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Releases: teogor/drifter


28 Feb 13:01
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- Enhancement

Release Drifter v1.0.0-alpha02 (#22) by @teogor
Upgrade Unity Integration with Modern Composables and Documentation (#21) by @teogor
Modularize Unity Support for Version-Specific Functionality (#20) by @teogor
Unify and Streamline Il2Cpp Build Process for Clarity and Efficiency (#19) by @teogor
Enable code generation for Drifter modules with KSP plugin (#16) by @teogor
Enhance Drifter Common Module with Serialization, PlayerPrefs, and more (#15) by @teogor
Introduce safe property access for Unity NDK and export paths (#14) by @teogor
Enhance PlatformArch with common architectures via companion object (#12) by @teogor
Add BuildIl2CppTask and UnityAssetSyncTask for Unity Integration (#4) by @teogor

- Bug Fixes

Resolve Resource Issues and Upgrade API Level for Android Compatibility (#18) by @teogor
Fix configuration issue with mergeVariantJniLibFolders task (#10) by @teogor
Implement Ceres Plugins (#6) by @teogor

- Documentation

Release Drifter v1.0.0-alpha02 (#22) by @teogor
Upgrade Unity Integration with Modern Composables and Documentation (#21) by @teogor
Ensure Accurate Documentation Updates with Workflow Fix (#17) by @teogor
Upgrade documentation workflow (#11) by @teogor
Enhance plugin configuration for Winds integration (#9) by @teogor
Code Refactoring and Documentation Updates (#8) by @teogor
Add Javadoc for UnitySendMessage methods (#7) by @teogor
Implement Ceres Plugins (#6) by @teogor

- Others

Enable Demo Modules & Typesafe Accessors (#13) by @teogor

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-alpha01...1.0.0-alpha02


26 Sep 08:57
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馃殌 Drifter - Simplifies the integration between Unity and Android, enhancing performance seamlessly and effortlessly. 馃殌

We're thrilled to announce the initial release of Drifter! 馃帀

馃専 Key Features:

  • Seamlessly integrate Unity and Android.
  • Enhance performance effortlessly.
  • Simplify the development process.

馃摝 Get started with Drifter and unlock a new level of Unity-Android integration!

Check out the Full Changelog for details on this release.