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A simple http server is sufficient to run the simulation, no other backend is needed.
Additional a standalone application is available that runs on Electron and requires Node.js.

Setup github

Download the latest version as zip or clone this repository using git:

git clone

Basic html

Browse into the repository root folder and start a webserver: (e.g. builtin python webserver)

python3 -m http.server 8080

The simulation is now available via

Optional nodejs

First install Node.js and then run npm install from the repository root folder. This installs Electron with the version defined in package.json. Start the application with:

npx electron .

Parameters console

Settings of the simulation can also be defined by url and command line parameters. Here some examples:

Set drone position:

npx electron . --preset=demo --drone.eastWest=-35 --drone.northSouth=-35

Overwrite preset values:

npx electron . --preset=demo --forest.size=10 --forest.persons.count=2

Capture and export data (single-run):

npx electron . --preset=demo --capture=true

Capture and export data (multi-run):[90,80,70]&capture=true

npx electron . --preset=demo[90,80,70] --capture=true

Development vscode

Source code is written in plain JavaScript, no additional build is required.
The ESLint version defined in package.json and the corresponding .eslintrc.json file is configured for basic syntax checking.

Settings for VSCode are available in launch.json, settings.json and tasks.json.
Additional extensions may be installed: