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Releases: teogor/sudoklify


04 Mar 04:59
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- Enhancement

Enable Consistent Sudoku Symbol Representation with convertToSudokuSymbol (#63) by @teogor
Enhance SudokuPuzzle with Grid Generation from Given Cells (#62) by @teogor
Enable User-Driven Sudoku Generation with Public SudokuGenerator (#60) by @teogor
Improve Variable Naming for Clarity: uniqueDigitsCount & totalCells (#59) by @teogor

- Bug Fixes

Ensure Compatibility During Deprecation: Replace Deprecated Functions in createPuzzle() (#61) by @teogor
Improve Variable Naming for Clarity: uniqueDigitsCount & totalCells (#59) by @teogor

- Documentation

Bump sudoklify version to 1.0.0-beta02 for Release (#65) by @teogor
Improve Documentation Clarity and User Guidance (#64) by @teogor

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta01...1.0.0-beta02


21 Feb 05:15
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- Enhancement

Enhance Sudoku generation with improved combinedSeeds and seed-based tests (#55) by @teogor
Enable easier string conversion with default mappers in Sudoku board functions (#53) by @teogor
Enable encoding and decoding Sudoku boards to/from strings (#52) by @teogor
Introduce SudokuType sealed class (#51) by @teogor
Refactor Seed type to sealed class for improved safety and organization (#49) by @teogor
Enhance Tokenizer with sealed class structure and improved token handling (#48) by @teogor
Enhance SudokuParams.createPuzzle() by introducing SudokuPuzzle data class (#46) by @teogor

- Bug Fixes

Improved accuracy and reliability of BoardCell conversions with comprehensive testing (#54) by @teogor

- Documentation

Prepare release 1.0.0-beta01 (#58) by @teogor
Future-Proofing Sudoku: Deprecate Legacy Flow Types, Migrate to SudokuPuzzle (#57) by @teogor
Updated Docs (#50) by @teogor
Modularize Project Structure: Core, Common, Ktx, Seeds Modules (#47) by @teogor

- Others

Upgrade JVM Target Compatibility to Java 17 (Kotlin) (#56) by @teogor
Missing project URL in pom causing Sonatype service stop failure (#43) by @teogor
Ensure successful publishAllPublicationsToMavenCentral execution (#42) by @teogor

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-alpha04...1.0.0-beta01


08 Feb 11:57
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- Enhancement

Prepare for release 1.0.0-alpha04 (#41) by @teogor
Introduce more descriptive Cell type and board serialization (#40) by @teogor
Add supportsDifficulty function for GameType compatibility (#39) by @teogor
Enhance Sudoku seed generation for smaller puzzle sizes (#38) by @teogor
Implement Sudoku puzzle parsing and decoding (#37) by @teogor
Enhance Sudoku Solver with Thorough Test Suite (#34) by @teogor
Enable Sudoku puzzle parsing and conversion with SudokuParser (#33) by @teogor
Enhance Sudoku Seeds with Additional Game Types and Difficulties (#32) by @teogor
Enhance Difficulty Representation with Stars and Text Options (#31) by @teogor
Refactor GameType enum for improved readability and clarity (#30) by @teogor
Improve Difficulty Enum with Percentages and Documentation (#29) by @teogor

- Bug Fixes

Enhance Sudoku seed generation for smaller puzzle sizes (#38) by @teogor

- Maintenance

Enhance Sudoku Solver with Thorough Test Suite (#34) by @teogor

- Dependency Updates

Migrate to teogor/winds plugin (#28) by @teogor

- Documentation

Prepare for release 1.0.0-alpha04 (#41) by @teogor
Introduce MkDocs for documentation generation (#36) by @teogor
Enhance Code Quality and Maintainability with Dokka, Spotless, and API Validator (#35) by @teogor

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-alpha03...1.0.0-alpha04


21 Sep 08:55
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- Enhancement

Refactor GameType Enum and Add Utility Functions (#26) by @teogor

- Bug Fixes

Refactor GameType Enum and Add Utility Functions (#26) by @teogor
Fix Inconsistency in Sudoku Puzzle Patterns and Solutions (#24) by @teogor

- Maintenance

Update Dependency Versions and Build Configuration (#27) by @teogor
Update Maven Publishing Configuration (#25) by @teogor

- Documentation

Update Dependency Versions and Build Configuration (#27) by @teogor
Refactor GameType Enum and Add Utility Functions (#26) by @teogor
Update Maven Publishing Configuration (#25) by @teogor

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-alpha02...1.0.0-alpha03


25 Aug 14:17
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- Bug Fixes

Corrected Data Types in "Accessing Generated Sudoku" (#21) by @teogor
Update Package Name from "exntensions" to "extensions" (#20) by @teogor

- Maintenance

Bump Maven Publish Version to 1.0.0-alpha02 (#22) by @teogor
Adding Code of Conduct for a Respectful Community (#19) by @teogor
Redefining Puzzle Generation: Sudoklify's Innovative Approach (#18) by @teogor

- Documentation

Bump Maven Publish Version to 1.0.0-alpha02 (#22) by @teogor
Corrected Data Types in "Accessing Generated Sudoku" (#21) by @teogor
Adding Code of Conduct for a Respectful Community (#19) by @teogor
Redefining Puzzle Generation: Sudoklify's Innovative Approach (#18) by @teogor

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-alpha01...1.0.0-alpha02


24 Aug 11:48
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馃帀 Introducing Sudoklify v1.0.0-alpha01 馃З

Sudoklify, the Sudoku puzzle generation library, is here with its exciting alpha-01 release! Crafted with love in Kotlin, Sudoklify empowers you to effortlessly generate, manipulate, and solve Sudoku puzzles of varying grid sizes and difficulty levels. Dive into the world of puzzles and challenge your logic with Sudoklify. Let the Sudoku adventures begin! 馃殌馃

New Contributors

  • @zeobot made their first contribution in #1
  • @teogor made their first contribution in #2

Full Changelog: