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Vivado IP Integrator Flow

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For Xilinx platforms, one of the most convenient ways to use SatCat5 is through the IP Integrator (IPI) graphical interface provided with Vivado. The vast majority of SatCat5 modules have wrappers for the IP Integrator (block diagram) flow, making this a recommended method to instantiate and configure SatCat5 modules. Projects can either use the block diagram as the top-level design or create one or more block diagram(s) instantiated as modules in a project.


This document covers installation and configuration of the SatCat5 IP cores. Further explanation of the Vivado IP Integrator/block diagram flow is out of scope, as there is extensive documentation available from third-party sources on block diagram usage.

IP Repository Setup

The Vivado IP repository is created by sourcing the shared_ipcores.tcl script. This will set up the IP repository in the current project, and is typically called directly after the project creation script. This method is taken by all 'managed' example designs, such as arty_managed_35t and vc707_managed.

Note that this script, on the first run, will generate all IP cores, which number in the dozens. Do not run this from the Vivado GUI, create the IP cores in the Vivado batch mode. IP core creation in GUI mode will work, but Vivado will run all commands in the IP Integrator graphical interface, causing IP core creation to become excruciatingly slow on even the fastest machines. After this is done, IP blocks will appear in the IP Catalog and can be added the same way as Vivado IP in the block diagram (right click, 'Add IP').

IP Catalog

More information on Vivado and IP Integrator scripts can be found in the README for the /project/vivado directory.

One exception to this flow is the SGMII core in Multi-Gigabit Transceiver (MGT) mode. It requires TCL arguments for the transceiver location and line rate - unfortunately these cannot be reconfigured after IP core creation and therefore is project-specific. Projects requiring SGMII via MGT should call the generate_sgmii_gtx.tcl script after creating the rest of the IP cores. The required variables are documented in the TCL script comments. If the script is correctly called, the project will have a SGMII core prepared for the correct configuration, listing the reference clock frequency and MGT location as readonly variables in the configuration.

IP Block Configuration

SatCat5 modules in the block diagram are lightweight wrappers around their VHDL source counterparts found throughout the VHDL sources. Given this, the IP block configuration parameters are typically one-to-one with the generic parameters of the VHDL modules they wrap. Minimal tooltips are provided for the configuration fields, so documentation on the fields should be looked up in the block's corresponding VHDL source documentation. The RGMII IP block configuration is provided as an example.


Note the usage of the native Xilinx RGMII interface and SatCat5 EthPort interface. These generics are defined and better documented in port_rgmii.vhd:

-- This module implements the interface logic for an RGMII port,
-- adapting an external RGMII interface to the generic internal

entity port_rgmii is
    generic (
    RXCLK_ALIGN : boolean := false;     -- Enable precision clock-buffer deskew
    RXCLK_LOCAL : boolean := false;     -- Enable input clock buffer (local)
    RXCLK_GLOBL : boolean := true;      -- Enable input clock buffer (global)
    RXCLK_DELAY : real := 0.0;          -- Input clock delay, in nanoseconds (typ. 0.0 or 2.0)
    RXDAT_DELAY : real := 0.0;          -- Input data/control delay, in nanoseconds
    VCONFIG     : vernier_config := VERNIER_DISABLED);

Care was also taken to conform to as many of the block diagram conveniences as possible. ConfigBus and Ethernet ports are provided as single-line interfaces for convenience. Blocks such as the GMII PHY and AXI4 ConfigBus controller use appropriate interface definitions from Xilinx, allowing attachment to GMII signals provided in board support files and automatic AXI4 address space assignment, creating base address definitions in Xilinx Vitis/SDK board support packages (BSPs). One notable exception to this is ConfigBus device and register addresses - the authors were unable to determine a way to add ConfigBus addresses as a separate space within the Address Editor. Authors must take care to provide each block a unique ConfigBus device address, and will need to add corresponding definitions in software, should it exist.


Recommended: Multi-Port Switch with Microblaze

SatCat5 designs frequently contain a soft-core CPU, ConfigBus registers, and switch ports. A good example design that uses the IP Integrator is the arty_managed_35t design, which can be created and built using the make arty_managed_35t command.

arty_managed_35t Microblaze

The Microblaze processor has its own hierarchical block with a relatively standard design containing the Microblaze itself, local memory, resets, interrupt controller, and a UART. We add a ConfigBus AXI4 host, which is properly memory mapped using the Address Editor. The associated software for the Microblaze can be found in its This code uses the SatCat5 C++ software libraries to configure the IP/UDP network stack, UART, timer, interrupts, logging, and LEDs. More information is available in the software documentation.

arty_managed_35t Switch

At the top level of the block diagram, we can find a ConfigBus splitter, several port types, and a multi-port switch. Note that the interface definitions for EthPort and ConfigBus allow for single-wire connection of these busses. A ConfigBus splitter routes control signals from the AXI4 ConfigBus host to several ConfigBus peripherals - this interface is how they are configured by the software. There are also several devices routing to the switch, with 2x SPI/UART ports and 1x RMII port shown. Again note the usage of the native Xilinx RMII type for the PHY.

