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Load Balancing a Kubernetes Cluster (Control-Plane)

This document covers all of the details for using kube-vip to build a HA Kubernetes cluster

tl;dr version

  • Generate/modify first node kube-vip config/manifest
  • init first node
  • join remaining nodes
  • Add remaining config/manifests

Infrastructure architecture

The infrastructure for our example HA Kubernetes cluster is as follows:

Node Address

All nodes are running Ubuntu 18.04, Docker CE and will use Kubernetes 1.17.0.

Generate the kube-vip configuration

Make sure that the config directory exists: sudo mkdir -p /etc/kube-vip/, this directory can be any directory however the hostPath in the manifest will need modifying to point to the correct path.

sudo docker run -it --rm plndr/kube-vip:0.1.5 sample config | sudo tee /etc/kube-vip/config.yaml

Modify the configuration

Cluster Configuration Modify the remotePeers to point to the correct addresses of the other two nodes, ensure that their id is unique otherwise this will confuse the raft algorithm. The localPeer should be the configuration of the current node (controlPlane01), which is where this instance of the cluster will run.

As this node will be the first node, it will need to elect itself leader as until this occurs the VIP won’t be activated!

startAsLeader: true

VIP Config We will need to set our VIP address to and to ensure all hosts are updated when the VIP moves we will enable ARP broadcasts gratuitousARP: true

Load Balancer We will configure the load balancer to sit on the standard API-Server port 6443 and we will configure the backends to point to the API-servers that will be configured to run on port 6444. Also for the Kubernetes Control Plane we will configure the load balancer to be of type: tcp.

We can also use 6443 for both the VIP and the API-Servers, in order to do this we need to specify that the api-server is bound to it's local IP. To do this we use the --apiserver-advertise-address flag as part of the init, this means that we can then bind the same port to the VIP and we wont have a port conflict.


user@controlPlane01:/etc/kube-vip$ cat config.yaml


- id: server2
  port: 10000
- id: server3
  port: 10000
  id: server1
  port: 10000
gratuitousARP: true
singleNode: false
startAsLeader: true
interface: ens192
- name: Kubernetes Control Plane
  type: tcp
  port: 6443
  bindToVip: true
  - port: 6444
  - port: 6444
  - port: 6444

First Node

To generate the basic Kubernetes static pod yaml configuration:

Make sure that the manifest directory exists: sudo mkdir -p /etc/kubernetes/manifests/

sudo docker run -it --rm plndr/kube-vip:0.1.5 sample manifest | sudo tee /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-vip.yaml

Ensure that image: plndr/kube-vip:<x> is modified to point to a specific version (0.1.5 at the time of writing), refer to docker hub for details. Also ensure that the hostPath points to the correct kube-vip configuration, if it isn’t the above path.

The vip is set to and this first node will elect itself as leader, and as part of the kubeadm init it will use the VIP in order to speak back to the initialising api-server.

sudo kubeadm init --control-plane-endpoint “” --apiserver-bind-port 6444 --upload-certs --kubernetes-version “v1.17.0”

Once this node is up and running we will be able to see the control-plane pods, including the kube-vip pod:

$ kubectl get pods -A
NAMESPACE     NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   kube-vip-controlplane01                  1/1     Running   0          10m

Remaining Nodes

We first will need to create the kube-vip configuration that resides in /etc/kube-vip/config.yaml or we can regenerate it from scratch using the above example. Ensure that the configuration is almost identical with the localPeer and remotePeers sections are updated for each node. Finally, ensure that the remaining nodes will behave as standard cluster nodes by setting startAsLeader: false.

At this point DON’T generate the manifests, this is due to some bizarre kubeadm/kubelet behaviour.

  kubeadm join --token <tkn> \
    --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:<hash> \
    --control-plane --certificate-key <key> 

After this node has been added to the cluster, we can add the manifest to also add this node as a kube-vip member. (Adding the manifest afterwards doesn’t interfere with kubeadm).

sudo docker run -it --rm plndr/kube-vip:0.1.5 sample manifest | sudo tee /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-vip.yaml

Once this node is added we will be able to see that the kube-vip pod is up and running as expected:

user@controlPlane01:~$ kubectl get pods -A | grep vip
kube-system   kube-vip-controlplane01                  1/1     Running             1          16m
kube-system   kube-vip-controlplane02                  1/1     Running             0          18m
kube-system   kube-vip-controlplane03                  1/1     Running             0          20m

If we look at the logs, we can see that the VIP is running on the second node and we’re waiting for our third node to join the cluster:

$ kubectl logs kube-vip-controlplane02  -n kube-system
time=“2020-02-12T15:33:09Z” level=info msg=“The Node [] is leading”
time=“2020-02-12T15:33:09Z” level=info msg=“The Node [] is leading”