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File metadata and controls

493 lines (339 loc) · 27.8 KB


Basic Information

  • The APIs below are defined in namespace clojask.dataframe.

  • Most dataframe manipulation operations are performed lazily (except for sort and join). They will be executed all at once when compute is called.

  • By default (except for Excel input), all columns are assigned with the data type string when the dataframe is initialized.

  • [ ] surrounding the argument indicates an optional operation.

  • Without further specification, the return of all these functions is the resultant Clojask dataframe with type clojask.dataframe.classes.DataFrame . Therefore, you can pipeline these functions with -> macros.

    (-> (dataframe "xxx.csv")
        (set-type "Colx" "int")
        (operate inc "Colx")
        (compute 8 "xxx-modified.csv"))



Defines the dataframe and returns clojask.dataframe.classes.DataFrame

Argument Type Function Remarks

Path of dataset file

Source of the dataset
If input-directory, the output format is automatically set to correspond to the input format (can be modified by :output option during compute) and (coming soon) progress indication is available during compute.
If input-function comes from (fn [] ( ... :size true :output true)), the above functions are also supported.
If input-function is user-defined, the above functions are not available, but you can still change the output format by :output option of compute later
How to define input-function?
The input-function should be a function that returns lazy sequence of vectors that represents each row. "Lazy" here is necessary if the dataset is larger than memory.
[if-header] Boolean If the dataset has column names as the first row If false, the default column names will be $Col_i$, where $1\leq i\leq number \space of \space columns$.
;; defines df as a dataframe from dataframe.csv file
(def df (dataframe "resources/Employee.csv"))

;; define df to be a dataframe with customized seperator
(require '[clojask-io.input :as input])
(def df (dataframe (fn [] (input/read-file "resources/Employees.csv" :sep "," :output true :stat true))))

;; define df with a lazy sequence
(def df (dataframe (fn [] (map vector (take 1000 (iterate inc 1)) (take 1000 (repeat 1)))) :if-header false))


Provides a preview of the resulting data (column headings, datatype, and data) by performing a sample based compute on the current dataframe manipulation operations to be performed by compute. Print the result to the nice-formatted table.

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
[sample size] Integer Specify the sample size taken from the beginning of the dataframe Default of 1000 elements
[return size] Integer Specify the returning size of the dataframe elements Default of 10 elements
(print-df x 1000 10)
;; prints 10 rows of data based on 1000 sample data entries with the current operations 


Provides a preview of the resulting data (column headings, datatype, and data) by performing a sample based compute on the current dataframe manipulation operations to be performed by compute. Return the result as a vector of maps.

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
sample size Integer Specify the sample size taken from the beginning of the dataframe Default of 1000 elements
return size Integer Specify the returning size of the dataframe elements Default of 10 elements
[formatting] Boolean Whether to format the results to string using the formatters defined by set-type and set-formatter By default, false, i.e. values are kept as their last data type before formatting
(preview x 1000 10)
;; [{"Employee" "1" "EmployeeName" "Alice" "Department" "11" "Salary" "300"} {...} ...]


Get the column names of the dataframe

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object


get-col-names returns a clojure.lang.PersistentVector

(get-col-names x)
;; columns: ["Employee" "EmployeeName" "Department" "Salary"]


Rename the column names in the dataframe

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
old column String The old column name Should be an existing column name in dataframe
new column String The new column name Should be a unique column name from the existing ones
;; columns: ["Employee" "EmployeeName" "Department" "Salary"]
(rename-col x "Department" "new-Department")


Filter the dataframe by rows.

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
columns String / collection of strings The columns that the predicate function would apply to
predicate Function The predicate function to determine if a row should be kept This function should have the same number of arguments with the above columns and in the same order. Only rows that return true will be kept.


(filter x "Salary" (fn [salary] (<= salary 800)))
;; this statement deletes all the rows that have a salary larger than 800
(filter x ["Salary" "Department"] (fn [salary dept] (and (<= salary 800) (= dept "computer science"))))
;; keeps only people from computer science department with salary not larger than 800


Set the data type of a column. As a result, the value will be parsed as the assigned data type when it is used in any subsequent operations.

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
column String Target columns Should be existing columns within the dataframe.
type String Type of the column The natively supported types are: int, double, string, date. Note that by default all the column types are string. If you need a special parsing function, see set-parser.


;; set data type of the column "Salary" to be double 
(set-type x "Salary" "double")


A more flexible way to set type by specifying the customized parser.

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
column String Target columns Should be existing columns within the dataframe
parser function The parser function that will parse a string to other types (or even string) The function should take only one argument which is a string, and the parsed type should be serializable.


