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Blade Filters

Use string filters easily in Laravel Blade.

If you have any question how the package works, we suggest to read this post: Laravel Blade Filters.

Getting started

You can install the package with composer, running the composer require thepinecode/blade-filters command.

Laravel 5.5 and up

If you are using version 5.5 and up, there is nothing else to do. Since the package supports autodiscovery, Laravel will register the service provider automatically behind the scenes.

Disable the autodiscovery for the package

In some cases you may disable autodiscovery for this package. You can add the provider class to the dont-discover array to disable it.

Then you need to register it manually again.

Laravel 5.4 and below

You have to register the service provider manually. Go to the config/app.php file and add the Pine\BladeFilters\BladeFiltersServiceProvider::class to the providers array.

Using the filters

You can use the filters in any of your blade templates.

Regular usage:

{{ 'john' | ucfirst }} // John

Chained usage:

{{ 'john' | ucfirst | substr:0,1 }} // J

{{ '1999-12-31' | date:'Y/m/d' }} // 1999/12/31

Passing non-static values:

{{ $name | ucfirst | substr:0,1 }}

{{ $user['name'] | ucfirst | substr:0,1 }}

{{ $currentUser->name | ucfirst | substr:0,1 }}

{{ getName() | ucfirst | substr:0,1 }}

Passing variables as filter parameters:

$currency = 'HUF'

{{ '12.75' | currency:$currency }} // HUF 12.75

Built-in Laravel functionality:

{{ 'This is a title' | slug }} // this-is-a-title

{{ 'This is a title' | title }} // This Is A Title

{{ 'foo_bar' | studly }} // FooBar


Laravel supports three types of echos. Raw – {!! !!}, regular – {{ }} and escaped (legacy) – {{{ }}}. Filters can be used only with regular echos. Also, filters cannot be used in blade directices directly.

Why? Raw should be as it is. Forced escaping should be escaped only, without modification.

The Filters

About the filters

Filters are string functions, that are defined in the Pine\BladeFilters\BladeFilters facade. It has several reasons, that are discussed in the Create custom filters section.

The available filters

The package comes with a few built-in filters, also the default Laravel string methods can be used.


{{ '17.99' | currency:'CHF' }} // CHF 17.99

{{ '17.99' | currency:'€',false }} // 17.99 €

Passing false as the second parameter will align the symbol to the right.


{{ '1999/12/31' | date }} // 1999-12-31

{{ '1999/12/31' | date:'F j, Y' }} // December 31, 1999


{{ 'Árpamaláta' | lcfirst }} // árpamaláta

Unlike PHP's default lcfirst(), this filter works with multi-byte strings as well.


{{ 'ABCDEF' | reverse }} //FEDCBA


{{ 'My name is' | substr:0,2 }} // My

{{ 'My name is' | substr:3 }} // name is


{{ '   trim me    ' | trim }} // trim me


{{ 'árpamaláta' | ucfirst }} // Árpamaláta

Unlike PHP's default ucfirst(), this filter works with multi-byte strings as well.

Supported built-in Str functions

Create custom filters

As it was mentioned before, every filter is a method that can be called through the Pine\BladeFilters\BladeFilters facade. It has several reasons why is this approach better, but let's take the most important ones:

  • It's easy to define custom filters by extending the facade with the BladeFilters::macro(),
  • No extra files, autoloading or class mapping, it's enough to use any service provider to define filters,
  • By default Laravel provides a bunch of handy methods that we can use as filters.

Parameter ordering

PHP is not very strict regarding to function's parameter ordering and this way it's easier to coordiante or override them. Also, sometimes it happens with Laravel's string functions. It's important that only those functions can be used, that accept the parameters in the following order:

  1. The value to be transformed
  2. Any other parameter if needed

For example:

BladeFilters::macro('filterName', function ($value, $param1 = 'default', $param2 = null) {
    return ...;

{{ 'string' | filterName:1,2 }}

Defining custom filters

Since the filters are only methods that are defined in the Str facade, to create filters, you need to do to create a macro in a service provider's boot() method.

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()
        BladeFilters::macro('substr', function ($value, $start, $length = null) {
            return mb_substr($value, $start, $length);


If you found a bug or you have an idea connecting the package, feel free to open an issue.


Use filters easily in your blade templates.







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