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494 lines (316 loc) · 18.4 KB
layout title css
<script src=""></script> <script> WebFont.load({ google: { families: ['Open Sans:400,700,400italic,700italic', 'PT Serif:400,700,400italic, 700italic'] } }); </script>


{: .sg-header}

This is the new styleguide for, charting the direction our styles are heading in 2016. Its goals are to establish naming conventions and to create more modular, reusable styles for the Tribune. These modular styles will correspond with our content. They will also be designed mobile-first.

The styleguide has three distinct sections. The first section is Styles, and it defines reusable style elements such as color and typography. The second section encompasses Content Elements, and it defines which styles are applied based on an element's content and context within the site. The third section is State, and it defines how states are applied to content elements based on actions taken by a person.

Style goals, conventions, and budgets

Design Goals

There are design goals each entity should contribute to before being included in the new style guide. These should be referenced throughout the process to keep our focus on our design goals as we iterate.

  • Increases enjoyment and engagement
  • Creates a good experience for people using it
  • Is part of a positive association with The Texas Tribune


CSS is written in Sass. It's preferred that the Sass be .sass files.


Sass should preferably be nested no more than three levels deep.


Third-party scripts

There are a few questions that should be asked and actions that should be taken before adding a new third-party script to the project.

  • Know how much time a third-party script takes to load. This can be estimated by adding the script to the desired pages on our staging site and doing a WebPageTest there.

  • Determine if the script can be loaded asynchronously. If it's possible, it should be set up to load async.

  • Determine if a cache-header for the script can and should be set.

Naming Conventions

Variable Names

Variables are used for colors and fonts. Variables are used to promote ease of updating base color and font styles if they change. Color styles are defined in _colors.sass, and font styles are defined in _typography.sass.

Color variable names should always begin with $color. If the color or font name is more than one word, start with the more general word first. For example, for Tribune yellow, use $color-yellow-tribune, and for light blue, use $color-blue-light.

Naming Conventions

Classes following the BEM naming convention should be used in most cases. Ids should only be used in HTML as Javascript hooks.

The naming of classes should be done with the goal of creating modular entities to be reused and remixed throughout the site. There are no rules that always must be followed; however, this set of guidelines should be applicable to most situations. Things to keep in mind are also how easily searchable the classes and ids that you're using are, as well as if there are any potential clashes with current naming systems.

Naming will follow the BEM methodology. Modular entities can be blocks or elements. They can have modifiers that describe their appearance (made of style components) and behavior (states).


Base styles are those applied generally with an element selector, a descendant selector, or a child selector.


Layout entities are the major elements included on a page, such as the header, main body area, and the footer.


Blocks exist within the major layout sections.


Elements are entities that exist within a particular block, and not outside of that block. There should not be an element that exists within another element.


Modifiers are elements that indicate states or themes. These include such states as active, expanded, and collapsed.


Alt text

Use alt text to provide function, and not to provide content.


It should be possible to tab through navigation.


Browser Compatibility

All styles should be tested in IE9+, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. They should be tested at mobile, tablet, and desktop widths.


Articles should be tagged with item properties. These properties should be included after an HTML element's classes. An article should have an itemprop of 'articleBody'. Headlines should be given an itemprop of 'headline'. Lead art should be given the itemprop of 'associatedMedia'. Bylines' authors should have the itemprops of 'author' and 'creator.'

Style Elements


Color should not be relied on to indicate something. Color enhances our content.


Tribune Yellow
Dark Yellow

Teal and Blue

Use $color-blue-light for in-story hyperlinks, and as an icon background color.

$color-teal-gray should be used on all linked words, including names in bylines.

Light Blue
Gray Teal


The grayscale includes pure black, pure white, and four shades of gray in between. You should not need to use a monochrome color outside of these options.

Dark Gray
Medium Gray
Light Gray
Off White
Pure White


Use of Yellows on Backgrounds

Yellow elements sitting on a $color-white-pure background should be in $color-yellow-tribune. Yellow elements sitting on $color-white-off should be in $color-yellow-dark.



The new official fonts for The Texas Tribune website are PT Serif and Open Sans.

Loading & Performance

Fonts will be loaded from Google Fonts using Web Font Loader. Please keep load time and use cases in mind when diversifying your font-weight choices.


Open Sans is a sans-serif font that comes in five weights. Similarly, only "regular" and "bold" will be used on Tribune proper. However, for this font pairing, the Interactive Data & Visuals Team is encouraged to use more than just the two main weights designated to the Tribune site.

$font-sansserif: 'Open Sans', sans-serif

PT Serif is a serif font that comes in three weights. Only "regular" and "bold" will be used on Tribune proper.

$font-serif: 'Pt Serif', serif

Font Size Sass

A root font size, defined in settings, sets the absolute font size. This base font size should be set in px on the root html element. Root font size differs based on the device width, and changes at tablet (799px) and mobile (520px). Root font size determines the absolute size of typography elements while keeping their relative sizing consistent.

$font-root: 16px
$font-root-tablet: 16px
$font-root-mobile: 15px

We then have different sizes that are relative to this root font size. There are two smaller sizes and three larger sizes. These are sized in rems, to make their sizes relative to the root px size. If every font size should be larger, an update can be made to the $font-root settings. If only one font size should be larger, then an update can be made to that specific relative setting.

