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Are they really dotfiles if they don't have dots in front of them


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Theo's dotfiles


Collection of my configuration files. The reason why this README is so long is definitely not because I like wasting time writing documentation that no one will ever read instead of doing actual work.

macOS (my Yabai setup is no longer in use, see Deprecated
Fedora w/ Sway WM (ackchyually, it is a Wayland compositor)

Here are dotfiles for my systems, M1 MacBook Air and Lenovo ThinkPad X270. MBA runs the latest version of macOS, and X270 runs the latest version of Fedora Sway Spin with i3 WM installed (Wayland is almost there).

Tools in this repository are mostly open-source utilities for development.


You are welcome to take inspiration from any files in this repository, but I do not claim any responsibility for any of the contents of the configurations (licensed under the MIT License). Read the code before you use it!


  • Configure cross-platform utilities using the following commands:

    git clone ~/dotfiles
    ~/dotfiles/ --install
    ~/dotfiles/ --delete-backup # Optional
  • Install Homebrew and configure macOS-specific utilities and settings using the following commands:

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
    brew analytics off
    ~/dotfiles/ --macos-install
  • Choose configurations in the misc directory and manually copy them! Follow the commands in ./misc/

Install My Other Projects


Shameless plugs

  • Theovim "is my Neovim configuration, geared toward my CS studies (C, Python, Java, LaTeX, LaTeX, and LaTeX). It features opinionated base Vim settings and keybindings, ~30 carefully selected plug-ins, and custom UI components written 100% in Lua."
  • Haunted Tiles "is my personal i3 WM and Sway setup, along with essential tiling WM tools. It used to be a part of my dotfiles repository, and with the growing size of configurations and shared scripts between i3 and Sway, I made a separate repository for it."


  • Install Doom Emacs:

    git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/emacs
    ~/.config/emacs/bin/doom install
    • I had the best experience running natively-compiled emacs-plus in macOS
    brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
    brew install emacs-plus --with-native-comp --with-modern-doom3-icon
    ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom sync # if you have already initialized Doom with other version of Emacs
  • Add SSH shortcut for frequently used servers:

    ~/dotfiles/ --add-ssh-shortcut
    # Follow the prompt
  • To install fonts via fontconfig and the included function in

    1. Navigate to NERD Fonts download website
    2. Right-click on the font download and copy the link
    3. Execute the following
      ~/dotfiles/ --install-font $FONT_URL
  • To install Iosevka Nerd Font (for terminal emulators and text editors) and FantasqueSansM Nerd Fonts (for window managers) using Homebrew:

    brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts &&
    brew install --cask font-iosevka-nerd-font font-fantasque-sans-mono-nerd-font



Rich built-in features, questionable syntax

It's the de facto default shell that launches when Wezterm opens. It has a fantastic built-in auto-completion and stupidly fast asynchronous Git status, but I cannot say I prefer the syntax over POSIX in contrary to the popular opinion. Because it's not POSIX compatible, Zsh is my $SHELL.

Usage: Most of the aliases and functions of my Zsh config are supported in Fish.


The shell

  • Usage:
    • Prompt:
      [vi-mode]` ➜ /current/path/ git-branch(* for unstaged, + for staged changes) | last-exit-code ❱
    • Basic aliases: cdf to navigate directories quickly using fzf, cl to clear, l to ls with list view and other options, histgrep to look up previous commands
    • trash, trash_cd, trash_empty, trash_print: trash related functions. The trash directory is located in ~/.theoshell/trash. This directory will be used again for LF
    • theoshell_plug <github-username>/<repo-name>: installs Zsh plug-in from a GitHub repository (to ~/.theoshell/zsh-plugins) and/or source it
    • theoshell_upgrade: Upgrade all Zsh plug-ins in ~/.theoshell/zsh-plugins

Terminal Emulators and Multiplexers


Universal terminal multiplexer

I usually pair Tmux with a simple terminal emulator like Kitty or Alacritty. Because I am not the biggest fan of the default keybindings, many are unbound and rebound to Vim-style navigation and window/pane management.

  • Usage:
    • For the complete list of keybindings, disabled default keybindings, and frequently used default bindings, use C-a ? and read the comment in line 20
    • C-a is the prefix
    • PFX c: Copy mode
    • PFX hjkl: Pane navigation
    • PFX r/x: Swap panes
    • PFX s/v: Create a split horizontally/vertically
    • PFX -+<>: Resize pane
    • PFX C-s: Send the current pane to the window of the given index (will be prompted for the index)
    • PFX C-j: Join the pane from the window of the given index (will be prompted for the index)
    • PFX t: Create a new window
    • PFX q: Kill a pane (there is no separate kill-window binding; close all panes to kill a window)
    • PFX [/]: Navigate windows
    • PFX {/}: Swap window indices with adjacent windows
    • PFX m: Move the current window to the given index
    • PFX ?: Open ~/.tmux.conf in a floating popup


Over-engineered terminal emulator, nailed the fundamental features, and it is configured in Lua!

Wezterm is my primary terminal emulator/multiplexer! Watch my YouTube video Configure Wezterm terminal emulator in Lua with me [ASMR Coding] :)

  • Usage:
    • LDR = C-a
    • LDR c: Copy mode
    • LDR s/v: Create a split pane
    • LDR hjkl: Navigate pane
    • LDR q: Close pane
    • LDR z: Zoom pane
    • LDR o: Rotate pane
    • LDR r: resize_pane mode. Use hjkl to resize pane and ESC or Enter to confirm
    • LDR t: New tab
    • LDR [/] Navigate tab
    • LDR 1-9: Navigate tab by index
    • LDR n: Launch tab navigator
    • LDR e: Rename tab title
    • LDR m: move_tab mode. Use hj/kl to move tabs and ESC or Enter to confirm
      • LDR {/}: Move tab without entering the move_tab mode
    • LDR w: Workspace launcher
    • $ wezterm show-keys --lua to get the Lua table of all keybindings available

Text Editors (besides Neovim)

Doom Emacs

Good OS, mediocre text editor even with Evil mode

Emacs is my to-do list, idea capture, knowledge databases, and tools for other Second Brain functionalities.

