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Releases: terrapower/armi

Release version 0.2.0

19 Nov 19:04
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ARMI v0.2.0

Release Date: 2021-11-19

The API has started to solidify, and the number of external-facing changes have started to
slow down. This release is a stake in the ground on a stable API.

What's new in ARMI v0.2.0

  • Made user settings immutable to avoid confusing runtime behavior
  • Removed the concept of 'facemaps' (now replaced with more general grids)
  • Added ability to use module-level logging for more precise debugging
  • Added ability to write full tips-up hex asciimaps
  • Fixed ability to serialize grid blueprints
  • Improved code coverage and linting
  • Added a latin hypercube suite builder for parameter sweeps
  • Added several clarifications, fixes, and updates to documentation
  • Updated units labels on several parameters
  • Added protections against deleting directories
  • Updated spontaneous fission data
  • Removed confusing Charge Fuel Pool from core
  • Sped up YAML reading
  • Removed localization module
  • Added ANL116 energy group structure
  • Added setting to control auto-creation of within-block grids
  • Added new plot/summarizing capabilities
  • Added ability for GUI to save map as image
  • Added C5G7 compositions and dimensions to LWR tutorial
  • Added 1d/2d mesh reading/writing to GEODST

Backwards incompatible changes

There may be some new errors based on updated input checking.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed centering of full-symmetry Cartesian lattice maps
  • Fixed issues with grids that had multii-index locations
  • Removed test files from coverage check
  • Fixed order of operations issue in rotatePins
  • Fixed incorrect multiplicity for non-grid block components
  • Many additional bugfixes and cleanups (see PR list)


18 Dec 17:09
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ARMI v0.1.6

Release Date: 2020-12-17

  • Add capability to map flags to current meaning when loading from database.
    Previously, loading would fail if the meanings of written and current flags did not
    match exactly.
  • Numerous documentation improvements.
  • Add support for XDMF visualization file output.
  • Add optional flag to armi.configure() to permit repeated configuration. This aids
    in certain testing and demonstration contexts.
  • Allow for fully-qualified material names in blueprints. Materials take the form of
  • Disable the use of the fast path in interactive sessions.
  • Define ARMITESTBASE environment variable when configuring pytest. This allows
    tests to spawn new processes and still find the ARMI test suite.
  • Enable full-core expansion of core grid blueprints.


  • Removed dumpLocationSnapshot setting and related functionality. This is replaced
    by features of Database, version 3. Database 3 supports history tracking from the
    database file, and whole reactor models can be loaded for any stored time step,
    obviating the need for special logic in snapshots.
  • Removed None option to XS "geometry" setting.
  • Removed Location classes. These were made redundant with grids/spatial locators.
  • Removed Block.isAnnular().
  • Remove old "XTView" database format support. Migrating older databases will require
    checking out an older version of the code.


  • Apply YAML !input resolution before writing blueprints to database.
  • Change default App name to "armi" instead of "ARMI". This allows ARMI to re-invoke
    itself, and produce accurate help messages.
  • Conform R-Z-Theta grid ring/position indices to be 1-based like other grid types.
  • Add a check that an ISOTXS library exists before attempting to calculate flux-based
    reaction rates on mesh conversions. Prior to this, performing mesh conversions without
    an ISOTXS would lead to a crash.
  • Hide FAST_PATH behind context.getFastPath() function, allowing it to change.
    The avoids bugs where code is sensitive to changes to the fast path at runtime.

ARMI 0.1.5 release

15 Oct 21:13
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ARMI v0.1.5

Release Date: 2020-10-15

User-facing enhancements

  • Add location-based history tracking to Database3.
  • Add grid-editor GUI (grids entry point).
  • Add support for converting Database files to general-purpose visualization formats
    (currently supported are VTK and XDMF).
  • Add generic fuel-performance plugin.
  • Update Hastelloy N and Incoloy 800 materials.
  • Add holed rectangle, square component types.
  • Add syncDbAfterWrite setting.
  • Add support for explicit Flags input in Blueprints.
  • Add glob option to directory changer file retrieval.
  • Add Cartesian plotting capabilities.
  • Add support for importing unstablie nuclides from the RIPL-3 database.
  • Numerous documentation and tutorial enhancements.
  • Add run-suite entry point.
  • Improve/generalize and make extensible from Plugins the setting rename capability.
  • Improve merging behavior of GAMISO and PMATRX files.
  • Add doTH setting.
  • Add mpiActionRequiresReset plugin hook.
  • Remove unused entry points (back-up-db, copy-db).
  • Add thermal-scattering metadata to materials.
  • Improve ASCII map capabilities.
  • Add the ability to define ex-core Core-like structures in blueprints. This is good for
    things like spent-fuel pools.
  • Minor improvements to SuiteBuilder.


  • Fix issues in uniform mesh conversion.
  • Fix order-of-operations issues with string-to-Flags conversions.
  • Fix issues with circular ring hex-to-RZ mesh conversion.
  • Fix bug in HT9 material, which was not properly converting between C and K.

Backend changes

  • Better-formalize Executer classes.
  • Improve consistency global flux code.
  • Various performance enhancements.
  • Add packing/unpacking of Multi-Index Locations in the database.
  • Remove deprecated old Settings.
  • Remove armiAbsDirFromName.
  • Reduce numerical diffusion in mesh mapping operations.
  • No longer auto-apply DEPLETABLE Flag when flags explicitly specified.
  • Improve behavior of delated neutron fraction settings and parameter values.
  • Change assembly ordering to be based on (i, j) indices rather than (ring, pos).
  • Remove Block.getEnrichment(), since it is redundant with the Composite
  • Remove old block-homogenized number density params. These are still whipped up on the
    fly when writing to DB.
  • Add explicit CartesianGrid class.
  • Remove some unused or design- and physics-related functions from Block.
  • Merge addComponent() with base add().
  • Fix issues with Be material properties.
  • Allow setting Block heights to zero.
  • Add a Setting class for handling lists of Flags.
  • Greatly improve support for CCCC file reading/writing.