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This repo hosts the backend for the Excalibur 2023 project from team Tech Titans.

It is being written in Rust using Axum web framework and sqlx for interfacing with a Postgres database instance, along with other miscellaneous dependencies like Tokio.


Make sure you have Postgres instance and Rust toolchain running on your system.

First, populate setup.env with DATABASE_URL according to PostgreSQL standards, and a SECRET (which is a random string which will be used to generate JWTs)

Then, rename setup.env to anything that begins with .env, like .env.

Then, run the following commands related to creating the database and tables (one time measure to setup development environment):

createdb <dbname you gave in DATABASE_URL>
psql <dbname you gave in DATABASE_URL> -f src/schema.sql

Feel free to add some dummy data at this stage or use the dummy data contained in src/dummydata.sql to get some sample data by running the following command:

psql <dbname you gave in DATABASE_URL> -f src/dummydata.sql

Note: this does NOT contain a single record for the login table! You will need to use the /newdoctor or /newpatient endpoints to create a new doctor/patient which will also insert into these tables. You can then use these credentials in the API testing to make sure authentication works as intended

Then, run the project using cargo run. It will run on port 3000. For log messages, use the RUST_LOG env variable (setting to debug usually prints good messages to understand what is going on)


URL Type Description Parameters Authentication Needed?
/find GET Finds doctors in city specified who can give appointment for specified appointment type city, apptype (both as queries in URL) No
/prevapp POST Displays the previous appointments for particular patient patient_id (POST request) Yes
/doctors POST Displays doctors in a particular city city (POST request) No
/patient POST Displays info about patient patient_id (POST request) Yes
/newpatient POST Adds patient details to database name, phone, email, password Will be used for signup process
/specialities GET Gets speciality details Nothing No
/apptypes GET Gets appointment types Nothing No
/cities GET Gets all cities where doctors are available according to us Nothing No
/newdoctor POST Adds doctor details to database name, speciality (as an ID), city, address, phone, email, password Will be used for signup process
/newappointment POST Add new appointment to database doctor_id, patient_id, apptype (as an ID), datetime (specific format of YYYY-MM-DD and then 24 hour HH:MM:SS), phyorvirt (just write either physical or virtual checkup), status (cancelled, fulfilled, scheduled), prescription Yes
/cancelappointment POST Cancel a previously booked appointment doctor_id, patient_id, datetime (specific format of YYYY-MM-DD and then 24 hour HH:MM:SS) Yes
/login POST Generate JWT for a user (doctor or patient) email, password No (JWT is used as token to get authentication implemented)
/prescriptions POST Get the doctor name, date and time, and prescription text previously given patient_id Yes
/doctorappointments POST Gets the doctor's appointments patient_id (it recycles the same struct so just name it as such, it is interpreted as a doctor's ID only) Yes

Response Codes

Number Name Description
200 OK Everything checked out, request is good
500 Internal Server Error There is a problem with connecting to the database
401 Unauthorized You didn't provide the right authorization token (the JWT) or it was not provided properly. In whatever case, you don't have the right to view what you requested so it was denied
400 Bad Request This is returned whenever the database has no records for your request. It's intended as a shorthand to save you time to check whether you received any records
405 Method Not Allowed You should only make a POST request to an endpoint that expects a POST request and a GET request to one that expects a GET request