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This is the game engine for Warlight AI Challenge 2 at

This version of our Warlight AI Challenge 2 engine has been set up for local use, for your own convenience. Note that this does not include the map generator and the visualizer.

To compile (Windows, untested):

cd [project folder]
dir /b /s *.java>sources.txt
md classes
javac -d classes @sources.txt -cp lib/java-json.jar
del sources.txt

To compile (Linux):

cd [project folder]
mkdir bin/
javac -sourcepath src/ -d bin/ -cp lib/java-json.jar `find src/ -name '*.java' -regex '^[./A-Za-z0-9]*$'`

To run:

cd [project folder]
java -cp lib/java-json.jar:bin [map file] [your bot1] [your bot2] 2>err.txt 1>out.txt

[map file] is a file that contains a string representation of the map that the game will use. An example is included in this repository called "example-map.txt". For other maps, go to any Warlight AI Challenge 2 game on and add "/map" to the end of the URL and copy that text to a file.

[your bot1] and [your bot2] could be any command for running a bot process. For instance "java -cp /home/dev/starterbot/bin/ main.BotStarter" or "node /home/user/bot/Bot.js"

Errors will be logged to err.txt, output dump will be logged to out.txt.