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File metadata and controls

974 lines (673 loc) · 20.4 KB


Table of Contents


Runs a test suite; a collection of steps.


  • description: A description of the test suite.
  • runSuite: A callback that runs steps.

Return Value

A promise if runSuite is asynchronous, void otherwise.

Examples 1

Example 1-1

// Synchronous
const isEven = (num: number) => num % 2 === 0;
describe("isEven", it => {
  it("should return true for multiples of 2", expect => {
    expect(isEven(2), toEqual(true));
    expect(isEven(100), toEqual(true));
  it("should return true for 0", expect => {
    expect(isEven(0), toEqual(true));
  // More it

Example 1-2

// Asynchronous
// Remember to wrap this in an async function if you are using an environment
// that does not support top level await.
const delay = timeMilliseconds => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve(), timeMilliseconds);
await describe("delay", async it => {
  await it("should delay by 1s", async expect => {
    const time =;
    await delay(1000);
    expect( - time, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1000));
  // More it


Runs an assertion.


  • expectation: The known value to assert.
  • assert: The function used for assertion.

Return Value

A promise if assert is asynchronous, void otherwise.

Examples 2

Example 2-1

// Synchronous
expect(true, toEqual(true)); // PASSED

Example 2-2

// Asynchronous
// Remember to wrap this in an async function if you are using an environment
// that does not support top level await.
const reject = () => {
  return new Promise((_, reject) => reject(new Error()));
await expect(reject, toReject(Error)); // PASSED


Runs a step; a collection of assertions.


  • description: Description of the step.
  • test: The callback that runs assertions.

Return Value

A promise if test is asynchronous, void otherwise.

Examples 3

Example 3-1

// Synchronous
const isEven = (num: number) => num % 2 === 0;
it("returns true if number is even", expect => {
  expect(isEven(2), toEqual(true)); // PASSED
  // More expect

Example 3-2

// Asynchronous
// Remember to wrap this in an async function if you are using an environment
// that does not support top level await.
const delay = timeMilliseconds => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve(), timeMilliseconds);
await it("should delay by 1000ms", async expect => {
  const time =;
  await delay(1000);
  expect( - time, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1000));


Runs a module; a collection of test suites.


  • description: A description of the module.
  • runModule: A callback that runs suites.

Return Value

A promise if runModule is asynchronous, void otherwise.

Examples 4

Example 4-1

// Synchronous
mod("Math", describe => {
  describe("isEven", it => {
    it("should return true for multiples of 2", expect => {
      expect(isEven(2), toEqual(true));
      expect(isEven(1000), toEqual(true));
    it("should return true for 0", expect => {
      expect(isEven(0), toEqual(true));

Example 4-2

// Asynchronous
// Remember to wrap this in an async function if you are using an environment
// that does not support top level await.
await mod("Time", async describe => {
  // Asynchronous code


Inverts the actual of an assertion.


  • confirm: A callback for assertion.The callback can be returned by other assertion functions like toEqual.

Return Value


Examples 5

Example 5-1

expect(true, not(toEqual(false))); // PASSED


Runs a package; a collection of mods.


  • description: A description of the package.
  • runPackage: A callback that runs mods.

Return Value

A promise if runPackage is asynchronous, void otherwise.

Examples 6

Example 6-1

// Synchronous
pack("Utils", mod => {
  // mod code

Example 6-2

// Asynchronous
// Remember to wrap this in an async function if you are using an environment
// that does not support top level await.
await pack("Utils", async mod => {
  // mod code


Creates relative paths from absolute paths.


  • absolutePaths: Absolute paths for which to create relative paths.
  • entry: The entry paths for both the absolute paths and relative paths.

Return Value

An Array of relative paths.


Creates a function that runs tests.


  • options: An object containing the following properties:
  1. entry: an object specifying the entry points of the test runner.
  2. isMatch: a function that checks if a file path meets certain conditions.
  3. importModule: a function that imports the module containing tests.
  4. getTestRunner: a function that gets the function that runs tests from the imported module.