$font-xl: 2rem
$font-l: 1.5rem
$font-m: 1.2rem
$font-b: 1.1rem
$font-s: 0.92rem
$font-xs: 0.85rem
$font-xxs: 0.7rem

This is meant to roughly begin establishing a system to follow; the system and these sizes may be adjusted as we decide on what fonts we are using moving forward. This system was inspired in part by our news apps typography styles to keep cohesion where it makes sense between the two sets of styles.


Header tags should be used on each page in a hierarchical order to provide meaning and structure to the page with their use.

Each header is given a font-size. The headers are designed such that you should not find yourself adjusting the size of the headers further within your CSS. If you change the header size, this is likely a sign that you should adjust which header you're using either to be one header up or one header down, depending on if you're making the header smaller or larger.


H1 headers are set to a font-size of $font-xl on desktop and decrease to $font-l on mobile.


H2 headers are set to a font-size of $font-l.


H3 headers are set to a font-size of $font-m.


H4 headers are set to a font-size of $font-s. They are by default $font-sansserif.

Content Elements


Headlines within story blocks

Headlines inside story blocks use an h1 header. They have a class of .story_headline. Headlines are rendered in PT Serif.


Bylines within story blocks

Bylines within story blocks use the class .story_byline. The times in bylines should use the HTML time tag.


Paragraph entities are given base font sizes and styles. The default paragraph size is $font-b. Paragraphs are rendered in $font-serif.


Icons fall into two categories, decorative and functional.


Decorative icons act as a signposts and live near the content that they describe.


Functional icons tend to be action-oriented or link to other content.

Some functional icons can also be considered buttons. These buttons should always have a background color of $color-blue-light and a color of $color-white-pure. If the icon is a corporate logo, use the official color specified in their brand guidelines for the background color.

The icon should be 55 percent of the size of its background color and visually centered within this space. This is based on either height or width (whichever is larger). To obtain this measurement, multiply the largest button dimension H or W by 0.55 - the outcome is the size of the icon’s H or W respectively.


For icons, we'll likely use Font Awesome, which is what we currently use.

We'll follow the PRO method outlined in the Font Awesome documentation. We'll include the font-awesome directory inside the Sass for the Tribune project. Only icons currently used in the project will be precompiled; comment out any unused icons so they aren't included in the CSS, and then uncomment icons as they're included in the project.


For visual representations of documents, including PDFs, we'll use the Font Awesome file-text-o icon.


Media Queries

We'll use Sass MQ to organize our media queries in a clear, readable manner.


How to approach using a responsive grid framework is still undecided.


A vector-heavy image does better as a .png while a photo-heavy image does better as a .jpg. .gifs should always be set aside for animated images. Art should try to keep all images under 700? KB.

Lead art

Within story block

Lead art inside of a story block uses the figure html tag and has a class of .story_leadart. It should have a figcaption that contains a caption and credit. Alt should be set to "" to instruct a screen reader to skip, as its purpose is decorative.


Videos should have captions.


Links are a base style element. To be more accessible, links should not be signified only by the use of color. Links should not unexpectedly open a new window.

Base links

Base links are styled with color $color-teal-gray.

Within story blocks

Links within a story block are styled with a $color-blue-light underline.


Inputs with buttons should be attached to one another (i.e. search and email signups).

Newsletter signups

Newsletter signups are considered blocks, as they should be able to be reused on any place around the site. There may be times when newsletter signups are also elements; for example, there may be specific styles that apply to newsletter signups that appear inside of a story block. The class to use for newsletter signups is .signup.

If a newsletter signup appears inside of a story block, it will also include the class .story_signup.


Buttons are module elements.


We have an ad styleguide that encompasses ad units, ad sizes, and ad targeting. This styleguide defines which style elements should be applied to these ads.

Advertisements should always have a surrounding padding of 10px in $color-white-off plus a 1px border of $color-gray-light.

The top leaderboard (728x90) ad is the exception, in that it's not completely surrounded by this border, but is still segregated inside the same background color and contains a border on the side facing the site.

Ads should be centered within the story content.

Informational Block

Info text blocks contain ?ems of padding and sit on $color-white-off and should have a distinct and descriptive header. Examples of informational blocks include our comment policy and disclosures.

Related Content

There will be a few related content blocks.

States of Content


The icon that should be used to communicate the ability to switch an element to an expanded state displaying more content is the fa-plus-square.


The icon that should be used to communicate the ability to switch an element to a collapsed state obscuring content is the fa-minus-square.


This includes classes and information on elements that represent what we're trying out, looking into next, and currently testing and iterating upon.

Read more

This is a block entity that can be reused in many different contexts. The class to use for this is .readmore.

<a href="#" class="readmore">Read More</a>

Related Content Link

This is an element of the story block, since it's an inline related content element. The class to use for this is .story_related--link. If a related link exists outside of a story, then it would just have a class of .related--link.

<ul class="story_relatedlink">

Related Media

This related image is an element of the story block. If a related image exists outside of a story, then it would just have a class of .related--image, since related content that can be added to other blocks would be its own block.


<figure class="story_relatedimage" itemprop="associatedMedia">


<div class="video story_relatedvideo" itemprop="associatedMedia">
  <div class="youtube">

Story Quotes

These quotes exist as elements that must be found within a story block. They are considered quote elements within story blocks, with a modifier of pull.


<p class="story_quote--pull"></p>

Story subheaders

For subheaders, use a header class for the size of header you want, such as .header--l. Subheaders should not be h1 and should be either size l or size m. Headers are their own blocks and are not elements of the story block.