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teesloane committed Jun 24, 2020
1 parent 4c43c3c commit 475b704
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Showing 3 changed files with 126 additions and 151 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion docs/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#+TITLE: Data and Metadata
#+DATE_CREATED: <2020-03-25 Wed>
#+DATE_UPDATED: <2020-06-23 15:43>
#+DATE_UPDATED: <2020-06-24 15:59>
#+FILE_UNDER: docs
Expand All @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ for end-users.
*Data* - the raw data available when a file is parsed - and how to access it if
you need more fine grained control of your data.


* Metadata

Currently, *links*, *logbook entries*, a *table of contents*, are made available to
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264 changes: 117 additions & 147 deletions docs/
@@ -1,33 +1,31 @@
#+TITLE: Layout
#+DATE_CREATED: <2020-03-24 Tue>
#+DATE_UPDATED: <2020-06-23 15:51>
#+DATE_UPDATED: <2020-06-24 15:55>
#+FILE_UNDER: docs

* Overview

When you create a new Firn site for the first time, it will create a folder in
When you create a new Firn site for the first time, it will create a folder:
=_firn/layouts=. The layout folder stores Clojure files (=.clj=) that are
responsible for how your org-file is rendered to-html; The act of "applying" a
template means to pass the content of the org-file through a specific [[][clojure
hiccup]] template that organizes how the content is displayed.

When an org-mode file is processed by Firn it looks at the file's =keywords= to
see if it uses a Layout. If none are specified, the _default template_ is used.

The act of "applying" a template means to pass the content of the org-file
through a specific clojure hiccup template that organizes how the content is displayed.
When an org-mode file is processed by Firn it looks for the in-buffer-setting
~#+FIRN_LAYOUT:~ to see if it uses a Layout. If none are specified, the _default
template_ is used.

* Usage

Let's walk through an example.

mkdir firn_example
cd firn_example; touch
Let's walk through an example of how to use layouts.

Navigate to and open the file. Edit it to include the following:
Create a sample org file; we will call it Edit it to include the

*NOTE*: Because the snippet below is org-mode code, you will need to remove the =\= preceding the =*= Headlines.
*NOTE*: Because the snippet below is org-mode code, you will need to remove the =\=
preceding the =*= Headlines.


Expand All @@ -39,15 +37,15 @@ Navigate to and open the file. Edit it to include the following:

\* My project

This is my project
This is my project.

\* Tasks
\* Notes

- [ ] Figure out how layouts work.

Now we have a file that is going to look for a layout called "docs" in the
layouts folder. Return to the terminal
layouts folder. Return to the terminal.

cd layouts
Expand All @@ -68,17 +66,21 @@ Inside docs.clj place the following clojure code.
[:div (render "Notes")]]]]))) ;; Renders The notes section.

*NOTE:* Layouts can have multiple Clojure functions in them, however only the last
function of the file will be applied as the layout.

* Do I have to use layouts?

Not really. If you don't have any .clj files in the =_firn/layouts/= directory,
Firn will default to using the internal default template. This provides a very
basic out of the box formatting and will render the entirety of your org mode file.
Not exactly. When you create a new Firn site, it will have a =default.clj= file in
the =layouts= directory. This provides a very basic out of the box formatting and
will render the entirety of your org mode file. If you want to add any kinds of
customization - even css, you'll need to work with layouts.

* How do I customize the styling of my layouts?

As with normal HTML, you'll need to add a =head= tag with a =link= and linking
to a css file. It'll probably be most likely to create a partial for your =<head></head>=
content that can then be shared across layouts:
As with normal HTML, you'll need to add a =head= tag with a =link= that references
to a css file. It might make sense for you to create a partial for defining your
html =head= tag, allowing it to be shared across layouts:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(defn head
Expand All @@ -89,107 +91,27 @@ content that can then be shared across layouts:

* How do I drill down into the content of a headline?

First, a =headline= refers to a bullet headline in org-mode (the kind that are
toggle-able with the =tab key)=. A =headline= can have =sub-headlines=, =drawers=
(properties, logbooks, etc) and general text content (tables, lists, prose, etc.)

