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ePBS -- Honest Validator

Notice: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers.


This document represents the changes to be made in the code of an "honest validator" to implement ePBS.


This document is an extension of the Deneb -- Honest Validator guide. All behaviors and definitions defined in this document, and documents it extends, carry over unless explicitly noted or overridden.

All terminology, constants, functions, and protocol mechanics defined in the updated Beacon Chain doc of ePBS. are requisite for this document and used throughout. Please see related Beacon Chain doc before continuing and use them as a reference throughout.



Note: get_execution_inclusion_list function is added to the ExecutionEngine protocol for use as a validator.

The body of this function is implementation dependent. The Engine API may be used to implement it with an external execution engine.


Given the parent_block_hash, get_execution_inclusion_list returns GetInclusionListResponse with the most recent version of the inclusion list based on the parent block hash.

class GetInclusionListResponse(container)
    inclusion_list_summary: InclusionListSummary
    transactions: List[Transaction, MAX_TRANSACTIONS_PER_INCLUSION_LIST]
def get_execution_inclusion_list(self: ExecutionEngine, parent_block_hash: Root) -> GetInclusionListResponse:
    Return ``GetInclusionListResponse`` object.

Beacon chain responsibilities

All validator responsibilities remain unchanged other than those noted below. Namely, proposer normal block production switched to a new BeaconBlockBody. Proposer with additional duty to construct and broadcast InclusionList alongside SignedBeaconBlock. Attester with an additional duty to be part of PTC committee and broadcast PayloadAttestationMessage.

Validator assignment

A validator can get PTC committee assignments for a given slot using the following helper via get_ptc_assignment(state, epoch, validator_index) where epoch <= next_epoch.

A validator can use the following function to see if they are supposed to submit payload attestation message during a slot across an epoch. PTC committee selection is only stable within the context of the current and next epoch.

def get_ptc_assignment(state: BeaconState,
                             epoch: Epoch,
                             validator_index: ValidatorIndex
                             ) -> Optional[Tuple[Sequence[ValidatorIndex], Slot]]:
    Return the ptc committee assignment in the ``slot`` for ``validator_index``.
    ``assignment`` returned is a tuple of the following form:
        * ``assignment[0]`` is the list of validators in the ptc
        * ``assignment[1]`` is the slot at which the ptc is assigned
    Return None if no assignment.
    next_epoch = Epoch(get_current_epoch(state) + 1)
    assert epoch <= next_epoch

    start_slot = compute_start_slot_at_epoch(epoch)
    committee_count_per_slot = get_committee_count_per_slot(state, epoch)
    for slot in range(start_slot, start_slot + SLOTS_PER_EPOCH):
        for index in range(committee_count_per_slot):
            committee = get_ptc(state, Slot(slot))
            if validator_index in committee:
                return committee, Slot(slot)
    return None


The beacon chain shufflings are designed to provide a minimum of 1 epoch lookahead on the validator's upcoming ptc assignments for attesting dictated by the shuffling and slot.

[New in ePBS]

get_ptc_assignment should be called at the start of each epoch to get the assignment for the next epoch (current_epoch + 1). A validator should plan for future assignments by noting their assigned ptc committee slot and planning to participate in the ptc committee subnet.

[Modified in MaxEB]

a validator should:

  • Find peers of the pubsub topic beacon_attestation_{subnet_id}.
    • If the validator is assigned to be an aggregator for the slot (see is_aggregator())[Modified in MaxEB], then subscribe to the topic.

Inclusion list proposal

ePBS introduces forward inclusion list. The detail design is described in this post Proposer must construct and broadcast InclusionList alongside SignedBeaconBlock.

  • Proposer for slot N submits SignedBeaconBlock and in parallel submits InclusionList to be included at the beginning of slot N+1 builder.
  • Within InclusionList, Transactions are list of transactions that the proposer wants to include at the beginning of slot N+1 builder.
  • Within inclusionList, Summaries are lists consisting on addresses sending those transactions and their gas limits. The summaries are signed by the proposer N.
  • Proposer may send many of these pairs that aren't committed to its beacon block so no double proposing slashing is involved.

Constructing the inclusion list

To obtain an inclusion list, a block proposer building a block on top of a state must take the following actions:

  1. Check if the previous slot is skipped. If state.latest_execution_payload_header.time_stamp is from previous slot.

    • If it's skipped, the proposer should not propose an inclusion list. It can ignore rest of the steps.
  2. Retrieve inclusion list from execution layer by calling get_execution_inclusion_list.

  3. Call build_inclusion_list to build InclusionList.

def build_inclusion_list(state: BeaconState, inclusion_list_response: GetInclusionListResponse, block_slot: Slot, privkey: int) -> InclusionList:
    inclusion_list_summary = inclusion_list_response.inclusion_list_summary
    signature = get_inclusion_list_summary_signature(state, inclusion_list_summary, block_slot, privkey)
    signed_inclusion_list_summary = SignedInclusionListSummary(summary=inclusion_list_summary, signature=signature)
    return InclusionList(summaries=signed_inclusion_list_summary, transactions=inclusion_list_response.transactions)

In order to get inclusion list summary signature, the proposer will call get_inclusion_list_summary_signature.

def get_inclusion_list_summary_signature(state: BeaconState, inclusion_list_summary: InclusionListSummary, block_slot: Slot, privkey: int) -> BLSSignature:
    domain = get_domain(state, DOMAIN_BEACON_PROPOSER, compute_epoch_at_slot(block_slot))
    signing_root = compute_signing_root(inclusion_list_summary, domain)
    return bls.Sign(privkey, signing_root)

Broadcast inclusion list

Finally, the proposer broadcasts inclusion_list to the inclusion list subnet, the inclusion_list pubsub topic.