Return Value

A function that runs the tests. The function doesn't take any parameters and returns a promise that resolves to void or undefined.

Examples 7

Example 7-1

// Deno
import {
  type ModuleImporter,
  type TestModule,
  type TestRunner
} from "";
const { createTestRunner, isTSFile } = run;
const relative = "./src";
// Checkout run.getPaths for equivalent in Node
const absolute = new URL(relative, import.meta.url).pathname;
const entry = { relative, absolute };
const importModule: ModuleImporter = path => import(path);
// Assuming the the test modules export run
const getTestRunner = (mod: TestModule): TestRunner =>;
const runTSTests = createTestRunner({
  isMatch: isTSFile,


Gets all paths in a given directory that match a particular condition.


  • isMatch: The function that checks whether the file pathmeets a particular condition.

Return Value

An Array of matching paths.

Examples 8

Example 8-1

// Deno
import { run } from "";
const { getPaths, isTSFile } = run;
const dir = new URL("./src", import.meta.url).pathname;
const getTSFiles = getPaths(isTSFile);
const paths = getTSPaths(dir);
console.log(paths); // ['/home/testjs/repos/testjs/src/main.test.ts']

Example 8-2

// Node ES
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import path, { dirname } from "path";
import { run } from "@test-bdd/testjs";
const { getPaths, isTSFile } = run;
const currentFilePath = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const currentDirPath = dirname(currentFilePath);
const dir = path.join(currentDirPath, "src");
const getTSFiles = getPaths(isTSFile);
const paths = getTSPaths(dir);
console.log(paths); // ['/home/testjs/repos/testjs/src/main.test.ts']

Example 8-3

// Node CommonJS
const path = require("path");
const { run } = require("@test-bdd/testjs");
const { getPaths, isTSFile } = run;
const dir = path.join(__dirname, "src");
const getTSFiles = getPaths(isTSFile);
const paths = getTSPaths(dir);
console.log(paths); // ['/home/testjs/repos/testjs/src/main.test.ts']


Checks if a given path is for an ES (TypeScript or JavaScript) test file. Valid test file extensions are prefixed with .test, _test, .spec, or _spec.


  • path: The path to a file or directory.

Return Value

true if path is for an ES file, false otherwise.

Examples 9

Example 9-1

const path = "/src/main.test.ts";
console.log(isESFile(path)); // true


Checks if a given path is for a file.


  • path: The path to a file or directory.

Return Value

true if path is for a file, false otherwise.

Examples 10

Example 10-1

const path = "/src/main.test.ts";
console.log(isFile(path)); // true


Checks if a given path is for a JavaScript test file. This includes Node.js files such as those having extensions mjs and cjs. Valid test file extensions are prefixed with .test, _test, .spec, or _spec.


  • path: The path to a file or directory.

Return Value

A true if path is for a JavaScript file, false otherwise.

Examples 11

Example 11-1

const path = "/src/main.test.js";
console.log(isJSFile(path)); // true


Checks if a given path is for a TypeScript test file. Valid test file extensions are prefixed with .test, _test, .spec, or _spec.


  • path: The path to a file or directory.

Return Value

A true if path is for a TypeScript file, false otherwise.

Examples 12

Example 12-1

const path = "/src/main.test.ts";
console.log(isTSFile(path)); // true


Asserts if the given numbers are almost equal. Numbers are considered to be almost equal if the difference between them is withing a particular tolerance.


  • tolerance:The tolerance within which the difference between values must be to be considered almost equal. The default tolerance is 1e-7.

Return Value

A function for asserting.

Examples 13

Example 13-1

expect(0.1 + 0.3, toAlmostEqual(0.3)); // PASSED


Asserts the referential equality of two values. For primitive values, it has the same functionality as toEqual.


  • actual: The value to be compared to.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the value passed to expect and compares it to actual.

Examples 14

Example 14-1

const array1 = [1];
const array2 = array1;
const array3 = [1];
const bool = true;
expect(array2, toBe(array1)); // PASSED
expect(array2, toBe(array3)); // FAILED
expect(array2, toBe([1])); // FAILED
expect(bool, toBe(true)); // PASSED


Asserts if one number is greater than another.