Because a headline can contain so much data, the =render= function, made
available to your layouts, aims to make getting content out of a headline easier.
* The Render function

View the code block below to see the multiple ways of using the =render= function
Render is used to render content from your org file. It's an important one - if
you don't use it, you won't see any org-mode content.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
;; In it's simplest form you can render a headline in it's entirety.
;; This will search through the headlines for a headline with that name specifically
;; and then render it to HTML.
[:div (render "My Headline")]]

;; Next, you can ask to just render the headline's title:
[:div (render "My Headline" :title)]] ; => "My Headline"
Quite a bit of data and functions are made available in your layouts. The =render=
function you to decide what parts of your org-file you would like to display. Firn
makes some "pre-made" content available for rendering - logbook graphs, table of
contents, etc. It can render multiple kinds of content"

;; You can also ask to get the "raw" text, which will just return the
;; plain-text of the title -- you're just getting <string> rather than
;; a hiccup data structure; so you won't be getting an H1/H2/H3 etc.
[:div (render "My Tasks" :title-raw)]] ; => "My Tasks".
| Render type | Paramaters | Example |
| Entire file | keyword | ~(render :file)~ |
| Specific headline | string | ~(render "Notes")~ |
| Specific content | string, keyword | ~(render "Notes" :content)~ |
| Table of contents | keyword, map | ~(render :toc {:depth int :exclusive? bool :headline "Notes"})~ |
| Logbook Polyline | keyword, map | ~(render :logbook-polyline {:stroke "#45698A" :height 60 :width 365})~ |
| | | |

;; Render the contents of the headline - ie, everything but the title "My Tasks".
[:div (render "My Tasks" :content)]]

* How can I access data in my layouts?
** Overview
Currently, you can also access some site-wide meta-data in your layouts, as well as
file-specific meta-data. Example meta-data:

- All logbooks across all files.
- All links across all files (which might be ideal for say... setting up a link graph.)
- Here's a full list of data/functions you can use in your layouts.

** All Data/Function

| Function/Data | Intent | Data-type |
| config | The site wide config. | map |
| file-links | A list of links per file | list |
| file | The file as a data structure. | map |
| logbook | A list of logbooks entries per file. | list |
| partials | a list of invokable partials in your =partials= folder | list |
| render | Enables rendering parts or entirety of an org file. | function |
| site-links | A list of all links across all documents | vector |
| site-logs | A list of ALL logbook entries. | vector |
| site-map | A list of all files on the wiki | vector |
| title | The org mode file. | string |
| meta | A map of metadata about the file (logbook, links, etc) | map |
| title | The #+TITLE value of the file. | string |
| firn-under | The #+FIRN_UNDER value of the file | string |
| date-updated | The #+DATE_UPDATED value of the file | string |
| date-created | The #+DATE_CREATED value of the file | string |
| logbook-total | The sum of all the logbook entries | string |
| toc | Table of contents | vector |

This may seem like a lot of information to make available to a layout template. And that's because it is. But thanks to destructuring in Clojure, you can make your templates only ask for what they need:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(defn project
[{:keys [ render partials logbook] :as data}]
(let [{:keys [head nav]} partials]
(page-header data)
(main-section render)
(sidebar render logbook)]]])))

The above template only needs access to =render=, =partials= and the =logbook=. Then functions, such as =page-header= can simply take the data map and destructure what /it/ needs again:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(defn page-header
[{:keys [title logbook-total date-updated date-created firn-under]}]
(let [rndr (fn [i s]
(when i [:span.flex.pr2
[:h4.italic.bold.pr1 s " "]
[:h4.italic.thin i]]))]
[:h1.page_meta_title title]
(rndr date-created "Published: ")
(rndr date-updated "Last Updated: ")
(rndr firn-under "File Under: ")
(when-not (= logbook-total "0:0")
(rndr logbook-total "Time Logged: "))]]))


** The ~Render~ function.

Render is used to render content from your org file. It's an important one - if you don't use it, you won't see any org-mode content. It can render multiple kinds of content:

*Render an entire file:*
** Render an entire file

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(defn default
Expand All @@ -200,48 +122,34 @@ Render is used to render content from your org file. It's an important one - if
[:div (render :file)]])))

