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103 lines (91 loc) · 9.59 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (91 loc) · 9.59 KB

Formatting Date and Time

You can wrap date tags around any string or custom field tag to format the date and/or time to your needs. The Timezone of the Client will always be applied if provided.

Standard formats:

Format Example Token Result
atom {{#date.atom}}2018-03-05{{/date.atom}} 2018-03-05T00:00:00+00:00
cookie {{#date.cookie}}2018-03-05{{/date.cookie}} Monday, 05-Mar-18 00:00:00 UTC
iso8601 {{#date.iso8601}}2018-03-05{{/date.iso8601}} 2018-03-05T00:00:00+0000
rfc822 {{#date.rfc822}}2018-03-05{{/date.rfc822}} Mon, 05 Mar 18 00:00:00 +0000
rfc850 {{#date.rfc850}}2018-03-05{{/date.rfc850}} Monday, 05-Mar-18 00:00:00 UTC
rfc1036 {{#date.rfc1036}}2018-03-05{{/date.rfc1036}} Mon, 05 Mar 18 00:00:00 +0000
rfc1123 {{#date.rfc1123}}2018-03-05{{/date.rfc1123}} Mon, 05 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000
rfc2822 {{#date.rfc2822}}2018-03-05{{/date.rfc2822}} Mon, 05 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000
rfc3339 {{#date.rfc3339}}2018-03-05{{/date.rfc3339}} 2018-03-05T00:00:00+00:00
rfc3339ext {{#date.rfc3339ext}}2018-03-05{{/date.rfc3339ext}} 2018-03-05T00:00:00.000+00:00
rfc7231 {{#date.rfc7231}}2018-03-05{{/date.rfc7231}} Mon, 05 Mar 2018 00:00:00 GMT
rss {{#date.rss}}2018-03-05{{/date.rss}} Mon, 05 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000
w3c {{#date.w3c}}2018-03-05{{/date.w3c}} 2018-03-05T00:00:00+00:00

Extended formats:

Format Example Token Result
short {{#date.short}}2018-03-05{{/date.short}} 05/03/2018

Interval based formats:

Format Example Token Result
yearsFrom {{#date.yearsFrom}}2018-03-06{{/date.yearsFrom}} years from the date (for Date of Birth)
monthsFrom {{#date.monthsFrom}}2018-03-06{{/date.monthsFrom}} months from the date
daysFrom {{#date.daysFrom}}2018-03-06{{/date.daysFrom}} days from the date
hoursFrom {{#date.hoursFrom}}2018-03-06{{/date.hoursFrom}} hours from the date
minutesFrom {{#date.minutesFrom}}2018-03-06{{/date.minutesFrom}} minutes from the date
yearsTill {{#date.yearsTill}}2018-03-06{{/date.yearsTill}} years till the date
monthsTill {{#date.monthsTill}}2018-03-06{{/date.monthsTill}} months till the date
daysTill {{#date.daysTill}}2018-03-06{{/date.daysTill}} days till the date
hoursTill {{#date.hoursTill}}2018-03-06{{/date.hoursTill}} hours till the date
minutesTill {{#date.minutesTill}}2018-03-06{{/date.minutesTill}} minutes till the date
years {{#date.years}}2018-03-06{{/date.years}} absolute years between now and the date
months {{#date.months}}2018-03-06{{/date.months}} absolute months between now and the date
days {{#date.days}}2018-03-06{{/date.days}} absolute days between now and the date
hours {{#date.hours}}2018-03-06{{/date.hours}} absolute hours between now and the date
minutes {{#date.minutes}}2018-03-06{{/date.minutes}} absolute minutes between now and the date

Custom formats: You can make your own formats by combining date format characters.

Format Example Token Result
d {{#date.d}}2018-03-05{{/date.d}} 05
D {{#date.D}}2018-03-05{{/date.D}} Mon
j {{#date.j}}2018-03-05{{/date.j}} 5
l {{#date.l}}2018-03-05{{/date.l}} Monday
N {{#date.N}}2018-03-05{{/date.N}} 1
S {{#date.S}}2018-03-05{{/date.S}} th
w {{#date.w}}2018-03-05{{/date.w}} 1
z {{#date.z}}2018-03-05{{/date.z}} 63
W {{#date.W}}2018-03-05{{/date.W}} 10
F {{#date.F}}2018-03-05{{/date.F}} March
m {{#date.m}}2018-03-05{{/date.m}} 03
M {{#date.M}}2018-03-05{{/date.M}} Mar
n {{#date.n}}2018-03-05{{/date.n}} 3
t {{#date.t}}2018-03-05{{/date.t}} 31
L {{#date.L}}2018-03-05{{/date.L}} 0
o {{#date.o}}2018-03-05{{/date.o}} 2018
Y {{#date.Y}}2018-03-05{{/date.Y}} 2018
y {{#date.y}}2018-03-05{{/date.y}} 18
a {{#date.a}}2018-03-05{{/date.a}} am
A {{#date.A}}2018-03-05{{/date.A}} AM
B {{#date.B}}2018-03-05{{/date.B}} 041
g {{#date.g}}2018-03-05{{/date.g}} 12
G {{#date.G}}2018-03-05{{/date.G}} 0
h {{#date.h}}2018-03-05{{/date.h}} 12
H {{#date.H}}2018-03-05{{/date.H}} 00
i {{#date.i}}2018-03-05{{/date.i}} 00
s {{#date.s}}2018-03-05{{/date.s}} 00
u {{#date.u}}2018-03-05{{/date.u}} 000000
v {{#date.v}}2018-03-05{{/date.v}} 000
e {{#date.e}}2018-03-05{{/date.e}} UTC
I {{#date.I}}2018-03-05{{/date.I}} 0
O {{#date.O}}2018-03-05{{/date.O}} +0000
P {{#date.P}}2018-03-05{{/date.P}} +00:00
T {{#date.T}}2018-03-05{{/date.T}} UTC
Z {{#date.Z}}2018-03-05{{/date.Z}} 0
c {{#date.c}}2018-03-05{{/date.c}} 2018-03-05T00:00:00+00:00
r {{#date.r}}2018-03-05{{/date.r}} Mon, 05 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000
U {{#date.U}}2018-03-05{{/date.U}} 1520208000

Using filters pragma: We also support filters pragma for all the above, and a few extra padding helpers:

Format Example Token Result
lpad.2 {{% FILTERS }}{{ dob_month | lpad.2 }} 02
lpad.4 {{% FILTERS }}{{ dob_year | lpad.4 }} 0002
rpad.2 {{% FILTERS }}{{ dob_month | rpad.2 }} 20
rpad.4 {{% FILTERS }}{{ dob_year | rpad.4 }} 2000