer.all_layers)
        self.all_params = list(layer.all_params)
        self.all_drop = dict(layer.all_drop)
        self.all_layers.extend( [self.outputs] )
        self.all_params.extend( [W, b] )

A simple layer

To implement a custom layer in TensorLayer, you will have to write a Python class that subclasses Layer and implement the outputs expression.

The following is an example implementation of a layer that multiplies its input by 2:

class DoubleLayer(Layer):
    def __init__(
        layer = None,
        name ='double_layer',
        Layer.__init__(self, name=name)
        self.inputs = layer.outputs
        self.outputs = self.inputs * 2

        self.all_layers = list(layer.all_layers)
        self.all_params = list(layer.all_params)
        self.all_drop = dict(layer.all_drop)
        self.all_layers.extend( [self.outputs] )

Modifying Pre-train Behaviour

Greedy layer-wise pretrain is an important task for deep neural network initialization, while there are many kinds of pre-train methods according to different network architectures and applications.

For example, the pre-train process of Vanilla Sparse Autoencoder can be implemented by using KL divergence (for sigmoid) as the following code, but for Deep Rectifier Network, the sparsity can be implemented by using the L1 regularization of activation output.

# Vanilla Sparse Autoencoder
beta = 4
rho = 0.15
p_hat = tf.reduce_mean(activation_out, reduction_indices = 0)
KLD = beta * tf.reduce_sum( rho * tf.log(tf.div(rho, p_hat))
        + (1- rho) * tf.log((1- rho)/ (tf.sub(float(1), p_hat))) )

There are many pre-train methods, for this reason, TensorLayer provides a simple way to modify or design your own pre-train method. For Autoencoder, TensorLayer uses ReconLayer.__init__() to define the reconstruction layer and cost function, to define your own cost function, just simply modify the self.cost in ReconLayer.__init__(). To creat your own cost expression please read Tensorflow Math. By default, ReconLayer only updates the weights and biases of previous 1 layer by using self.train_params = self.all _params[-4:], where the 4 parameters are [W_encoder, b_encoder, W_decoder, b_decoder], where W_encoder, b_encoder belong to previous DenseLayer, W_decoder, b_decoder belong to this ReconLayer. In addition, if you want to update the parameters of previous 2 layers at the same time, simply modify [-4:] to [-6:].

    self.train_params = self.all_params[-4:]
  self.cost = mse + L1_a + L2_w


Layer InputLayer Word2vecEmbeddingInputlayer EmbeddingInputlayer DenseLayer ReconLayer DropoutLayer DropconnectDenseLayer Conv2dLayer Conv3dLayer DeConv3dLayer PoolLayer RNNLayer FlattenLayer ConcatLayer ReshapeLayer SlimNetsLayer MultiplexerLayer EmbeddingAttentionSeq2seqWrapper flatten_reshape clear_layers_name set_name_reuse print_all_variables initialize_rnn_state

Basic layer


Input layer


Word Embedding Input layer

Word2vec layer for training


Embedding Input layer


Dense layer

Dense layer


Reconstruction layer for Autoencoder


Noise layer

Dropout layer


Dropconnect + Dense layer


Convolutional layer

1D Convolutional layer

We don't provide 1D CNN layer, actually TensorFlow only provides tf.nn.conv2d and tf.nn.conv3d, so to implement 1D CNN, you can use Reshape layer as follow.

x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 500], name='x')
network = tl.layers.ReshapeLayer(x, shape=[-1, 500, 1, 1], name='reshape')
network = tl.layers.Conv2dLayer(network,
                    act = tf.nn.relu,
                    shape = [10, 1, 1, 16], # 16 features
                    strides=[1, 2, 1, 1],   # stride of 2
                    name = 'cnn')

2D Convolutional layer


2D Deconvolutional layer


3D Convolutional layer


3D Deconvolutional layer


Pooling layer

Max or Mean Pooling layer for any dimensions


Recurrent layer

Recurrent layer for any cell (LSTM, GRU etc)


Shape layer

Flatten layer


Concat layer


Reshape layer


Merge TF-Slim

Yes ! TF-Slim models can be merged into TensorLayer, all Google's Pre-trained model can be used easily , see Slim-model .


Flow control layer



Embedding + Attention + Seq2seq


Helper functions




