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The purpose of "Bubbles4j" library is to give support in Java to a different way to process success and failure in our components, avoiding the traditional use of exception bubbling to handle failures. This is where its name comes from. We've detected an extensive use of a way of handling failure scenarios that we consider unnecessary and wrong in different ways. Therefore, we propose the use of monads to facilitate handling of failures and also improve the readability of the flow in our source code.

Getting started

To be able to use our Either object, you will first have to import this dependency into your project.

For Gradle users this will be:

implementation "com.theboreddev:bubbles4j:2.0.0"

For Maven users you will have to use the following:


You will also need JDK 17 to be able to use this library, at least for the time being.


In order to introduce Either in your responses. This is quite simple.

First of all, define the result of your interface or component to something like this:

interface CustomerService {
    Either<Exception, Customer> fetchById(String id);   

Once your component returns an Either, processing the result should be as simple as the following:

    final Either<Exception, Customer> result = customerService.fetchById(id);
        switch (result.type()) {
            case SUCCESS -> result.get();
            case FAILURE -> {
                Exception exception = result.get();
                if (exception instanceof CustomerNotFound){
                } else if (exception instanceof IllegalArgumentException){
                } else {

When method get is called, by the default it'll return either an entity or an exception for success and failure responses respectively.

This default behaviour can be overridden by using onSuccessDo and onFailureDo methods. A usage example could be:

    Either<Exception, ResponseEntity<Customer>> response = customerService.fetchById(id)
                                .onSuccessDo(s -> ResponseEntity.ok(s.success().entity()))
                                .onFailureDo(f -> ResponseEntity.internalServerError().build())

If you have any queries or suggestions, please contact us in the below email address:


This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 License


Monads for improved error handling in Java






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