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22 lines (16 loc) · 2.11 KB

File metadata and controls

22 lines (16 loc) · 2.11 KB

Frontend Engineer

San Francisco, CA


We are a young San Francisco-based startup building the future of television — letting you watch your favorite shows on all the devices you care about with intelligent search, insightful discovery, and effortless sharing. Company's leadership consists of founding team members from Facebook and Meraki, and brings deep industry experience to the team. Our company is backed by NEA and HBO, among others.

We are actively hiring engineers who are looking to build a completely new kind of product and who have a passion for back-end, firmware, or front-end development. All engineering positions are open to both recent college grads and experienced engineers / Ph.D.’s.


The Product Team is responsible for designing, building, testing, and quite literally reinventing television, the most engaging product ever created, across web, mobile, and TV platforms. Just as television is about more than simply watching an episode of your favorite show, so too does our work extend well beyond the play button. We take TV schedules, movie and show metadata, live and on-demand feeds, recordings, real-time localized usage metrics, cross-device interoperability, and individualized viewing habits, preferences, restrictions, and notifications – massaging it all into a comprehensive and seamless TV experience. We are positioned at the forefront of both web TV and front-end development technologies, building on DRM-decrypting HTML5 video along with a modern workflow leveraging React and ES6.

As a front-end engineer you will be responsible for:

  • Iteratively designing and improving upon our video players, application UIs, and cross-device interoperability.
  • Architecting real-time data syncing across clients and servers.
  • Prototyping, testing, and iterating upon new features.
  • Improving and incorporating cross-platform metrics to continually measure engagement and usage patterns

A strong candidate is very comfortable:

  • Developing in plain JavaScript
  • Building and maintaining large scale single page applications
  • Working in a codebase with multiple contributors