  • Usage:
    • All the stock Emacs + Evil mode keybindings
    • %: Jump between parenthesis like in Vim
    • C-c t: Toggle transparency
    • C-c a: Org Agenda
    • C-c c: Org Capture
    • C-c o: Display Org file outline using occur
    • C-c f: Find Org-roam node
    • C-c i: Insert Org-roam node
    • C-c r b: List all Org-roam references in the current buffer
    • C-c r r: Sync Org-roam database


Focused note-taker

Because of my extensive Neovim IDE config, My Vimrc is kept minimal as my journal writer with the Vimwiki plug-in.

My Vimrc is built using Kickstart.vim.

  • Config:
    • Kickstart.vim contents, including sensible defaults and LSP setup
    • Handmade TabLine
    • Vimwiki setup for my personal journal writing

File Manager


My favorite terminal file manager

When I see a CLI file manager with Vim keybindings and a minimalistic feature set, I like it. I use it.

  • Usage:
    • ~ : Go to the home directory
    • ee: Open a file in $EDITOR
    • ec: You choose what editor you want to open a file in
    • DD: Move a file to ~/.theoshell/trash (it integrates with my Zsh trash functions)
    • gs: [g]it [s]tatus
    • md: mkdir
    • mf: Open a file with the supplied name in Neovim
    • ml, mr, ms: [m]ark [l]oad, [m]ark [r]emove, [m]ark [s]ave
    • mo: chmod
    • sh: Launch $SHELL at the current directory

Other Tools


Thanks Linus

No comments.

Miscellaneous Configurations


These are single-file, minimal configurations that do not change very often. These are meant to be manually deployed as needed. Use the commands in ./misc/ to deploy these configurations.

  • bashrc: I prioritize simplicity and performance since Zsh and Fish take care of my interactive uses and most of my scripts are written in Bash. Thus, my .bashrc is kept minimal with a simple prompt, some aliases, and variables
  • kitty.conf: Kitty is my secondary terminal emulator. The configuration is kept minimal since I always pair it up with Tmux
  • ideavimrc: Sorry to disappoint you, but I code in Java sometimes
  • neofetch.conf: It includes a prompt inspired by "insert name" from Neofetch Themes



My Vim-inspired Rectangle keybindings (restore them using ./macos/vimtangle.json):

  • control + command (⌃⌘) is the modifier
  • mod + h/l: Left/right half
  • mod + j/k: First thirds/last two thirds
  • mod + n/m: Almost maximize/maximize
  • mod + -/=: Smaller/larger

If you use a third-party menubar-replacement (e.g., Sketchybar), execute the following command to make Rectangle aware of the bar

defaults write com.knollsoft.Rectangle screenEdgeGapTop -int 30 # or thickness of the bar in pixel. 0 to reset

I also recommends you to

  • Make shortcuts for switching desktops using a built-in macOS key modifier (if you are to use Skhd for this, it requires disabling SIP)
    • Create 5 Mission Control desktops
    • "Keyboard" -> "Keyboard Shortcuts" -> "Mission Control" -> "Mission Control" -> Turn on "Switch to Desktop n" (where "n" is the number 1 - 5)
    • Set the shortcut to ^n (Ctrl n) or ⌥n (Opt n)
    • While you are at it, go to "Modifier Keys" and switch "Caps Lock key" and "Control key". Your pinky will thank you


Bolded items are in Brewfile_core, and other items are in Brewfile_optional, either because I don't want them to be installed on every machine or are too large.


  • ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i out.yyy
  • figlet: ASCII art generator
  • fish: De facto default shell
  • fzf: Command line fuzzy finder
  • htop: System monitor
  • hugo: Static website generator
  • imagemagick: Command line image manipulation
  • lf: My favorite CLI file manager
  • lua
  • neofetch: Happy ricing!
  • neovim: Where I live
  • node
  • rclone: Cloud storage management
  • rust
  • tmux: Universal terminal multiplexer
  • tree: Tree-like directory view
  • wget: Be careful with what you download
Type Casks
Development - Docker
- IntelliJ CE
- kitty
- MacTex (No GUI)
- MacVim
- Wezterm
Fun - Discord
- Minecraft
- Spotify
Productivity - Emacs
- Itsycal
- Notion
System (macOS) - AppCleaner
- Maccy
- Rectangle
- Stats
- Spaceman
Tools - Bitwarden
- Cryptomator
- Skim
Web - Firefox
- Thunderbird


Remove Dock unhide animation, add a Dock spacer, show hidden files in Finder, change screenshot format and location (I like having every temporary file in ~/Downloads/), etc.



These dotfiles are unused because either I stopped using the utility or developed a new configuration.

Read the list of deprecated configurations for more information.


  • The macOS wallpaper is by arsenicxs
  • hb's dotfiles and FelixKratz's dotfiles (the creator of Sketchybar) inspired my Sketchybar looks
  • Other than that, all of the config/code is mine.
    • I dislike having code I don't understand, especially in my day-to-day development environment. I try to understand and rewrite configurations on my own
    • I give credit to all the amazing developers and the open-source community who developed all these tools I rely on every day and wrote documentation for them
    • I also would like to thank people in communities like Dotfyle and r/unixporn who share their dotfiles that helped and inspired me
    • If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, do not hesitate to let me know through issues or PR!


Are they really dotfiles if they don't have dots in front of them







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