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File metadata and controls

42 lines (33 loc) · 1.27 KB


A common pattern for Backbone applications is to nest views inside each other. For example a collection index view where each model in the collection gets a sub view. The advantage of this approach is that each sub view can listen for and respond to events about a particular model, removing the need for the collection view to be re-rendered.

Backbone.Diorama.NestingView makes it easy to stack views, as seen in this example PostIndexView

class Backbone.Views.PostIndexView extends Backbone.Diorama.NestingView
  template: Handlebars.templates['post_index.hbs']

  initialize: (options) ->
    @postCollection = options.postCollection # A Backbone.Collection

  render: =>
    # Close any existing views
    # Render template, creating subviews with subView helper (see template below)
    @$el.html(@template(posts: @postCollection.models))
    # Render sub views into the elements created by subView helper in the template

    return @

  onClose: ->
### post_index_view template ###
{{#each posts}}
  <!-- Create a PostRowView for each post, and add it to the template with subView -->
  {{subView "PostRowView" model=this}}