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44 lines (38 loc) · 1.63 KB

th2 gRPC check2-recon library

This library contains proto messages and Check2Recon service with RPC methods that are used in th2-check2-recon. See check2-recon.proto file for details.
Tool generates code from .proto files and uploads built packages (.proto files and generated code) to the specified repositories.

How to maintain project

  1. Make your changes.
  2. Up version of Java package in file.
  3. Up version of Python package in package_info.json file.
  4. Commit everything.

How to run project


If you wish to manually create and publish a package for Java, run the following command:

gradle --no-daemon clean build publish artifactoryPublish \
       -Purl=${URL} \ 
       -Puser=${USER} \

URL, USER and PASSWORD are parameters for publishing.


If you wish to manually create and publish a package for Python:

  1. Generate services with Gradle:
       gradle --no-daemon clean generateProto
    You can find the generated files by following path: src/gen/main/services/python
  2. Generate code from .proto files and publish everything using twine:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install twine
    python generate
    python sdist
    twine upload --repository-url ${PYPI_REPOSITORY_URL} --username ${PYPI_USER} --password ${PYPI_PASSWORD} dist/*
    PYPI_REPOSITORY_URL, PYPI_USER and PYPI_PASSWORD are parameters for publishing.