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198 lines (192 loc) · 10.7 KB

File metadata and controls

198 lines (192 loc) · 10.7 KB


experimental-2.0.0 - 11/20/22 (current)


  • added Scheduler class (#38) - experimental
    • Allows slash commands to be sent using keybinds
    • Creates, controls and pseudo-randomizes automation routines (boosts and auto_* features) → attempts to mimic human behavior
    • Sporadically mid-session 'break time'
  • DiscordWrapper new features
    • added Proxy class integration
      • native proxy support (HTTPS only)
    • session reconnections
  • Menu new features
    • BaseMenu
      • support for custom keybinds ('./app/keybinds.json') by Keybinder class
      • CPU and Memory consumption reduced - better logic and structure overall (removed redundant calculations and function calls, simplification, +)
      • asynchronous notifications 'server' (threaded) → notifications are now queued and have priority and display time
      • 'Config Status' panel split in 'App info' and 'Config Status' (with better choices of information to be displayed)
      • Popup widget → extra information (like quests, exotic fishes, current inventory, charms and buffs) can be viewed in a popup format (see example)
    • MainMenu(BaseMenu) - "normal" mode
      • design changes (see comparison)
      • screen strings are now resized dynamically to fit the terminal size
      • added the Leaderboards panel
      • added more profile information to the Inventory panel
      • better exceptions handling
    • CompactMenu(BaseMenu) - compact mode
  • ConfigManager new features
    • argument support for loading specific configs (e.g. python some_config_name) (adaptation of @notvirtio 's solution #51)
    • support for the creation of new (alt) configs using arguments (python --create)
    • new parameters:
      • Network: proxy_ip, proxy_port, proxy_auth_user, proxy_auth_password, user_agent
      • Automation:
        • added auto_sell, auto_buy_baits, auto_update_inventory, auto_daily
        • splitted auto_buff in more_fish and more_treasures
        • renamed buff_length to boosts_length
      • Menu: refresh_rate
      • Cosmetic: pet, bait, biome (not yet implemented)
  • Profile new features
    • support to charms inventory (/charms) + Charms datatype class
    • support to user leaderboards (/pos) + Leaderboard datatype class
    • support to buffs (multipliers list) (/buffs) + Buffs datatype class
    • support to quests list (/quests) + QuestList and Quest datatype class


  • refactored DiscordWrapper class
    • discord's API (v9 → v10)
    • connect function's structure
    • heartbeat routine (adjusting to documentation requirements)
    • receive_event function (better error management and pre deserialization)
    • application commands and guild ID are now loaded on start-up
    • request function (discord's HTTP API requests):
      • simplification and better data structure
      • better handling of exceptions (and proper returns)
      • better error management to failure requests
      • proper handling of discord's rate limits (429 error) (improvement of @gabeaventh 's solution #36)
  • refactored Captcha class
    • compartmentalization
    • multi-threading solving (asynchronous ocr-engine requests) → each engine request is made simultaneously, so captcha solving time is significantly faster.
    • captcha detection function (added conditional safeguards)
    • status flags (ensuring transparency of actions for external classes)
  • message_dispatcher function converted to Dispatcher class
    • improvements in conditional gates to send commands (safer method)
    • "pause" property, to globally pause the dispatcher (instead of a standalone class)
    • improvements in sending captcha-related commands
    • improvements in cooldown calculations (to consider for network ping between requests oscillations/processing time, in order to preserve the Gaussian approach of value generation)
  • message_receiver function converted to Receiver class
    • better event checking, parsing and validation
    • simplification (removed unnecessary event validation, improvements in code structure, +)
    • improvements in messages categorization
    • untitled (and unhandled) messages are now properly sanitized and displayed on notifications
    • better logic to detect captchas in raw events
    • incorrect captcha code messages are now treated
    • added of more breakpoints conditionals (in case of abnormal behavior)
  • refactored Profile class
    • compartmentalization
    • attribute fields (instead of a global fixed list)
    • lists (displayed on menu) are now constructed individually per attribute (datatype classes) using the list property
    • update function
    • gold, diamond, emerald and lava fishes are now grouped to ExoticFish class
  • refactored CooldownManager class
    • simplification
    • analysis functions removed
  • refactored Message class
    • better message parsing and fields categorization
    • untitled and contentless message are now handled
  • refactored ConfigManager class
    • better loading/saving logic of config files
    • compartmentalization of config parameters (system, captcha, network, automation, menu and cosmetic)
    • better value parsing and validation
  • refactored Debugger class
    • simplification
    • outputs errors and exceptions to 'debug.log' file instead of displaying them on terminal
  • PauseControl class removed (integrated in Dispatcher class)
  • MenuManager class removed (split in BaseMenu, MainMenu(BaseMenu), CompactMenu(BaseMenu) classes)
  • autoBuff function removed (integrated in Scheduler class)


