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Financial Services compliant example

This example uses the Profile for IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services to provision an IBM Cloud Object Storage instance and a Hyper Protect Crypto Services (HPCS) bucket encrypted with KYOK. The resources include activity tracking, monitoring, and context-based restriction (CBR) rules.

The following resources are provisioned by this example:

  • A new resource group, if an existing one is not passed in.
  • An IBM Cloud Monitoring instance in the given resource group and region.
  • An IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance, if existing ones is not passed in, in the given resource group and region.
  • An IBM Cloud Object Storage instance in the given resource group and region.
  • An IAM authorization policy to allow the Object Storage instance read access to the Key Protect instance.
  • A regional bucket with KYOK Hyper Protect Crypto Services (HPCS) encryption, monitoring, and activity tracking enabled.
  • A basic VPC and subnet.
  • A Context-based restriction (CBR) network zone containing the VPC.
  • A Context-based restriction network zone containing the schematics service.
  • CBR rules that allow only the VPC and schematics to access the Object Storage instance and buckets over the private endpoint.

Important: In this example, only the IBM Cloud Object Storage instance and buckets complies with the IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services. Other parts of the infrastructure do not necessarily comply.

Before you begin

Before you run the example, make sure that you set up the following prerequisites:

  • A Hyper Protect Crypto Service instance and root key.