Block proposal

Constructing the new signed_execution_payload_header_envelope field in BeaconBlockBody

To obtain signed_execution_payload_header_envelope, a block proposer building a block on top of a state must take the following actions:

  • Listen to the execution_payload_header_envelope gossip subnet and save accepted signed_execution_payload_header_envelope from the builders.
  • Filter out the header envelops where signed_execution_payload_header_envelope.message.header.parent_hash matches state.latest_execution_payload_header.block_hash
  • The signed_execution_payload_header_envelope must satisfy the verification conditions found in process_execution_payload_header using state advance to the latest slot.
  • Select the one bid and set body.signed_execution_payload_header_envelope = signed_execution_payload_header_envelope

Constructing the new payload_attestations field in BeaconBlockBody

Up to MAX_PAYLOAD_ATTESTATIONS, aggregate payload attestations can be included in the block. The payload attestations added must satisfy the verification conditions found in payload attestation processing. It must pass process_payload_attestation. payload_attestations can only be included in the next slot, so there's only a maximum of two possible aggregates that are valid.

Some validators are selected to locally aggregate attestations with a similar attestation_data to their constructed attestation for the assigned slot.

Aggregation selection

A validator is selected to aggregate based upon the return value of is_aggregator(). [Modified in ePBS]. Taken from PR

def is_aggregator(state: BeaconState, slot: Slot, index: CommitteeIndex, validator_index: ValidatorIndex, slot_signature: BLSSignature) -> bool:
    validator = state.validators[validator_index]
    committee = get_beacon_committee(state, slot, index)
    min_balance_increments = validator.effective_balance // MIN_ACTIVATION_BALANCE
    committee_balance_increments = get_total_balance(state, set(committee)) // MIN_ACTIVATION_BALANCE
    denominator = committee_balance_increments ** min_balance_increments
    numerator = denominator - (committee_balance_increments -  TARGET_AGGREGATORS_PER_COMMITTEE) ** min_balance_increments
    modulo = denominator // numerator
    return bytes_to_uint64(hash(slot_signature)[0:8]) % modulo == 0

Rest of the aggregation process remains unchanged.

Payload timeliness attestation

Some validators are selected to submit payload timeliness attestation. The assigned slot for which the validator performs this role during an epoch are defined by get_ptc(state, slot).

A validator should create and broadcast the payload_attestation_message to the global execution attestation subnet at SECONDS_PER_SLOT * 3 / INTERVALS_PER_SLOT seconds after the start of slot

Constructing payload attestation

Prepare payload attestation message

If a validator is in the payload attestation committee (i.e. is_assigned_to_payload_committee() below returns True), then the validator should prepare a PayloadAttestationMessage for the current slot, according to the logic in get_payload_attestation_message at SECONDS_PER_SLOT * 3 / INTERVALS_PER_SLOT interval, and broadcast it to the global payload_attestation_message pubsub topic.

def is_assigned_to_payload_committee(state: BeaconState,
                                  slot: Slot,
                                  validator_index: ValidatorIndex) -> bool:
    committe = get_ptc(state, slot)
    return validator_index in committee

Next, the validator creates payload_attestation_message as follows:

  • Set payload_attestation_data.slot = slot where slot is the assigned slot.
  • Set payload_attestation_data.beacon_block_root = block_root where block_root is the head of the chain.
  • Set payload_attestation_data.payload_revealed = True if the SignedExecutionPayloadEnvelope is seen from the block builder reveal at SECONDS_PER_SLOT * 2 / INTERVALS_PER_SLOT, and if ExecutionPayloadEnvelope.beacon_block_root matches block_root
    • Otherwise, set payload_attestation_data.payload_revealed = False.
  • Set payload_attestation_message.validator_index = validator_index where validator_index is the validator chosen to submit. The private key mapping to state.validators[validator_index].pubkey is used to sign the payload timeliness attestation.
  • Set payload_attestation_message = PayloadAttestationMessage(data=payload_attestation_data, signature=payload_attestation_signature), where payload_attestation_signature is obtained from:
def get_payload_attestation_message_signature(state: BeaconState, attestation: PayloadAttestationMessage, privkey: int) -> BLSSignature:
    domain = get_domain(state, DOMAIN_PTC_ATTESTER, compute_epoch_at_slot(attestation.slot))
    signing_root = compute_signing_root(attestation, domain)
    return bls.Sign(privkey, signing_root)

Broadcast payload attestation

Finally, the validator broadcasts payload_attestation_message to the global payload_attestation_message pubsub topic.


If you are assigned to PTC is_assigned_to_payload_committee(state, slot, validtor_index)==true, then you can skip attesting at slot. The attestation will not be gaining any rewards and will be dropped on the gossip network.

Attestation aggregation

Even if you skip attesting because of PTC, you should still aggregate attestations for the assigned slot. if is_aggregator==true. This is the honest behavior.

Design Rationale

What is the honest behavior to build on top of a skip slot for inclusion list?

The proposer shouldn't propose an inclusion list on top of a skip slot. If the payload for block N isn't revealed, the summaries and transactions for slot N-1 remain valid. The slot N+1 proposer can't submit a new IL, and any attempt will be ignored. The builder for N+1 must adhere to the N-1 summary. If k consecutive slots lack payloads, the next full slot must still follow the N-1 inclusion list.

Why skip the attestation if you are assigned to PTC?

PTC validators are selected as the first index from each beacon committee, excluding builders. These validators receive a full beacon attestation reward when they correctly identify the payload reveal status. Specifically, if they vote for "full" and the payload is included, or vote for "empty" and the payload is excluded. Attestations directed at the CL block from these validators are disregarded, eliminating the need for broadcasting. This does not apply if you are an aggregator.