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com--- title: Installing TDBM in Silex subTitle: currentMenu: install_silex


To install TDBM in Silex 2:

composer require thecodingmachine/tdbm-silex ^5.0
In this document, we will assume you started your Silex application using the silex-skeleton package. If you did not use this package to start your project, you might need to adjust the paths of files in this documentation.

Registering the service provider

Then edit your src/app.php file and register these 3 service providers:

// Let's register the database connection
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\DoctrineServiceProvider(), array(
    'db.options' => array(
        'driver'   => 'pdo_mysql',
        'dbname'   => 'my_db',
        'host'     => 'localhost',
        'user'     => 'my_user',
        'password' => 'my_password'

// Let's register the Doctrine cache
$app->register(new \CHH\Silex\CacheServiceProvider, [
    'cache.options' => [
        'default' => [
            // Customize this to another cache driver if you don't have APCu installed
            'driver' => \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ApcuCache::class,

// Finally, let's register TDBM
$app->register(new \TheCodingMachine\TDBM\Silex\Providers\TdbmServiceProvider(), [
    'tdbm.daoNamespace' => 'App\Daos',
    'tdbm.beanNamespace' => 'App\Beans'

Registering the console command

Now, we need to register a command in the Silex console.

Assuming you started from the silex-skeleton package, you should edit the src/console.php file.

$console->add(new \TheCodingMachine\TDBM\Commands\GenerateCommand($app['tdbm.configuration']));

Note: if you do not have a console (because you started from a blank Silex project), you can use the KnpLabs' Console Service Provider to add support for the Symfony console and then, register the TheCodingMachine\TDBM\Commands\GenerateCommand command provided by TDBM.

Generating beans and DAOs

When installation is done, you need to generate DAOs and beans from your data model.

Run the following command:

bin/console tdbm:generate
You must run this command after the installation of the package, and each time you run a migration (i.e. each time the database model changes).

Accessing DAOs

The TDBM service provider will create one service per DAO.

The service name is the short class name with the first character in lower case.

For instance:

  • App\Daos\UserDao => userDao
  • App\Daos\ProjectDao => projectDao

In Silex, you will typically access the DAOs fomr the $app variable passed in the closure:

$app->get('test', function($app) {
    $user = $app['userDao']->getById($id);
    // do stuff

Next step

Let's now learn how to access the database.