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Script example

Build the image using Nix and load the result into Docker:

nix build
docker load < result

Now run the image:

docker run -t nix-docker-script:v0.1.0 foo bar baz

The output should be something like this:

Hello! Here's some information about this image:

  built-by:    aarch64-darwin,
  built-for:   x86_64-linux,
  shell:       /bin/bash,
  base-image:  shell-plus-coreutils
  args-passed: "foo bar baz"

The built-by field may change if you're using a different platform.

Build without checking out

You can also build and run the image without having access to this code locally:

nix build 'github:the-nix-way/nix-docker-examples?dir=script'
docker load < result
docker run -t nix-docker-script:v0.1.0