  • actual: The value to be compared to.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the value passed to expect and checks if it is greater than actual.

Examples 15

Example 15-1

expect(2, toBeGreaterThan(1)); // PASSED


Asserts if one number is greater than or equal to another.


  • actual: The value to be compared to.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the value passed to expect and checks if it is greater than or equal to actual.

Examples 16

Example 16-1

expect(2, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1)); // PASSED
expect(1, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1)); // PASSED


Asserts if a given value is an instance of another value.


  • actual: A class or constructor.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the value passed to expect and checks if it is an instance of actual.

Examples 17

Example 17-1

expect(new Date(), toBeInstanceOf(Date)); // PASSED
expect(1000, toBeInstanceOf(Date)); // FAILED


Asserts if one number is less than another.


  • actual: The value to be compared to.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the value passed to expect and checks if it is less than actual.

Examples 18

Example 18-1

expect(1, toBeLessThan(2)); // PASSED


Asserts if one number is less than or equal another.


  • actual: The value to be compared to.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the value passed to expect and checks if it is less than or equal actual.

Examples 19

Example 19-1

expect(1, toBeLessThanOrEqual(2)); // PASSED
expect(1, toBeLessThanOrEqual(1)); // PASSED


Asserts if a given value is an element of an array.


  • actual: A value that maybe an element of an array.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the array passed to expect and checks if it contains actual.

Examples 20

Example 20-1

// With a primitive
expect([1], toContainElement(1)); // PASSED

Example 20-2

// With an object
const obj = { name: "Test" };
expect([obj], toContainElement(obj)); // PASSED


Asserts if a given string contains a given substring.


  • actual: A substring that may be contained in another string.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the string passed to expect and checks if it contains actual.

Examples 21

Example 21-1

expect("Test", toContainString("T")); // PASSED
expect("Test", toContainString("E")); // FAILED


Asserts if two values are structurally equal.


  • actual: The value to be compared to.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the value passed to expect and compares it to actual.

Examples 22

Example 22-1

// With a primitive
expect(true, toEqual(true)); // PASSED

Example 22-2

// With an object
const obj = { name: "Test" };
expect(obj, toEqual({ name: "Test" })); // PASSED


Asserts if a given value is null or undefined.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the value passed to expect and checks if it is null or undefined.

Examples 23

Example 23-1

expect(false, toExist()); // PASSED
expect(null, toExist()); // FAILED


Asserts if a string matches a RegExp or another string.


  • actual: A RegExp or string.If actual is a string, it is converted to a RegExp.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the string passed to expect and checks if it matches actual.

Examples 24

Example 24-1

expect("Test", toMatch("T")); // PASSED
expect("Test", toMatch("E")); // PASSED


Asserts if an object matches a subset of the properties of another object.


  • actual: The object to be matched against.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the object passed to expect and checks if it matches actual.

Examples 25

Example 25-1

const user = { username: "johndoe", age: 19 };
expect(user, toMatchObject({ username: "johndoe" })); // PASSED


Asserts if a given function rejects.


  • Err: An constructor that returns an errora given function is expected to reject with.
  • message: A message the error thrown is expected to have.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the function passed to expect and checks if it rejects. If Err is given, it also checks if the function rejects with the error returned by Err.

Examples 26

Example 26-1

const reject = () => {
  return new Promise((_, reject) => reject(new Error("Error occurred")));
expect(reject, toReject()); // PASSED
expect(reject, toReject(Error, "TypeError occurred")); // FAILED


Asserts if a given function throws.


  • Err: A constructor of an error a given function is expected to throw.
  • message: The message the error thrown is expected to have.

Return Value

Confirm; a function that takes the function passed to expect and checks if it throws. If Err is provided, it also checks if the error thrown matches Err.

Examples 27

Example 27-1

const throwError = () => {
  throw new Error();
expect(throwError, toThrow(Error)); // PASSED
expect(throwError, toThrow(Error, "An unknown error occurred")); // FAILED