*Render a headline and it's contents*
** Rendering specific headlines and content

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(defn default
[{:keys [render partials]}]
(let [{:keys [head]} partials]
[:div (render "Notes")]])))

*Render just a headline title*, or the raw title.
[:div (render "Notes")] ; render everything in "Notes" (including the heading "Notes")
[:div (render "Notes")] ; render the content in "Notes", excluding the heading.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(defn default
[{:keys [render partials]}]
(let [{:keys [head]} partials]
; render the headline title in "raw" plain text.
[:div (render "Notes" :title-raw)]
; render the headline title in "rich" text (can be bold, have italic, etc.)
[:div (render "Notes" :title)]])))

*Render a Logbook as a polyline SVG:*
** Render a Logbook SVG Polyline

Graphs all logbook entries for the current file in a polyline, generating a chart for each year.

[[file:data/polyline.png][Polyline example chart]]

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(defn default
[{:keys [render partials]}]
(let [{:keys [head]} partials]
[:div (render :logbook-polyline {:width 365})]])))
[:div (render :logbook-polyline {:stroke "#45698A" :height 60 :width 365})]])))

* Table of Contents
** Rendering a Table of Contents
When a file is processed, Firn collects *all* of it's headlines, whether you're
choosing to render the entire file, or just one headline.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,15 +191,77 @@ There are several ways you can create table of contents in your files, from simp
#+FIRN_TOC: {:depth 4}

* Data and Functions available to layouts

The following keys are made available in your layouts.

| Function/Data | Intent | Data-type |
| config | The site wide config. | map |
| date-created | The #+DATE_CREATED value of the file | string |
| date-updated | The #+DATE_UPDATED value of the file | string |
| file | The file as a data structure. | map |
| file-links | A list of links per file | list |
| firn-under | The #+FIRN_UNDER value of the file | string |
| logbook | A list of logbooks entries per file. | list |
| logbook-total | The sum of all the logbook entries per file | string |
| meta | A map of metadata per file (logbook, links, etc) | map |
| partials | a list of invokable partials in your =partials= folder | list |
| render | Enables rendering parts or entirety of an org file. | function |
| site-links | A list of all links across all documents | vector |
| site-logs | A list of aLL logbook entries. | vector |
| site-map | A list of all files on the wiki | vector |
| title | The #+TITLE value of the file. | string |

This may seem like a lot of information to make available to a layout template.
And that's because it is. But thanks to destructuring in Clojure, you can make
your templates only ask for what they need:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(defn project
[{:keys [ render partials logbook] :as data}] ; < destructuring to make available only what you need.
(let [{:keys [head nav]} partials]
(page-header data)
(main-section render)
(sidebar render logbook)]]])))

The above template only needs access to =render=, =partials= and the =logbook=. Then functions, such as =page-header= can simply take the data map and destructure what /it/ needs again:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(defn page-header
[{:keys [title logbook-total date-updated date-created firn-under]}]
(let [rndr (fn [i s]
(when i [:span.flex.pr2
[:h4.italic.bold.pr1 s " "]
[:h4.italic.thin i]]))]
[:h1.page_meta_title title]
(rndr date-created "Published: ")
(rndr date-updated "Last Updated: ")
(rndr firn-under "File Under: ")
(when-not (= logbook-total "0:00")
(rndr logbook-total "Time Logged: "))]]))


* Styling Layouts

You can write css as you normally would by placing css files in the =_firn/static/css=
folder and then having =firn= move them into your =_site= folder when run.
Styling is applied through [[][hiccup]].
You can write css as you normally would by placing css files in the
=_firn/static/css= folder and then having =firn= move them into your =_site= folder
when run. Styling is applied through [[][hiccup]].

There are some internal styles that are applied when org-mode text is
transformed into data. These styles are all prefaced with the keyword =firn_=,
(ie =firn_title-prirority= or =firn_title-keyword=).
transformed into data. These styles are all prefaced with the keyword =firn_=, (ie
=firn_title-prirority= or =firn_title-keyword=).

The following are the css classes and their rerspective org-mode structure they
augment, as they come hard-coded into firn:
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