;; parse all the values in "Salary" with this function
(set-parser x "Salary" #(Double/parseDouble %))


A more flexible way to set type by specifying the customized formatter.

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
column String Target columns Should be existing columns within the dataframe
formatter function The formatter function that will format a data type (can be checked from the print-df function) to string for outputting The function should take only one argument which is a string, and the parsed type should be serializable.


;; parse all the values in "Salary" with this function
(set-parser x "Salary" #(Double/parseDouble %))

operate (In-place modification)

In-place modification on a single column

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
operation function Function to be applied lazily The function should take only one argument which is the value of the below column.
column name Keyword Target columns Should be existing columns within the dataframe.


;; set data type as double
(set-type x "Salary" "double")
;; take the negative of the column "Salary"
(operate x - "Salary")

operate (Column generating)

Calculate the result and store in a new column

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
operation function Function that is to be applied lazily Argument number should align with the number of column names below, ie if operation functions takes two arguments, the length of column names should also be two, and in the same order that is passed to the function.
column name(s) String or collection of Strings Target columns Should be existing columns within the dataframe.
new column String Resultant column Should be new column(s) other than those existing in the dataframe.


(operate x str ["Employee" "EmployeeName"] "new")
;; concats the two columns into the "new" column


Group the dataframe by some specific columns (always used together with aggregate), or group the dataframe by function output(s)

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
groupby-keys String / Collection Group by columns (functions of columns) Find the specification below .


;; group by one or more columns
(group-by x ["Department"])
(group-by x ["Department" "DepartmentName"])

Group-by Keys Specification

Group-by Functions Specification

  • Take one argument
  • Return type: int / double / string

Pair group-by functions with group-by keys

One general rule is to put the group-by function and its corresponding column name together.


(defn rem10
  "Get the reminder of the num by 10"
  (rem num 10))

(group-by x [rem10 "Salary"])
;; or
(group-by x [[rem10 "Salary"]])

If no group-by function, the column name can be alone.

(group-by x "Salary")
;; or
(group-by x ["Salary"])

You can also group by the combination of keys. (Use the above two rules together)

(group-by x [[rem10 "Salary"] "Department"])
;; or
(group-by x [[rem10 "Salary"] ["Department"]])


Aggregate the dataframe(s) by applying some functions. The aggregation function will be applied to every column registered in sequence.

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
aggregation function function Function to be applied to each column Should take a collection as argument. And return one or a collection of predefined type*.
column name(s) String or collection of String Aggregate columns Should be existing columns within the dataframe
[new column] String or collection of string Resultant column Should be new columns not in the dataframe


(require '[ :as gb-agg])
(require '[clojask.api.aggregate :as agg])
;; aggregate without group, apply aggregation to the whole dataframe
(aggregate x agg/max "Salary")
(group-by x "Department")
;; get the max/min of the selected column(s) of each group
(aggregate x gb-agg/max ["Salary"] ["Salary-max"])
(aggregate x gb-agg/min ["Employee" "EmployeeName"] ["Employee-min" "EmployeeName-min"])

Custom functions can be made for aggregation. Please refer to Aggregation Function API for additional details

The keys used in specifying the aggregate operation are identical to the group-by function

sort (Deprecated)

Immediately sort the dataframe

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
trending list Collection (seq vector) Indicates the sort order Example: ["Salary" "+" "Employee" "-"] means that sort the Salary in ascending order, if equal sort then by Employee in descending order
output-directory String The output path


;; sort by "Salary" in ascending order
(sort x ["+" "Salary"] "path/output.csv")

inner-join / left-join / right-join / outer-join

Inner / left / right join two dataframes on specific columns


The registered operations and filters (like compute) will be automatically pipelined. You could think of join as as an operation that first computes the two dataframes then joins them together.

Only compute will be able to be performed after joing functions

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe a clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
dataframe b clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
a join keys String / Collection The keys of a to be aligned Find the specification here
b join keys String / Collection The keys of b to be aligned Find the specification here
[column prefix] Collection of strings Add to the front of the two column names For example, ["a" "b"], and the resultant dataframe will have headers "a_xxx" and "b_xxx" respectively


(def x (dataframe "path/to/a"))
(def y (dataframe "path/to/b"))

(def z (inner-join x y ["col a 1" "col a 2"] ["col b 1" "col b 2"]))
(compute z 8 "path/to/output")
;; inner join x and y

(def z (left-join x y ["col a 1" "col a 2"] ["col b 1" "col b 2"]))
(compute z 8 "path/to/output")
;; left join x and y

(def z (right-join x y ["col a 1" "col a 2"] ["col b 1" "col b 2"]))
(compute z 8 "path/to/output")
;; right join x and y


A Clojask.JoinedDataFrame

Unlike clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame, it only supports three operations:

  • print-df
  • get-col-names
  • compute

This means you cannot further apply complicated operations to a joined dataframe. An alternative is to first compute the result, then read it in as a new dataframe.

rolling-join-forward / rolling-join-backward

Rolling join two dataframes on columns. Forward will find the largest of the smaller in b while backward, while backward find the smallest of the larger in b.

