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Port warning reporting to the "catch" pattern
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let-def committed Feb 20, 2013
1 parent 0985b15 commit 45b044b
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Showing 8 changed files with 63 additions and 58 deletions.
44 changes: 21 additions & 23 deletions
Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,15 @@ type item_desc =
| Module_opening of Location.t * string Location.loc * Parsetree.module_expr
| Module_closing of Parsetree.structure_item Location.loc * History.offset

type item = Outline.sync * (item_desc, exn) Misc.sum
type item = Outline.sync * (exn list * item_desc option)
type sync = item History.sync
type t = item History.t

exception Malformed_module of Location.t
exception Invalid_chunk
exception Warning of Location.t * string

let wrap_warnings = List.rev_map (fun (l,s) -> Warning (l,s))

let eof_lexer _ = Chunk_parser.EOF
let fail_lexer _ = failwith "lexer ended"
Expand All @@ -19,11 +22,11 @@ let line x = (x.Location.loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_lnum)
let dump_chunk t =
begin function
| _, Misc.Inl (Definitions []) -> assert false
| _, Misc.Inl (Definitions (d :: _)) -> ("definition", line d)
| _, Misc.Inl (Module_opening (l,s,_)) -> ("opening " ^ s.Location.txt, line s)
| _, Misc.Inl (Module_closing (d,offset)) -> ("closing after " ^ string_of_int offset, line d)
| _, Misc.Inr exn -> ("exception", -1)
| _, (_, Some (Definitions [])) -> assert false
| _, (_, Some (Definitions (d :: _))) -> ("definition", line d)
| _, (_, Some (Module_opening (l,s,_))) -> ("opening " ^ s.Location.txt, line s)
| _, (_, Some (Module_closing (d,offset))) -> ("closing after " ^ string_of_int offset, line d)
| _, (_, None) -> ("error", -1)
end (List.rev (History.prevs t) @ History.nexts t)

let fake_tokens tokens f =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,13 +72,12 @@ let sync_step outline tokens t =
(* reconstitute module from t *)
let rec rewind_defs defs t =
match History.backward t with
| Some ((_,Misc.Inl (Definitions [])), _) -> assert false
| Some ((_,Misc.Inl (Definitions lst)), t') ->
rewind_defs ( (fun d -> d.Location.txt) lst @ defs) t'
| Some ((_,Misc.Inl (Module_closing (d,offset))), t') ->
| Some ((_,(_,Some (Definitions []))), _) -> assert false
| Some ((_,(_,Some (Definitions (d::_)))), t') -> rewind_defs (d.Location.txt :: defs) t'
| Some ((_,(_,Some (Module_closing (d,offset)))), t') ->
rewind_defs (d.Location.txt :: defs) (History.seek_offset offset t')
| Some ((_,Misc.Inl (Module_opening (loc,s,m))), t') -> loc,s,m,defs,t'
| Some ((_,Misc.Inr _), t') -> rewind_defs defs t'
| Some ((_,(_,Some (Module_opening (loc,s,m)))), t') -> loc,s,m,defs,t'
| Some ((_,(_,None)), t') -> rewind_defs defs t'
| None ->
let p = (match tokens with (_,loc_start,loc_end) :: _ -> Location.({loc_start;loc_end;loc_ghost = false}) | _ -> Location.none) in
raise (Malformed_module p)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,16 +128,12 @@ let sync outlines chunks =
match History.forward outlines with
| None -> chunks
| Some ({ Outline.kind ; Outline.tokens },outlines') ->
match sync_step kind tokens chunks with
| Some chunk -> Some (History.insert ( outlines', Misc.Inl chunk) chunks)
| None -> None
| exn -> Some (History.insert ( outlines', Misc.Inr exn) chunks)
| Some chunks -> aux outlines' chunks
| None -> aux outlines' chunks
let chunk =
match Location.catch_warnings (fun () -> sync_step kind tokens chunks) with
| warnings, Misc.Inr item -> wrap_warnings warnings, item
| warnings, Misc.Inl exn -> exn :: wrap_warnings warnings, None
let chunks' = History.(insert ( outlines', chunk) chunks) in
aux outlines' chunks'
aux outlines chunks

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion chunk.mli
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ type item_desc =
| Module_closing of Parsetree.structure_item Location.loc * History.offset

and item = Outline.sync * (item_desc, exn) Misc.sum
and item = Outline.sync * (exn list * item_desc option)
and sync = item History.sync
and t = item History.t

exception Malformed_module of Location.t
exception Invalid_chunk
exception Warning of Location.t * string

val sync_step : Outline_utils.kind -> Outline.token list -> t -> item_desc option
val sync : Outline.t -> t -> t
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions
Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ let command_tell = {
handler = begin fun (i,o) state -> function
| [`String "struct" ; `String source] ->
Env.reset_missing_cmis ();
ignore (Error_report.reset_warnings ());
let eod = ref false and eot = ref false in
let lexbuf = Misc.lex_strings source
begin fun () ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,8 +114,6 @@ let command_tell = {
let types = Typer.sync chunks types in
let tokens = History.nexts tokens in
let pos = !bufpos in
let w = Error_report.reset_warnings () in
let outlines = Outline.append_exns w outlines in
let state' = { tokens ; outlines ; chunks ; types ; pos } in
(if state.tokens = state'.tokens then List.iter (fun (i,_,_) -> prerr_endline (Chunk_parser_utils.token_to_string i)) state.tokens );
if !eod || (!eot && state.tokens = state'.tokens)
Expand Down
9 changes: 1 addition & 8 deletions
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
exception Warning of Location.t * string

