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Module 2 - Core services

Talk about key services in AWS and common use-cases

EC2 - Elastic cloud compute

Refers to the compute resources in AWS

AMI (Amazon Machine Image): The software load that will come with the image

Instance type: The underlying hardware (cpu, ram)

EBS - Elastic Block store

Storage unit for your EC2 instances, HDD or SSD. Can split it so that OS is on the HDD and data stored on SSD.

  • Can create snapshots at a given time, to replicate later or in another region or share with others
  • EBS volumes can change size or type if needed (eg. if requirements change)

S3 - Simple Storage Service

Fully managed storage service. Virtually unlimited objects, securely access from anywhere. Files places into buckets, that have globally unique names within a given region

  • Designed to sustain losses to 2 facilities concurrently.
  • Only billed for what you use

Common use cases

  • Storing app data
  • static web hosting (html, css, js)
  • backups & disaster recovery (cross region replication)
  • Staging for Big Data (redshift, athena)
  • etc...

AWS Global infrastructure

Can be broken into 3 topics

  • Regions
    • Comprised of 2 or more availability zone
    • Choose the best location based on you needs, like customers, regulations, latency
    • Not all services are available everywhere. Common ones are.
  • Availability zone (AZs)
    • Collection of data centres within a given region
    • Physically and logically separate
  • Edge locations
    • Content delivery network
    • Amazon CloudFront
    • Locations in high density areas, where content is cached in these locations

VPC - Virtual Private Cloud

A virtual network in AWS cloud, allowing complete network control with several layers of security. Other AWS services (such as EC2) are deployed into this VPC


  • Lives within a Region
  • Subnets divide a VPC and allow it to span multiple AZs.
  • Route tables control traffic going of of the subnet
  • Internet Gateways allow access to the internet from VPCs
  • NAT gateways allow private subnet resources access to internet
  • Network Access Control Lists (NACL) control access to subnets, stateless

AWS Security groups

Act as built in built-in firewalls, control how accessible instances are and what traffic is allowed and denied

  • HTTP port 80 // HTTPS port 443