Processor-Free ConfigBus Host over SGMII

Designs requiring low-to-medium throughput control and status registers may find that ConfigBus alone meets the needs of the design. One of the simplest of such configurations consists of a two-port switch connecting an external Ethernet port to an internal ConfigBus host. Packets will be routed from the external PHY (in this case SGMII) through the dual-port switch to the Ethernet ConfigBus host. The host then drives a ConfigBus LED controller, set to device address 0 in this case, as well as exporting the ConfigBus signals. This block diagram exports a handful of ports and is instantiated as a module by a separate top-level source file.

Configbus over SGMII

Since this block diagram is instantiated from another source file, the ConfigBus signals will need to be properly plumbed as is described above in the 'Gotchas/ConfigBus Ports' section.

Switch with Xilinx Tri-Mode Ethernet Mac IP

The vc707_managed example design provides an example design similar to the arty_manged_35t design with a Microblaze and the toplevel declared by the block diagram. One notable deviation is the use of Xilinx's Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC (TEMAC) IP for the SFP and RJ45 gigabit Ethernet connections on the VC707 development board. This is supported, but we recommend using the SatCat5 native SGMII via gigabit transceiver or SGMII via GPIO pin instead. This simply serves as an example of interfacing with third-party Ethernet IP.

Once again, we see a ConfigBus AXI4 host assigned to the Microblaze's address space, along with a ConfigBus splitter allowing the processor to control SatCat5 IP from software.

vc707_managed Crossbar

vc707_managed ConfigBus

This design takes advantage of the port_stream module to interface with the AXI Ethernet subsystem (which is a wrapper for the TEMAC core). As the TEMAC core has its own processing for the addition and stripping of the Frame Check Sequence (FCS), this block is configured to not expect the FCS from the AXI-Stream ports, allowing the default TEMAC configuration to work correctly.

vc707_managed port_steam


If any block should require user modification or new features, it is helpful to understand how these IP Integrator wrappers are generated. IP Integrator scripts and VHDL can be found in the /project/vivado directory. The README for that directory contains documentation on the Vivado-specific scripts contained therein, most of which relate to IP Integrator.


Exporting Interfaces (ConfigBus, Ports) from Block Diagram

One caveat with exporting ConfigBus and Port signals out of a block diagram and to a top-level design is that Vivado is unable to export signals from a block diagram as record types. Thus, a cfgbus signal must be converted back into the cfgbus_cmd and cfgbus_ack record types. This can be done easily, though some extra signals are required for std_logic_vector to integer conversion. The same procedure is required for Port types, but the given example covers only ConfigBus.

signal cfg_cmd          : cfgbus_cmd;
signal cfg_ack          : cfgbus_ack;
signal cmd_devaddr_slv  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal cmd_regaddr_slv  : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
signal cmd_sysaddr_slv  : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);


cfgbus_host_inst : entity work.cfgbus_host_wrapper
port map(
    cfgbus_clk      => cfg_cmd.clk,
    cfgbus_sysaddr  => cmd_sysaddr_slv,
    cfgbus_devaddr  => cmd_devaddr_slv,
    cfgbus_regaddr  => cmd_regaddr_slv,
    cfgbus_wdata    => cfg_cmd.wdata,
    cfgbus_wstrb    => cfg_cmd.wstrb,
    cfgbus_wrcmd    => cfg_cmd.wrcmd,
    cfgbus_rdcmd    => cfg_cmd.rdcmd,
    cfgbus_reset_p  => cfg_cmd.reset_p,
    cfgbus_rdata    => cfg_ack.rdata,
    cfgbus_rdack    => cfg_ack.rdack,
    cfgbus_rderr    => cfg_ack.rderr,
    cfgbus_irq      => cfg_ack.irq,

cfg_cmd.sysaddr <= U2I(cmd_sysaddr_slv);
cfg_cmd.devaddr <= U2I(cmd_devaddr_slv);
cfg_cmd.regaddr <= U2I(cmd_regaddr_slv);

The U2I functions for std_logic_vector to integer conversion can be found in common_functions.vhd.

Copyright Notice

Copyright 2022 The Aerospace Corporation

This file is a part of SatCat5, licensed under CERN-OHL-W v2 or later.

You may redistribute and modify SatCat5 and make products using it under the weakly reciprocal variant of the CERN Open Hardware License, version 2 or (at your option) any later weakly reciprocal version.