You can refer to here for more details about rolling joins.

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe a clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
dataframe b clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame The operated object
a join keys String / Collection The column names of a to be aligned Find the specification here
b join keys String / Collection The column names of b to be aligned Find the specification here
a roll key String The column name of a to be aligned Will be compared with b roll key using function compare
b roll key String The column name of b to be aligned Will be compared with a roll key using function compare
[column prefix] Collection of strings Add to the front of the two column names For example, ["a" "b"], and the resultant dataframe will have headers "a_xxx" and "b_xxx" respectively
[limit] Function (two arguments) Another a condition checking before actually joining the two rows For example, sometimes we want to discard the join when the time gap between two rows are too large. So we can let this compare function return false to stop joining.


(def x (dataframe "path/to/a"))
(def y (dataframe "path/to/b"))

(rolling-join-forward x y ["Employee"] ["Employee"] "Salary" "Salary")
(rolling-join-forward x y ["Employee"] ["Employee"] "Salary" "Salary" :limit (fn [a b] (if (> (- a b) 10) false true)))
;; if the salary of a - b exceeds 10, we will not join the two rows

Return (Same as inner-join)

A Clojask.JoinedDataFrame

Unlike clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame, it only supports three operations:

  • print-df
  • get-col-names
  • compute

This means you cannot further apply complicated operations to a joined dataframe. If you need so, an alternative is to first compute, then read the result in as a new dataframe.


Compute the result. The pre-defined lazy operations will be executed in pipeline, ie the result of the previous operation becomes the argument of the next operation.

Argument Type Function Remarks
dataframe clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame / Clojask.JoinedDataFrame The operated object
num of workers int (max 8) The number of worker instances (except the input and output nodes) Uses Onyx as the distributed platform
output path String / nil The path of the output csv file If the path already exists, will overwrite the file.
If nil, will store the output in memory as a vector of vectors, which represent each row. See example.
[exception] Boolean Whether an exception during calculation will cause termination By default false. Is useful for debugging or detecting empty fields
[order] Boolean If enforce the order of rows in the output to be the same as input By default false. If set to true, will sacrifice the performance.
[output-function] Function Specify how to output a row vector to the output file Takes two arguments.
rows clojure.lang.PersistentVector (rows) of clojure.lang.PersistentVector (each row)
[select] String / Collection of strings Chooses columns to select for the operation Can only specify either of select and exclude
[exclude] String / Collection of strings Chooses columns to be excluded for the operation Can only specify either of select and exclude
[header] Collection of strings The column names in the output file that appears in the first row Will replace the default column names. Should be equal to the number of columns.
[melt] Function (one argument) Reorganize each resultant row Should take each row as a collection and return a collection of collections (This API is used in the extensions.reshpae.melt)
[in-memory] Boolean Whether the computation should all be completed in memory If set to true, this affects the computation procedure of groupby-aggregation and joins. These operations originally will write to and read from intermediate group files in disk. Now it will stores these groups in memory only, which will speed up the computation process. However, when the dataframe is larger than memory, this option should not be set to false. Other operations are not affected because they natively do not require out-of-memory steps.


A clojask.classes.DataFrame.DataFrame, which is the resultant dataframe. / A vector of vectors, which represent each row, if output path = nil.


(compute x 8 "output.csv" :exception true)
;; computes all the pre-registered operations

(compute x 8 "output.csv" :select "col a")
;; only select column a

(compute x 8 "output.csv" :order true)
;; make sure the order of the output is the same of the input

(compute x 8 nil :in-memory true)
;; compute the dataframe in memory and store the dataframe also in memory

(compute x 8 "output.csv" :select ["col b" "col a"])
;; select two columns, column b and column a in order

(compute x 8 "output.csv" :exclude ["col b" "col a"])
;; select all columns except column b and column a, other columns are in order

(compute x 3 "output.csv" :output (fn [wtr rows] (doseq [row rows] (.write wtr (str (str/join ", " row) "\n")))))
;; seperate each value in the row with ", "; seperate each row by "\n"

(compute x 8 "output.csv" :melt (fn [row] (map concat (repeat (take 2 x)) (take-last 2 x))))
;; each result row becomes two rows
;; [a b c d] => [[a b c] [a b d]]