let reset_warnings () =
let result = (fun (l,s) -> Warning (l,s)) !Location.warnings in
Location.warnings := [];

let format ~valid ~where ?loc msg =
let content = ["valid", `Bool valid; "message", `String msg] in
let content =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +48,7 @@ let strict_to_json = function
Some (format ~valid:true ~where:"parser" ~loc (to_string ()))
| Outline.Parse_error loc ->
Some (format ~valid:true ~where:"parser" ~loc "Parse error")
| Warning (loc, msg) ->
| Chunk.Warning (loc, msg) ->
Some (format ~valid:true ~where:"warning" ~loc msg)
| Chunk.Malformed_module loc ->
Some (format ~valid:true ~where:"warning" ~loc "Malformed module")
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions error_report.mli
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
(** {0 Exception formatting for error reporting} *)
exception Warning of Location.t * string
val reset_warnings : unit -> exn list

(** The format of reports for known exceptions is:
* {message: string, type: string, valid:true,
Expand Down
27 changes: 21 additions & 6 deletions parsing/
Expand Up @@ -270,13 +270,28 @@ let print_warning loc ppf w =

let warnings = ref []
let warnings : (t * string) list ref option ref = ref None

let prerr_warning loc w =
let ppf, to_string = Misc.ppf_to_string () in
print_warning loc ppf w;
match to_string () with
| "" -> ()
| s -> warnings := (loc,s) :: !warnings
match !warnings with
| None -> print_warning loc err_formatter w
| Some l ->
let ppf, to_string = Misc.ppf_to_string () in
print_warning loc ppf w;
match to_string () with
| "" -> ()
| s -> l := (loc,s) :: !l

let catch_warnings f =
let caught = ref [] in
let previous = !warnings in
warnings := Some caught;
let result =
try Misc.Inr (f())
with e -> Misc.Inl e
warnings := previous;
!caught, result

let echo_eof () =
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion parsing/location.mli
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ val print_error_cur_file: formatter -> unit
val print_warning: t -> formatter -> Warnings.t -> unit

val prerr_warning : t -> Warnings.t -> unit
val warnings : (t * string) list ref
val catch_warnings : (unit -> 'a) -> (t * string) list * (exn, 'a) Misc.sum

val echo_eof: unit -> unit
val reset: unit -> unit
Expand Down
31 changes: 17 additions & 14 deletions
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ let exns t = let _,_,v = value t in v
let append_step chunks chunk_item t =
let env, trees, exns = value t in
match chunk_item with
| Misc.Inl (Chunk.Module_opening (_,_,pmod)) ->
| Chunk.Module_opening (_,_,pmod) ->
begin try
let open Typedtree in
let open Parsetree in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,11 +64,10 @@ let append_step chunks chunk_item t =
match find_structure tymod with
| None -> None
| Some md -> Some (md.mod_env, trees, exns)
with exn ->
Some (env, trees, exn :: exns)
with exn -> Some (env, trees, exn :: exns)

| Misc.Inl (Chunk.Definitions ds) ->
| Chunk.Definitions ds ->
let (env,trees,exns) =
begin fun (env,trees,exns) d ->
Expand All @@ -80,19 +79,15 @@ let append_step chunks chunk_item t =
Some (env, trees, exns)

| Misc.Inl (Chunk.Module_closing (d,offset)) ->
| Chunk.Module_closing (d,offset) ->
begin try
let _, t = History.Sync.rewind fst (History.seek_offset offset chunks) t in
let env, trees, exns = value t in
let tstr,tsg,env = Typemod.type_structure env [d.Location.txt] d.Location.loc in
Some (env, (tstr,tsg) :: trees, exns)
with exn ->
Some (env, trees, exn :: exns)
with exn -> Some (env, trees, exn :: exns)

| Misc.Inr exn ->
Some (env, trees, exn :: exns)

let sync chunks t =
(* Find last synchronisation point *)
let chunks, t = History.Sync.rewind fst chunks t in
Expand All @@ -102,9 +97,17 @@ let sync chunks t =
let rec aux chunks t =
match History.forward chunks with
| None -> t
| Some ((_,chunk_item),chunks') ->
match append_step chunks chunk_item t with
| Some item -> aux chunks' (History.insert ( chunks', item) t)
| None -> aux chunks' t
| Some ((_,(exns,chunk)),chunks') ->
let env, trees, exns' =
begin match chunk with
| Some c -> append_step chunks c t
| None -> None
| Some result -> result
| None -> value t
History.(insert ( chunks', (env, trees, exns @ exns'))) t
aux chunks t

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