  • fixed a bug in which the sanitize function in Message class couldn't parse some characters
  • fixed a bug in which required fields weren't validated in ConfigManager (#48)
  • fixed a bug in which captcha.regen counter were redefined after solution failure
  • fixed a bug in which the bait name overlaps the border in compact mode - inventory (and related information) can be viewed separately on a popup using their respective keybinds (#50)
  • fixed a bug in which the curses kept blinking on screen's last update position

1.2.1 - 9/5/22


  • implemented "fish on exit" (auto30m)
  • autofish using interactions (buttons and slash commands) (#29)
  • trace to debugger class (and better logs overall)


  • discord's API wrapper
    • requests
    • Webgate identification (passport)
    • headers and authorization
    • session and nonce (snowflake) functions
  • requests error handling
  • message class (support to interactions and compartmentalization)
  • autobuff function (command list and stalling conditions)
  • dispatcher/receiver functions


  • OCR's request timeout (25 seconds) for engines 3 and 5
  • config manager (strings are now sanitized)
  • minor source code typos

1.2.0 - 7/31/22


  • support to multiple configuration files
  • support to third-party (custom) menus - experimental
  • debugger class (using inspector package)
  • pause/resume class
  • compact mode (#23, #15 )
  • resize function for messages and notifications (to avoid errors when strings > terminal width)
  • FAQ to config parameters


  • discord webgate (connectivity issues, compartmentalization)
  • cooldown method - normal distribution (#12)
  • project overall structure (features can now be compartmentalized, config folder, app folder)
  • config management method (also, new parameters)
  • proper asynchronous approach (dispatcher and listener)
  • all menus are now parts of a class (MenuManager)
  • imports (external packages limitation)
  • captcha detection method (#14)
  • calculations for menu dimensions and proportions


  • sanitized normal emotes (@yudhistiraindyka #22, #20)
  • multiple embeds handling for profile functions
  • pause function argument handling
  • autobuff/resupply function queries
  • captcha regen when all results fail (#14)
  • captcha timeout limit to check for confirmation messages
  • captcha answer duplicates are now ignored
  • captcha safe-exit methods when abnormal behavior is found
  • config manager class (proper exceptions handling, minor compatibility issues)
  • reduced memory consumption while paused
  • stalling conditions for the dispatcher (while captcha detected or autofish is paused)
  • curses exceptions handling (addwstr() type errors) (#21)

1.1.1 - 7/23/22



  • regex method to handle emotes
  • regex method to display balance


  • regex pattern to user level on "Inventory" tab (added support to prestige)
  • regex patter to display "Level up" information

1.1.0 - 7/22/22


  • window size detection function
  • proper pause/resume function


  • captcha detection method
  • messages alignment (centered)


  • messages desyncs (due to unhandled events)
  • profile information scraping

1.0.0 - 7/21/22


  • CLI UI (new menu)
  • image recognition (testing phase)
  • safety measures (random noise, command randomization, halt flags)
  • user profile (inventory, stats, leaderboards)
  • keybinds (pause/play, exit, manual mode)
  • multi-threading


  • config structure (parameters names)
  • captcha detection method
  • message handling method
  • autobuff routine


  • discord webgate interface (connectivity issues)
  • unexpected events are now properly handled
  • minor text scraping problems