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Nathan Zorn edited this page Jan 18, 2011 · 1 revision

This document describes the use of speeqe without the heave requirements (django, postgresql, python, etc). Speeqe will work with only html and javascript. With this setup you are limited in features. You will only have anonymous user support, changing users will not work, room search will not work, the problem reporting, and other features will not be available. This setup is really intended to be the quickest method of getting speeqe embeded into your websited.

You will need a webserver to host these files. Once you download speeqe you will need to copy everything in the speeqewebclient director to a web accessible location. Lets say you have it at your webserver's root the url will be http://localhost/speeqewebclient/. The stand alone client will be at /speeqewebclinet/test_client.html.

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