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Darksight is a dark-themed, user interface composed of a series of re-usable, responsive, material design components. Darksight was created in Vue, developed in Vite, styled with CSS, and lovingly crafted by Front-End Developer John Durtche.

How is it Different?

Darksight has been a passion project since it's conception in early 2022. It's creator, John Durtche, describes it best:

A beautiful monstrosity and I love it. I combined all the parts of various other existing frameworks to create Darksight. I spent months pouring through the repositories and source code of front-end frameworks like Bootstrap, Vuetify, Bulma, Tailwind, Core Elements, and Vuesax. These are arguably the best frameworks out there, yet only one came close to exactly what I desired. I wanted something compact, powerful, and simple. I knew I had to create what I wanted and Darksight is the child of that idea.

The Principles

These three principles of compact, powerful, and simple make Darksight unique.

  • COMPACT - You can use all of the framework by importing one cascading style sheet (CSS) file—no JavaScript required. The annoying class name prefixes found in other frameworks have been omitted (-vs-, -tw-, -v-, etc.), since they are understandable but unneccesary. A limited color palette but with variations for both opacity and application of colors to text, borders, backgrounds and more. Also, a minified version of the main stylesheet exists and future versions will use SASS. The framework only exists as a dark theme—half the code required!
  • POWERFUL - Using the best of the latest HTML and CSS element tags, classes, pseudo-elements, transitions, filters, and transforms, the framework has dozens of pre-built components that are ready to include in your web projects and has many generic styles that can be applied to various elements, giving you more flexibility in designing your own components.
  • SIMPLE - Built from the ground with a minimalist, semantic-above-all-else approach to keep the framework from devolving into a cluster of confusing class names and overriding, conflicting styles like other frameworks, it contains class names that are divided into 7 major categories: Colors, Typography, Elevation, Icons, Labels, Layout, and Components.

The Framework

Darksight's styles are divided into 7 main categories: Colors, Typography, Elevation, Icons, Labels, Layout, and Components. The following tables are a list of elements, class names, children, and states:

Element Class Names Children States Comments
:root various colors and default settings
* css reset settings
::-webkit-scrollbar, ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb scrollbar styles
aside .navbar .hide use js to change display onclick
nav>menu li>div, li>span :hover, :active, :focus
section .section div.container, :last-child last-child sets margin
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, a :link, :hover, :active, :focus
* .hl formatting style for highlight
article .hero header
* .container
* .flex-item
* .box i, .d-2>i
* .shaped border-radius style
i .dbl .dbl is for right-aligned icons or elements with two icons
div .primary, .success, .danger, .warn, .dark, .light styles for lighted palette cube usage
div .cube .side, .top, .front, .left :hover styles to create 3d cube
* .hero h1 .hero is usually article or section level class
table tr, td
* .centered center-align hack
* .lead, strong bold white text formatting
* .text-sm small text formatting
* .capitalize styled capitalized formatting for headers
* .text-(primary, success, danger, warn, light, white, gradient) text color formatting using palette
code, .text-code .code--box code text formatting and larger box child
* .border-(primary, success, danger, warn, dark, light, gradient) border color formatting
* .bg-(color), .bg-(color)-80, .bg-(color)-60, .bg-(color)-40, .bg-(color)-20 colors: primary, success, danger, warn, dark, light. Changes background color opacity.
* .bg-(color) tailwind colors: slate, gray, zinc, neutral, stone, red, orange, amber, yellow, lime, green, emerald, teal, cyan, sky, blue, indigo, violet, purple, fuchsia, pink, rose
* .color-80, .color-60, .color-40, .color-20 Changes opacity
* .bg-lighten-1, .bg-lighten-2, .bg-lighten-3, .bg-lighten-4, .bg-lighten-5 Desaturates element
* .e-1, .e-2, .e-3, .e-4, .e-5, .e-6, .flat, .d-1, .d-2, .d-3, .e-hover Material design elevation styles which control box shadows
* .label Design formatting
p .sm, .lg Font size hacking for paragraph elements
ul, ol ::before li>i List styles which allow icons
div, * .grid-container .col-3, .col-4, .col-5, .col-6, .col-12, .full, .grid-item
div, * .grid-item .lg, .x-lg, .full, :first-child .grid-items are children of .grid-containers
button *, i, i.dbl .sm, .lg, .btn--primary, .outlined, .pill, .is-icon, .ripple :hover, :active, :focus, :not(.is-icon) Many buttons with icons, sizes, types, and ripple onclick
details[open]>summary .accordion *, p.content Tabs effect component, some js makes it better
* .alert i, .is-icon, .alert--info, .alert--success, .alert--danger, .alert--warn, .alert--gradient, footer>button Alert component works best with js
* .avatar .btn--large, .has-image, i, div.status-dot Custom built avatar with status dot; js makes this useful
* .chip .dbl, .badge chip component
* .tooltip span, .top-caret, .bottom-caret, .right, .lft, .tip (button.popover) tooltip component
* .notifiable, .notice notifications component-related classes
input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio], input[type=range] input styles
* .toggle, .toggle-switch, .toggle-checkbox, .toggle-label :before, :after, :hover, :checked toggle component-related styles
* .card .card-header, .card-content, .card-footer, img, .full-product-image, .quote, h4, .has-icon, i, .number, .has-image, .rounded-imaged, .shifted-image, .has-full-image, .is-numbered, .card--avatar, .has-author, .large :hover various card component styles
* .glass, .glass--invert Material design material transparent glass-like styles
* .align-left, .align-bottom Alignment hacks
.tag, cite, .no-pad Various formatting styles
input, textarea, label [type=text], [type=search] Various form component styles
div, * .modal-container, .modal, .modal-closable, .modal-content.with-icon>i, .modal-footer Modal component-related styles. js makes it useful.
header .topbar *, .tb-container, .tb-left, .tb-mid, .tb-right, .tb, button, h4 :hover, :active, :focus Responsive 88px top navbar divided into three parts inside a flexible container
footer .main-footer .copy
table thead, tr, td, tbody :hover Table styles
@media (max-width: 1440px), (max-width: 1024px), (max-width: 768px), (max-width: 425px) Responsive, mobile-friendly breakpoints
@keyframes dropIn, moveInLeft, moveInRight, shake, bokeh dropIn animation of drop-in with a fade-like effect for tabs component. Slide from left and right moveIn animations, a shake side to side and a special bokeh


Using the framework is now as easy as downloading one CSS file, and adding the following line of code into the top of your <head> element:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" src="darksight.css" />


You can clone this version (1.1.7) of Darksight or build your own. You'll need to install NodeJS and use the following dependencies:

npm install vue@latest boxicons
npm install @vitejs/plugin-vue vite --D
npm run install
npm run dev
npm run build

Want to contribute? Great!

John Durtche uses Vue + Vite + SASS for the fastest development.

If you have comments, suggestions, bugs, or anything to report, you can contact John directly by email.



Free Software, Hell Yeah!