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  • JavaScript browser tab/window local message communication library.
  • Cross-domain networked communication between 2 or more windows.


  • Navigation requests.
  • Cross window method invocation (RMI).
  • Establish communication with already existing windows.


  • Install NPM
  • Clone the repository to your computer
  • Run npm install && npm run build


  • If you're using the UMD bundle the namespace for the project is CTalk.
  var manager = new CTalk.WindowManager("A");
  • The WindowManager is the object responsible for handling the communication.
  • Each window/tab should have one of these objects, to discern the windows a string type indicator.
  • To declare a window as type "A" we can create the WindowManager object.
  var manager = new WindowManager("A");
  • To open another window use the manager.openSession method that returns a WindowSession object.
  • The WindowSession object is responsible for handling communication to another window.
  • We can use the method session.sendMessage(data, authentication) to send data to another window.
  • The callbacks onReady, onMessage and onClose can be used to receive data from the other window.
  var session = manager.openSession("anotherwindow.html", "B");
  session.onReady = function()
    console.log("Session B is ready.");
  session.onMessage = function(data, authentication)
    console.log("Session B message received", data, authentication);
  session.onClose = function()
    console.log("Session B closed");

    session = manager.getSession("B");
  • Messages can be broadcasted to all known windows using the WindowManager object.
  • To send messages the broadcast(data, authentication) method can be used.
  • To process broadcasted messages the onBroadcastMessage callback can be used.
manager.broadcast({a:"something"}, "authenticationtoken");

manager.onBroadcastMessage = function(data, authentication)
  console.log("Broadcast Message received", data, authentication);
  • To close a session you can use the session.close() method.
  • The close method can receive a closeWindow parameter to indicate if the session window should be closed.
  • To handle message globally the manager object also contains an onMessage callback that receives the window type, data and authentication data as parameters.
manager.onMessage = function(type, data, auhentication)
  console.log("Message received", type, data, authentication);

Communication Diagram

  • Bellow there is a simple communication diagram explaining the handshake process used to establish communication.
  • In this example three windows exist the fist window is A, A is opens B.
  • B opens the window C, communication from A to C has to be redirected by B.
           A              Open                 B
           | --------------------------------> |
           |                                   |
           |            (A waits)              |
           |                                   |
           |           Ready Message           |
           | <-------------------------------- |
           |     {                             |
A Knows B  |         action:READY,             |
   data    |         originUUID:...,           |
           |         originType:...            |
           |     }                             |
           |                                   |
           |           Ready Message           |
           | --------------------------------> |
           |     {                             |
           |         action:READY,             |  B Knows A
           |         originUUID:...,           |     data
           |         originType:...            |
           |     }                             |
           |                                   |
           | <-----------[Messages]----------> |
           |     {                             |
           |         action:MESSAGE,           | 
           |         originUUID:...,           |
           |         originType:...,           |
           |         destinationUUID:...,      |
           |         destinationType:...,      |
           |         authentication:...,       |
           |         data:{...}                |
           |     }                             | 
           |                                   |
           |          Lookup Window            |
           | --------------------------------> |                                   C
           |     {                             |                                   |
           |         action:LOOKUP,            | Lets assume                       |
           |         originUUID:...,           | B known C                         |
           |         originType:...,           | its sends a response              |
           |         destinationType:...,      | containing C data.                |
           |         url:...                   |                                   |
           |     }                             |                                   |
           |                                   |                                   |
           |          Lookup Response          |                                   |
           | <-------------------------------- |                                   |
           |     {                             |                                   |
A Known C  |         action:LOOKUP_FOUND   ,   | If B doesnot known C              |
 via B     |         originUUID:...,           | action is lookup_unknown          |
           |         originType:...,           | and data empty.                   |
           |         destinationType:...,      |                                   |
           |         destinationUUID:...,      |                                   |
           |         data:                     |                                   |
           |         {                         |                                   |
           |             uuid:...,             | UUID of C                         |
           |             type:...              | Type of C                         |
           |         }                         |                                   |
           |     }                             |                                   |
           |        Ready Message from A       |         Ready Message from A      |
           | --------------------------------> | --------------------------------> | 
           |                                   |                                   |
           |                                   |                                   |